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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


child age 07 years having problem of adenoids/sinusites. mouth breathing is also present.
last year he agraphis30 and remain alright. but it started again. allopath is advising for removal of adenoids/tonsils. help please
  salam473 on 2006-08-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
At almost all costs avoid operation. A swollen gland is merely working hard to help the body.

If Agraphis 30 helped before repeat and give it time to work.

Lyc , NUx vom, and Carbo Veg are all indicated.
walkin last decade
My 7 yr old son is going through this right now as well.
He is mouth breathing, sniffing non stop yet is not congested and nothing comes out when he blows. He coughs in the morning as well. I am at my wits end with this.
Jay 15 last decade

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