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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

asthma and bronchitis

I am a 66 year old woman. My main health problem is asthma and chronic bronchitis. Right now I am in the midst of an acute attack of bronchitis and am on my second round of antibiotics for it. I have used homeopathic remedies in the past with good results but have been unable to find anything that is suitable for my problem. Has anyone had success with a homeopathic remedy or remedies for this ailment.
  stella1 on 2006-08-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
try the following prescription

1. Morgan Bach 10M weekly one dose i.e. every sunday morning

2. Hepar sulph 30 15 gms in globs no. 30
4 pills three times ina day for month (please do not take on sunday)
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Dr. Sharma: Thank you; I will try this remedy as soon as I can get it and will let you know of the results.
stella1 last decade
Deoshik, You suggested I take Morgan Bach, 10M and Hepar sulph 30 15 gms in globs no. 30. I'm unable to find the Morgan Bach 10M. I'm also having reservation about taking a remedy in this high potency. I had a very bad reaction years ago when Sepia was administered to me directly in mouth by a homeopath. I suspect it was a very high potency. It was years before I was normal again, so I am hesitant about this. Also I do not understand Hepar sulph 30 15gms in globs no. 30. I cannot find Hepar Sulph listed as such. Please clarify and reassure.

Dr. Joe, would you weigh in on a rememdy for my condition or is this a breach of etiquette?
stella1 last decade
My attention was drawn to your post where you requested me to comment by a member.

I would like to correct the impression that you may have that those who advise on this forum are qualified 'Doctors' which I am not. I do have some experience of about 20 years in using homeopathy to help anyone who seeks my assistance which I gladly give free of charge unlike some doctors on this forum who use it to tout for patients whom they treat privately for a fee off the forum.

I do not think that it is a breach of etiquette to request a second opinion and if you would like to visit another thread which deals on the manner that I have treated a 13 year old boy to get over his Asthma in just 13 days you can visit


There are many other cures of Asthma that I have been able to help in and you can type Asthma into the Search Forums window to visit them.

I believe that your chronic Bronchitis is due to your Asthma and there is every chance that it will clear up in a few days if you too decide on the Nat Sulph therapy that I have used in all cases of Asthma that I have recorded on this forum.
Joe De Livera last decade

I hope that you have read previous posts where shiny's six year old son and datin's thirteen year old son got immediate results after taking just one teaspoon of Nat Sulph 6c as suggested by Joe De Livera. This was after extensive consulting with private homeopaths which gave them no results whatsover.

There was another case I found in which a gentleman was completely cured of his asthma.

On the white blank to your left type in asthma and the following two threads will come up:


Pat2006 last decade
Dr. Joe: I have read the previous posts regarding ashtma remedy. Thank you for your recommendations. Nat Sulph 6X sounds good to me and I will be delighted to try it. I will order this remedy ASAP and will report my progress back to you. I have on hand Arsenicum Album 200X for any attacks which may occur. I'm very happy to hear that my chronic Bronchitis may be due to my asthma and so may disappear if the Nat Sulph cures my asthma.

Many thanks for your kindness.
stella1 last decade
To Stella

Please note that the potencies of any remedy that is prescribed cannot be deviated from for any particular ailment that is under discussion.

I note that you refer to Nat Sulph 6x and Ars Alb 200x. These are both not correct.

What you need for your problem which I feel is Asthma is:

Nat Phos 6c to be used in the wet dose taken in 1 teaspoonful daily and

Ars Alb 200c in the dry dose to be used only if you are having an attack and cannot breathe when you will normally want in inhaler.

I hope that these instructions on the therapy for Asthma are clear to you.

Please confirm
Joe De Livera last decade
Sorry, I do have Ars Alb 200C, but think I may have ordered Nat Sulph 6X, I will check on that and change to Nat Phos 6C.

I understand that Nat Phos 6c is to be used in the wet dose, 1 teaspoonful daily.
Ars Alb 200c is to be used in the dry dose and only if I'm having an attack and cannot breathe; when I would normally use my inhaler.

Do I have the instructions right now?

Many thanks.
stella1 last decade
To Stella

My apologies for having indicated that you should use Nat PHOS 6c for Asthma instead of the Nat Sulph 6x that you had ordered.

This is an error on my part and should read as Nat SULPH 6c.

Please reconfirm that you will order the correct remedy Nat Sulph 6c.
Joe De Livera last decade
I will contact the company and make sure they understand to send my original order. Thanks for your help.
stella1 last decade
I have confirmation that I have ordered Nat Sulph 6c and it should arrive in a few days. My understanding of the wet dose from previous postings is that I am to Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water. Pour out 100ml
Drop 3 pellets of Nat Sulph 6c into the 400ml water
Cap the bottle tightly and succuss it 4-6 times by shaking the bottle in your hand to aerate the water.
Pour out 1 teaspoonful of the potentized remedy into half a cup of water from another bottle of the same water and stir it gently.
Sip 1 teaspoonful of the water from the cup just once daily.
My question is, do I discard the remaining water from the half cup after I have taken the one teaspoon dose?
stella1 last decade
You will have to take 1 teaspoonful of the NS 6c daily in the wet dose (not the split dose). This is taken straight out of the bottle.

When your Asthma is stabilized usually in about 3 months we will then change over to the split dose.

I note that you have not ordered the Ars Alb 300c and you can consider that this is also necessary to be used on a SOS basis.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you. I now understand that I am to take the 1 teaspoonful of NS 6c daily in the wet dose, straight from the bottle, until my Asthma is stabilized. Also, I thought I was to use Ars Alb 200c on an SOS basis and have ordered that. However, if the potency should be 300c, I will need to order that, please confirm.

Thanks so much for your help.
stella1 last decade
My apologies for the typographic error.

300c should read as 200c. I do not think that any remedy is available at 300c.

I note that I seem to be making many errors in my advice to you as I see that I have indicated Nat Phos when I meant Nat Sulph earlier.

I believe that this is due to my replying to posts just before I go to sleep at midnight and I do not check the post after it is posted on the ABC which I must do in future.
Joe De Livera last decade
Good, I have the correct remedies on order and I understand how to use them, so I'm just waiting now for them to arrive. Thanks so much for your help.

No apologies necessary, I'm sure I would make many, many errors if I were giving advice at midnight.

Again, many thanks for your help and I will keep you advised regarding my progress once my treatment is under way. I'm really excited to think that I may finally get some relief from my asthma/bronchitis problem.
stella1 last decade
Dear Joe,

I am new to this forum finding it on Google and have no idea if you will read this post so I emailed you as well. I am 33 years old living in New York and a few months ago I went to San Antonio, Texas. When coming back off the plane, I got really sick and for the first time in my life, I could not take a full breath!

I was told it was bronchitis with a bacterial infection in my body by one doctor and given Clarithromycin. Then I was rushed to a hospital and given a chest x-ray to make sure if wasn't pnemonia then got positive for a blood clot having them run some fluids through my veins on some big machine that scanned my whole body and told it was a false positive and there is no blood clot. Then I was told it was asthma and given Albuterol and Advair and last night I had to go to the hospital and was told I could have died and they gave me Magnesium with Albuterol, Altrovent and Medrol in an IV with a prescription for more Medrol.

Sounds like I'm the typical over the counter drug user but on the contrary, I am disgusted that I am taking these things and only out of desperation and getting my sanity back did I succumb to this. I have no history of severe asthma and only wheezed very slighty if I would go running in the winter which I stopped doing and never wheezed again until getting this nightmare of chronic illness. For the past 6 months, I could breathe for 2-3 weeks and then relapse and would take inhalers every 2 hours and one person told me I needed Augmentin to kill everything in my body which I haven't taken. I also have a severe cough that makes me feel like passing out when coughing to hard and mucus in my throat that is stuck there and blocking my air passage.

I am desperate and also very intrigued by your postings. I am going to try the Nat Sulph 6C directly from the bottle for the wet dose and take 1 teaspoon a day and also the Ars Alb 200 on hand when I can't breathe. My only question I have from you is I noticed you mentioned a split dose after 3-4 months and want to know when I get to that stage of pouring out 100 ml from a 500ml Spring Water bottle, then after succuss 406 times, pour the 400ml water into a half cup of water from another bottle of the same water. That's where I'm confused and I apologize as I am new to homeopathy and have taken tons of different homeopathic remedies before taking the drugs, unfortunately none of the homeopathy rememdies worked and I was told I didn't get the right one yet.

Just need clarification on pouring the half cup of water, is it being poured directly from the 400ml bottle? After taking 1 teaspoonful, do I keep the half cup water in the fridge as well as the 400ml of water? Also, saw some posts about warming up the teaspoon on a stove before taking it. Do I do that as well? Any advice is greatly appreciated. I admire your helping people selflessly and will spread the word! We need more people like you instead of being put through cold doctors with their own agendas and little regard of the patient which is very prevalent in NY!

Thank you in advance!


Maja Leibovitz
mleibovitz last decade

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