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Arnica Montana:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

How Do I Make Wet Dose of Arnica 30C

I live in the U.S. and not sure in the measures just how to do this..sorry for my ignorance but I am new to this forum.
  joyce martino on 2006-08-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The water dose is made by putting in 3 globules or just 1-2 drops of the liquid remedy into a 500ml bottle of spring water and this is succussed (banged hard) to produce bubbles which seems to raise the potency of the remedy every so slightly upwards thereby making it more effective in its impact on the body.
Shaik Maqbool last decade
To Shaik M

Thank you for your assistance which is appreciated.

I might add that I just could not believe this wet dose method which I started after Dr Luc de Schepper introduce me to it when he was here in Sri Lanka last year to help the survivors of the Tsunami. He emphasized that this was not his discovery as it was recorded in Hahnemann's Sixth edition.

I observed that the wet dose which is when it is taken direct from the bottle and the split dose which is made by taking a teaspoonful of the remedy and stirring it into a half cup of water which is done in the case of certain remedies like Nat Sulph 6c which I prescribe for Asthma, and is used to maintain the level in the patient and is often used on alternate days.

The miracle is that this wet and split doses do really work !
Joe De Livera last decade

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