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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

still chronic bloating

hello to all. i posted in july under chronic bloating. the remedy i followed was lycopodium 30x am and nux vomica 30x pm. i was told to take for 2 weeks. the bloating went away after 3 days but i continued for 2 weeks. the bloating came back. i took lyco and nux again for two days and i notice bloating stops in the am after lyco but the nux aggravates it and i really swell. i have all the lycopodium characteristics. i am discontinuing nux but should i take lyco after each meal? any suggestions? thanks.
  annilady on 2006-08-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I would suggest you take a single dose of Lycopodium 1M and only repeat when the bloating comes back.
walkin last decade
what is a dose of 1M? the bloating comes back now after every meal i eat. thank you.
annilady last decade
annilady last decade
Nat Phos 6x may surprise you with the almost instant relief that it will give you after a meal. It will treat the reason for the bloating and discomfort and it usually cures the root condition that causes bloating by neutralizing the Lactic acid that is recognized to be the real reason for your problem which prevents the food from passing down.

You can take a maximum of 4 tablets after a meal at the beginning of your therapy and this can be reduced to just 2 in a few days.

Please report your response on the day after you use this therapy.
Joe De Livera last decade
i am unable to locate nat phos here in my town
annilady last decade
You may like to know that some patients have ordered Nat Phos 6x on line from the Hyland's store where it is available at $9.50 for 500 tablets.

You may also try the ABC store but they have only the 8x potency which can also be used.
Joe De Livera last decade
thank you mr delivera. could anyone tell me what the 1M dosage is? i am only familiar with the x dosage.
annilady last decade
x potencies are 1:9
c potencies are 1:99
m potencies are 1:999
Joe De Livera last decade
so how many x equals an m? 999?
annilady last decade
I do not understand the relevance of your question. Please let me know the reason for your inquiry to enable me to give you a more positive reply.

Homeopathic remedies are made in a manner that cannot be logically explained as the x potencies which contain more of the substance are less powerful than the c and m potencies which have far less of the substance but are more powerful in their impact on the body which is due to the succussion of the liquid in the process of manufacture.
Joe De Livera last decade
since i can only find the x potency, if i were to take 1m of something, how many x's would i need to take to equal 1m?
annilady last decade
To Annilady

I really cannot understand what you are trying to do in attempting to make a 6x potency which is triturated or potentized in a mix of the remedy which was done in a pestle and mortar in the old days in lactose with a 1M potency.

You must understand that you cannot make a 6x remedy from the 1M that I presume you already have.

You are warned that you cannot use it.

You may however get Nat Phos 3x as it may be used in replacement for the 6x if you cannot get it.
Joe De Livera last decade
i'm not trying to MAKE a remedy. if i cannot find 1M of a product, and all i can find is 10x, then how many 10x pellets would i need to take to equal 1m?
annilady last decade
mr de
your reply was to take max of 4 natphos tab after meal. is this for two days? then how long do i take just 2 tabs? i was under the impression that one should not take remedies on a daily basis for a long time. am i incorrect?
thank you
annilady last decade
I have been very patient with you and have tried to help you but I note that you are only interested in continuing your questions instead of following my instructions.

You must understand that I cannot waste my time answering your inane questions any more and regretfully withdraw from your case.
Joe De Livera last decade
there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking questions if one does not understand the instructions. the inquiries regarding 1M were for the response referring to the lycopodium. the instructions regarding the nat phos were not specific and did not discuss a time frame. everything i have read or been told specifically states that homeopathic remedies are not o be taken long term. i assumed this was a professional forum.
annilady last decade
took nat phos 2 days in a row. no response.
annilady last decade

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