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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Eczema Help.

I am 22 years old, I've had eczema since I was a baby, I tried homeopathy treatment when I was small and was treated around the age of 10. At 16 years of age, eczema started appearing again, I went back to the same homeopath, and it started to get worser, and spread to areas where there was no eczema.

At the moment, I have eczema on my face, the skin is thickened, and has turned a few shades darker in colour. Apart from the face, I have it on my elbow area, I also scratch alot on my scalp at times, and recently, it seems that I've developed it on my feet.

I am not taking any homeopathy treatment at the moment, but when I was, the homeopath told me that it will initially get worse before getting better, but I saw no improvements, and seems that he made it even worser than before.

What medicines can I take to bring back my natural skin colour on my face, everywhere on my face to half way down the neck has turned a darker shade.

Any helpful advice, tips and any recommedations, shal be greatly appreciated.

  a406a4 on 2006-09-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Arnica 6c in the wet dose is your remedy. This is made by inserting 3 pellets or 2 drops if you have the remedy in ethanol into a 500ml bottle of spring water which you will shake hard (succuss) every time before you sip a teaspoonful which is a dose twice daily.

Wet a piece of cotton wool from the bottle and apply the water on the lesions directly as often as possible.
Joe De Livera last decade
The arnica really helps me, you should try it, but it's important to be very careful to stay away from things that you are allergic to. have you had a recent allergy test? if not, it's worth your while.

People with eczema should not consume any milk products, eggs or choclate, or caffeine, or tomatoes or citric acid foods, such as oranges or lemons.

I know my eczema is much worse when I eat the wrong foods. Try a diet of just lean meat, rice and green vegetables, with no sugar or salt, and LOTS of fresh bottled chlorine free water, and a multi vitamin with iron.

Also, stop using any soaps or detergents, and only wear pure cotton clothing and use cotton bedding. Stay away from wool, feathers, and nylon garments and bedding as well. wash clothing in plain water, with NO detergents. And get some sunshine!!!! this really helps!

Ice works to stop the itch, I just thought of an idea. Arnica tincture frozen in to a cube, to rub over sore patches!

good luck and let us know how it goes.

bettybeautiful last decade
I agree with all your advice but not:

'Ice works to stop the itch, I just thought of an idea. Arnica tincture frozen in to a cube, to rub over sore patches! '

Please note that you cannot play around with the Mother Tincture or Q of any remedy as you are using the essence of the remedy which at 6c is potentized ONE MILLION MILLION TIMES.

You can certainly freeze the 6c from the bottle which is now the remedy and apply it directly on the lesions but NOT the Arnica Q.

My experience with using Arnica 6c for Eczema is that on the third day into the therapy the Eczema has vanished, as if by magic.

You can then resume your normal diet.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks for all your advice, which one of these should I get: Arnica Montana or Arnica Montana Radi?, and what will work better, pellets or liquid?, or it makes no difference?.

Should I keep the bottle in a fridge after it's mixed?
a406a4 last decade
You want the Arnica Montana 6c. You may be more comfortable with the pellets as they are already activated.

You do not need to refrigerate the bottle unless you live in a hot climate but the downside in doing so is that it is often mistaken by others for cool drinking water and is used by them.

The remedy bottle will usually last 6 months and all you should not do is to keep it exposed to sunlight as it may grow a patch of algae in about a month which will however not detract from the efficacy of the remedy.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks alot, so just to clarify once more, it's the pillules I'm after, do they automatically dissolve in the water?, or do I have to open them and pour them in?.

Really appreciated.
a406a4 last decade
Btw Joe, I was reading some of your other posts where you advised eczema patients on taking Arnica 30c, I presume this is more stronger than 6c?, if that's the case, would it be more beneficial for me to take 30c?, or 6c should be enough?.
a406a4 last decade
I do not recollect prescribing 30c for Eczema and if I did so this was an error on my part. I use 6c exclusively as the lower potency is more effective for Eczema.

Please note that every time you post I get an email alert and have to spend my time in replying your endless posts. If you are only interested in this exchange of posts without following my instructions I may be compelled to withdraw from your case.
Joe De Livera last decade
Joe's Arnica 6C works well. I tried on a couple of my patients, results were amazing.

If this didn't help you, may check out Kuldeep's thread:

sthillaiyah last decade
Glad to note that the Arnica 6c therapy has helped a few patients. The dosage in the wet dose is twice daily.

I do not know if you are aware that I have further refined this therapy by dampening a piece of cotton wool in the remedy water from the bottle and applying it directly to the lesions. This is repeated 4-6 times daily directly on the affected area and it accelerates the cure.

I have used it on a few cases with outstanding success which can be equated to magic !
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you Joe,

I didn't go that far, wans't needed. I have noted that procedure and will apply when required.

sthillaiyah last decade
I have started using the remedy from today, can I use any natural moisturizer such as coconut oil, along with the remedy?.
a406a4 last decade
I would not like you to mess about with your eczema as we will then now know which remedy worked -- the coconut oil, which is very unlikely, or the Arnica therapy which I know has helped many, even chronic patients who had virtually given up and were resigned to life with bandages on their lesions to collect the exudate.

You are advised however to use the same water from the bottle on a piece of cotton directly on the affected skin. Make sure that you pour some water into a separate container to avoid introducing contaminants from the cotton back into the bottle.
Joe De Livera last decade
I have been using the Arnica 6c for about a month now. I have noticed a slight improvement, but the pigmentation still remains on the face and around the elbow area.

Anything else I can take to clear the pigmentation?.

a406a4 last decade
As I see it your Eczema from which you were suffering from your babyhood is better but you are now worried about the darker and thicker skin that you still have as a result of the Eczema.

This may take some time to overcome as the thick and dark skin is the result of your body's own defensive mechanism which may even not disappear completely as it has so much scar tissue under it which the body on irs own cannot slough off.

I would suggest that you be thankful for smaller mercies and take the Arnica 6c as prescribed by me for a very long time in the future to enable your ekin to heal.

You may use Silicea 6c in the wet dose on a experimental basis to see if it can help your skin but there is a possiblity of the Silciae irritating the Eczema and if this occurs you will stop it immediately.
Joe De Livera last decade

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