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Kidney Stone



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

kidney stone

I have a friend who has a kidney stone. Symptoms for a week or so, still nothing passed. I have Berberis Vulg (drops)on order to give to him. Hope it arrives today in the mail. What would you suggest for dosage? 150-200 drops with each meal for 3 days? Open to suggestions. Also, would you suggest cantharis if this remedy doesnt work after a few days?
  Newcreation on 2006-09-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Kidney stone on left side or right side.Berb is for left side stones and if the stone is of small size that is capable of passing easily then it will help otherwise no.The dose is 5-10 drops thrice daily.Cantharis is used to ease the pain.Its potency is 6c or 30c.Never use tincture.

sajjadakram635 last decade
If stones are oxalate stones(oxalic acid by nature they are hard)wont benefit from berberis but could be dissolved and excreted by the combination of tissue salts silicea 6x+calc. fluor. 6x continued for days till the stones pass.

Berberis too need to be continued for long period to see full effect.
maheeru last decade

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