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fluid in inner ear

son has achonroplasia - form of dwarfism - that results in build up of fluid in inner ear. he has had about 5 sets of tubes. he is now 18. we are away from home until dec. 14th. he can hardly hear. we have just completed antibiotics with no result. I am looking for alternative ways to clear the fluid without having to resort to more tubes.
  pdrake on 2006-10-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
try psorinum 200 daily one dose for a month and report me
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Taking any medicine continuously for a month is inviting trouble.

This is applicable even for minor medicines. In case of Nosodes like Psorinum,more caution is required.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
no there is no any problem.
take 2 drops in 30 ml distilled watere and take 10 drops daily early in the moning empty stomach.

Dear Mr. Murthy,
When already I am dealin with a patient please do not disturb me please give suggestion to other patient which replies is 0

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
dear murthy,
have you cured the case of fluid in inner ear permanently. I hav cured no. of cases so that please do not disturb me.
thanking you
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Now you changed your method of administration. Earlier you didn't tell this.

Even now it is not clear.Are you talking of a split dose, or mixing afresh 2 drops everday in 30ml. of water.

Even with all this confusion, your assertion that you cured many such cases is no guarantee that this case gets cured by psorinum repeated for a month.

Backup your prescriptions, if you can, or let somebody better grounded in the fundamentals of homeopathy take up the cases in a proper way.

I again repeat, this is not your private forum. You are answerable to anybody who questions.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
for that please do not advise me select other doctor.
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Can anybody make sense of the above post. : (

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Taking any medicine continuously for a month is inviting trouble.

Not necessary a fact, probably Murthy read it in a bood, all printed words may not be true.
kuldeep last decade
correction: book
kuldeep last decade
You are mistaken Kuldeep.

It is my own experience.And that happened with Belladona.!!

I used to have a rash between my thighs which is red,shiny,hot to touch and slightly elevated,with a clear margin.

Those were my beginning days with homeopathy.Somewhere I read that Shiny, red and hot to touch is Belladona.

I tried for 4 days continuously, with Belladona 200, morning and evening, and I found on the fifth day that, that area has become very raw, and looking very angry.

I looked for an antidote.I had Pulsatilla with me then,took a dose of it, and can get relief literally in minutes.

I also learnt homeopathy the hard way. I am an engineer by qualification, and a manager by profession.

I know what I am talking about. It is not just quoting from books.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Yes this happenes with me and with my patients and also does not happen always. Statictics are inconclusive.

Not as a rule but as an exception... To some people a certain medicine can kill. To certain people peanuts can kill or just wheat or ...

An example is not a fact.

I consider Dr Deoshlok as a teacher, I not always agree with me, why should I agree with him all the time, I have my own head, my own thinking center and he has his own.

He comes here and helps people who otherwise probably were unanswered if he was not here.

People would decided only if you start treating them and only then a comparaision could be made.
kuldeep last decade
Hi Kuldeep

Whether people want to belive me or not, leave it to them.

I told you and others too that I won't prescribe on scanty information.

If I find a case with enough information, I will definitely look into.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Yes, I am putting my own views here so people can decide and can have unbiased opinion.

Last year nesha made severe attaks on Joe and I told Joe not to worry because she was making him a Christ a Massiah.

Whatever you are doing ... opposite would happen... Aggravations... Repeating high potency dose..... Organon...


It is already happening. You will see.
kuldeep last decade

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