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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Severe headache

I would very much appreciate your help! For the past two years I have been suffering from strong headache in the right half of my head and pains in the neck. This headache is constant, but much worse at night, the pains are shooting and I feel so tired at daytime, because I can't sleep normally at night. I am very much distressed about that, and sometimes when I'm lying in bed before I go to sleep,I think that it might be good never to wake up again and start the same agony like I do every day!

  Lorian on 2006-10-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Loni.

ANY headache which has been constant for such a long period of time should be thoroughly looked into by an allopathic physician, to make sure there is nothing drastically wrong.

Once such testing/scans have ruled out this possibility (which hopefully they will), then we may be able to suggest a suitable remedy.

Hahnemania last decade
Logging in to observe progress.
Joe De Livera last decade
How wonderful! especially on a case which isn't being treated...odd.
Hahnemania last decade
I have undergone all the exams by allopathic physicians and they didn't seem to find something wrong, except for defect position of the first cervical vertebra.
Lorian last decade
Hi Lorian, and okay good.
Hmm, the headaches though could still be caused by this displaced vetrabrae of the neck. Prior to the time when they began, did yu have any falls r injuries at all?

Hahnemania last decade
Oh, and on which side of the neck is the vertebrae displaced?
Hahnemania last decade
...and please forgive my typos! My keyboard seems to be having issues today.
Hahnemania last decade
On the right side of the neck.I don't remember any significant injuries as well.The doctors think that these defect position of the vertebra may be inborn.
Lorian last decade
Ahh, I see. Then as the headaches are the same side as the defect, this could be the cause. My suggestion would be to first of all see a chiropractor, to see if they can help realign things. If they cannot, then we can suggest remedies which may be able to palliate the condition.

Best wishes.

Hahnemania last decade
To Jacob

Dear Jacob,
I followed your advice and visited a chiropractor, however I didn't have much effect. I still suffer from my headache, the pains make me stay awake at night and I feel tired in daytime!Can you suggest some remedy to relieve my headache a little?
Thank you very much in advance.

Lorian last decade
You might consider the possibility that the headaches you are experiencing may be related to something which you are eatting particularly MSG. My daughter gets severe headaches and much neck and shoulder tension if she ingests MSG. The symptoms seem to always repeat themselves and that is how we determined that it was MSG.

Honey Girl
Honey Girl last decade

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