The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Why 'Joepathy' works in many cases Page 4 of 8
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I told you Murthy, hours, not weeks.
and um, I'm glad you um...took it upon expose all this pseudo Homoeopathy...
and um, I'm glad you um...took it upon expose all this pseudo Homoeopathy...
Hahnemania last decade
Dear Hahnemania, I am not a critic or a guardian of any fixed pathy.
I consider pseudohomeopathy also a good-pathy which benefits mankind.
I do not consider any path holier then thou's path.
This world needs all kind of people all kinds of paths, all kinds of pathies.
I consider pseudohomeopathy also a good-pathy which benefits mankind.
I do not consider any path holier then thou's path.
This world needs all kind of people all kinds of paths, all kinds of pathies.
kuldeep last decade
And this is your choice to make. I however, will only settle for absolute truth, and always will.
Hahnemania last decade
And this of course is your choice to make. I however will only settle for absolute truth, and always will.
Hahnemania last decade
Hmm, my first reply did post, despite not showing, apologies to moderator, delete as you see fit.
Hahnemania last decade
I do not believe in such things, but each to his/her own I guess. I searched and I found, It's that simple.
Hahnemania last decade
In the raging debate of classical homeopathy v. 'mixopathy' or 'anything goes-pathy', lets consider this.
Homeopaths who follow the elementary rules at least have a basis for this: they have the theory and the rationale behind why homeopathy works.
If we are to accept or even stop opposing 'mixopathy' and its sibling 'thisforthatpathy', lets have the promoters and the supporters propound their theory. Every school of medicine has its foundations in certain beliefs. Medical advice, after all, impacts people's quality of life in the long run, especially if repeated mis-prescriptions are made. I would let go - for now - the acute prescribing that is done on few facts and no knowledge of the patient. Hopefully, an acute condition will limit itself before too much harm is done. It is the chronic prescribing or long-term advice (like the ridiculous arnica-every-night -- I wonder, if someone starts with arnica 30, succussed and plussed for 8 years, what potency is it now?) that is so worrisome. Even more worrisome is that there are those who refuse to realize or acknowledge this fact.
So please do tell us - what is the basis for mixopathy or joepathy? What theory rules? Can I take a guess? The same theory behind allopathy?
I am thankful that there are finally a few voices here initiating a debate - thank you, Jacob, Murthy, Rajiv Prasad. It is an old trick to insult, deride and make personal attacks when the ones questioned do not have real answers. far easier to scoff at the people and call their very valid inquiries garbage and rubbish rather than stop to think that the motives of the questioners are not to deride the prescribers (not to begin with - but if someone keeps attacking, a person will either retire in disgust or fight back. The first option gives the attacker the illusion of victory; the second invites insinuation that the defence is somehow unwarranted!) but solely from concern for the system we know can do so much if only it's not misused.
And finally, I think Pankaj asked somewhere how come if the classical homeopaths were right that Joe is still going strong after years of arnica. How do you know? How do you know the state of Joe's internal health? How do you know that there has not been any alteration that is undiscernable to him - maybe he was less stubborn and had the humility to learn before? How do you know his wife hasn't poured out his arnica and replaced it with water? How do you know that arnica did not stop its action long ago and its is only Joe's mind providing a placebo effect? Or maybe Joe is a unique case?
Homeopaths who follow the elementary rules at least have a basis for this: they have the theory and the rationale behind why homeopathy works.
If we are to accept or even stop opposing 'mixopathy' and its sibling 'thisforthatpathy', lets have the promoters and the supporters propound their theory. Every school of medicine has its foundations in certain beliefs. Medical advice, after all, impacts people's quality of life in the long run, especially if repeated mis-prescriptions are made. I would let go - for now - the acute prescribing that is done on few facts and no knowledge of the patient. Hopefully, an acute condition will limit itself before too much harm is done. It is the chronic prescribing or long-term advice (like the ridiculous arnica-every-night -- I wonder, if someone starts with arnica 30, succussed and plussed for 8 years, what potency is it now?) that is so worrisome. Even more worrisome is that there are those who refuse to realize or acknowledge this fact.
So please do tell us - what is the basis for mixopathy or joepathy? What theory rules? Can I take a guess? The same theory behind allopathy?
I am thankful that there are finally a few voices here initiating a debate - thank you, Jacob, Murthy, Rajiv Prasad. It is an old trick to insult, deride and make personal attacks when the ones questioned do not have real answers. far easier to scoff at the people and call their very valid inquiries garbage and rubbish rather than stop to think that the motives of the questioners are not to deride the prescribers (not to begin with - but if someone keeps attacking, a person will either retire in disgust or fight back. The first option gives the attacker the illusion of victory; the second invites insinuation that the defence is somehow unwarranted!) but solely from concern for the system we know can do so much if only it's not misused.
And finally, I think Pankaj asked somewhere how come if the classical homeopaths were right that Joe is still going strong after years of arnica. How do you know? How do you know the state of Joe's internal health? How do you know that there has not been any alteration that is undiscernable to him - maybe he was less stubborn and had the humility to learn before? How do you know his wife hasn't poured out his arnica and replaced it with water? How do you know that arnica did not stop its action long ago and its is only Joe's mind providing a placebo effect? Or maybe Joe is a unique case?
ripas last decade
Joepathy = A.D.D.
Homeopathically Rules Explained : 'PLACIEBO method '
A medicine given JUST to SIMPLY MAKE-BELIEVE satisfy the patient that he is taking some medicine for his problems / diseases. Mostly, these medicines are do not have any physically curative effect. BUT to only INDUCE & satisfy the patient INTO BELIEVING psychologically that these medicines are working on him. The patient by psychological law of Expectation (anticipation) starts believing in the placebo medicine and experiences some psychological relief, BUT THE INTERNAL DEEP-SEATED CAUSATIVE DISEASE FACTOR REMAINS THE SAME and further dangerously cumulates into a powerful inter-woven complicated case disease.
CONSIDER THIS (by Winston Churchill) :
'A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to put its pants on'
Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Homeopathically Rules Explained : 'PLACIEBO method '
A medicine given JUST to SIMPLY MAKE-BELIEVE satisfy the patient that he is taking some medicine for his problems / diseases. Mostly, these medicines are do not have any physically curative effect. BUT to only INDUCE & satisfy the patient INTO BELIEVING psychologically that these medicines are working on him. The patient by psychological law of Expectation (anticipation) starts believing in the placebo medicine and experiences some psychological relief, BUT THE INTERNAL DEEP-SEATED CAUSATIVE DISEASE FACTOR REMAINS THE SAME and further dangerously cumulates into a powerful inter-woven complicated case disease.
CONSIDER THIS (by Winston Churchill) :
'A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to put its pants on'
Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
To Ripas,
If you are really interested in investigating my attitude to Homeopathy I would request you to visit my post entitled 'In defense of my attitude towards Homeopathy' which strangely enough was addressed to you and which you can find if you do a search under this same title on the ABC. I shall copy it below but after I have replied some salient facts that you have questioned which I feel I must reply to first.
The post that is dated July 21 2006 addressed to you gives you almost all the answers that you have posed in your post above but I shall pick out a few matters from it to give you short answers to them for purposes of clarification as requested by you.
I have always refused to accept the classical theory that remedies must never be given on a daily basis. I do agree that ALL remedies cannot be given in this manner but I have no hesitation in using Arnica 30c in the wet dose (or the dry dose in pellets) on a daily basis. I have used this remedy myself for the last 11 years and I can assure you that if I stop the daily dosage for about 3 weeks I will find that my years hang on me and my BP also shoots up by about 10mm on both Systolic and Diastolic levels. My pulse also goes up to around 90 at rest. FYI my BP today is 117/76 with pulse 63 checked a short while ago. If as you fear I was to suffer under the standard warnings given by only classical homeopaths about the repetitive use of Homeopathic remedies like Arnica, I would not be writing this reply to you right now.
I note your concern about my using just plain water instead of the remedy nightly but right now I am using 3 No 30 pellets of the remedy that I have made in common with all remedies as I get the liquid remedy in ethanol and activate the lactose pellets myself. There is absolutely no possibility whatever of anyone interfering with my Arnica which is today the only remedy that I take daily.
I do admit that it may seem strange that I have a penchant for Arnica and for Nat Phos and the reason why I use these remedies so often is because I have discovered that the majority of cases that I handle on the forums have benefitted by them. You can read the research that I have done on Arnica by doing a search for 'Arnica the miracle remedy' and you may be surprised that I have listed many more ailments that this amazing remedy can be used for which are not listed in the MM's. As for Nat Phos I have used it extensively for GERD related ailments and it has worked in the majority of cases if they were caused by hyperacidity with some being relieved in a few minutes after taking this remedy.
I believe that the reason that the majority of classical homeopaths use this long drawn out case taking procedure is because they wish to ensure that the patient is suitably impressed by their exclusive prowess which eventually results in a single remedy which usually does not give the patient, say in a GERD case, the relief that he wants ASAP. This also ensures that the patient has to return to the homeopath on a weekly basis to be given the next remedy and all visits are not free. I have had many patients who have been fooled by their homeopaths for some months who posted their ailment on this forum and in the case of GERD type ailments I invariably have prescribed Nat Phos 6x and the patient reports almost instant relief and usually is cured in a few months of this daily routine.
The point that I wish to make is that while classical homeopathy may have its uses in the hands of experts in the science like Dr Luc de Schepper whose name is mentioned on the opening page of this forum today and whom I know personally as he was here with me shortly after the Tsunami in Sri Lanka, and others of his caliber, the average homeopaths especially those who practice in the Indian Subcontinent who have over 25 patients on a daily basis, cannot possibly pretend to use the classical system as the time they will have to expend on each patient will make it impossible for them to see the over 100 patients they treat on a daily basis. I can vouch for the fact that this is the standard form adopted in Sri Lanka by the homeopaths whom I have discussed this matter with and I am also assured by my friends in India and Pakistan that this is indeed the norm except of course in the case of the few classical homeopaths who are exclusive and of course expensive to consult. I do not blame these classical types for using their skills in the manner that they were commanded to do by their superiors also of the classical school but I reserve the right not to follow their example simply because my 'thisforthatpathy' now also known as 'Joepathy', seems to have stuck as it has been picked up by the Search Engines, which is a fact that I was not aware of till a few days ago.
I have proved that there is no danger of the remedies that I use generally do not constitute any hazard when prescribed in the manner that I use them. They have invariably served to help the patients who have used them and you can refer to the comments of patients who have benefitted from my treatment. It is interesting to record that some patients were at first suspicious of my non classical ideology and preferred to use the remedies prescribed by classical homeopaths with no positive response. This was the case of an asthmatic boy whose mother did not use the Nat Sulph therapy that I use extensively for Asthma and when she discovered that the remedies that a classical homeopath did not help him she gingerly gave him just 1 teaspoonful of Nat Sulph 6c and within a few hours he was asleep without the usual congestion in his lungs which had been treated for many years with steroids and later with classical remedies and finally with the Nat Sulph. He is, I believe, still on a split dose of this remedy as the mother has not posted any news for some months.
As you may know, I am not a professional homeopath and only use my skills free of charge to help anyone who consults me in Colombo and on the forums. I have sufficient confidence in my own Joepathy to be able to help anyone and if I am not certain of my ability to do so, I always refer them to others who may be able to help. I believe that my attitude to homeopathy has been felt in classical circles as I have recently been the target of many classical homeopaths who have attacked me with unusual ferocity which I presume they have leveled at me because I have rocked their precious homeopathic boat just a little too much. As far as I am concerned I shall continue to use my skill in the manner that I have done so far and you are invited to read the many tributes from grateful patients who have been at least helped and many who have been cured by me.
I believe that it is time for the classical types to also help the patients who post on this forum instead of compelling me to waste my time in responding as I am now doing to their attacks as their attitude is not designed to promote the science that they have spent a lot of time in acquiring but prefer to use to deride my efforts to help others in the manner that I have done for many years, with outstanding results as evidenced on the ABC.
I shall now copy my post of July 22 2006 addressed to you below:
In Defense of my attitude to Homeopathy
From Joe De Livera
on 2006-07-22
0 replies
In defence of my attitude to Homeopathy From Joe De Livera on 2006-07-21
Dear Mr Ripas,
I note that you are responding to a post that I made on July 12 in response to yours of the same date.
From the general trend of your argument I believe that it is my direct treatment of the ailment that you seem to resent, perhaps because you have seen that many patients whom I have responded to on this forum have confirmed that they have been helped and in many instances cured. This routine of cures does not only pertain to Asthma and I must admit that I used the direct allopathic method in prescribing the remedy with the success that you can read about on the respective threads.
I am amazed at the reasons that classical homeopaths like you can offer and I can see that you are only interested in defending the classical attitude to homeopathy which I too resort to with my Radar software if I am not familiar with the ailment or the response from the patient to the remedy that I prescribe has not been satisfactory, which occurs very rarely.
I do not object to classical homeopaths using their classical knowledge in treating any ailment. I do resent however when these classical types go to the level that Dinesh Sharma went to yesterday to attack me in his uncontrolled fit of rage which is only too transparent on the ABC which you can read on:
I shall copy my response below and this will also answer some of your own reservations on the direct method that I use to prescribe any remedy to my patients. It must be borne in mind that in the case of these patients, the resultant effect which leads to a cure has almost always been positive. There have been absolutely no instances of any remedy that I prescribed causing any form of distress or aggravation.
Re: Gastric Problem.
From Joe De Livera
on 2006-07-20
To Dinesh Sharma
I was appalled to note that you had addressed your post to me personally and deliberately repeated it 3 times over which I believe you did in a fit of anger as a result of my commenting on your prescribing what you fondly believed was your 'classical constitutional remedy' to relieve the patient's obvious distress from hyperacidity which sadly did not have the slightest effect in helping him for a whole month but only resulted in a serious aggravation of his condition when he was under your supervision.
I believe that types like you who are so obsessed with your own importance which you have assumed as a result of your obtaining your diploma in Homeopathy should stop to consider that the primary reason for your spending a few years in the study of this precious science is to heal suffering humanity. It is only when people like you are forced to accept that the remedy that your classical training has taught you to prescribe which did not have the slightest effect in helping the suffering patient but instead had aggravated his condition to a degree that he was so obviously suffering from it, that you explode and then proceed to insult me and command me in UPPER CASE to 'MIND YOUR WORDS' or in other words to SHUT UP.
I regret that I cannot oblige you by doing so as I strongly feel that types like you and a few others who play around with the lives of those who visit this forum in the manner that you have done for Bodapathi should be compelled to tender an apology to him for the damage that you have done to him by making his complaint which I believe is GERD infinitely worse during the last month. It is important that those who visit this forum should know the real person you are --- haughty, self opinionated, and obsessed with your own interpretation of what you feel is Homeopathy which has done irreparable damage to at least one member.
I believe that what you need is the humility to accept that you have made a serious error in your prescription of Lycopodium 200 and to bow out gracefully from the thread and thereby permit others who are able to help, to do so in peace without having to waste time in resorting to this form of defense in replying to your tirade as I am now doing right now. In spite of the constraints of time that this form of defense involves I still felt that I should give you some food for thought to teach you how to prescribe at least in the future.
You will have observed that none of us who have been advisors on the ABC for many years and long before you even knew its existence and joined it, have upbraided or criticized you directly when we had reason to do so in previous lapses on your part. I do remember a previous instance when I had to advise you in a case similar to the present and you undertook to behave in a more acceptable manner.
It is the sheer arrogance that you displayed in your tirade that I find objectionable when you state:
'I tried to help him and infcat if you can read earlier post Lycopodium had helped him.But to change constitution requires time but you can not understand all this stuff as your are not a Homeopath'.
As far as I are aware Bodapathy did not show any positive response to your constitutional remedy Lycopodium 200 which sadly backfired on him and you were directly responsible to help him when he pleaded that it was not helping him when you insisted that it must help him perhaps because you had prescribed it and you were of course the last word in Homeopathy ! You then proceed to insult me with your broken Indian English stating that ' you can not understand all this stuff as your are not a Homeopath'.
You must understant that if you persist in maintaining this arrogant attitude you may risk the wrath of other members and the management and may be banned from this forum permanently.
Bodapathi has decided to consult a Gastroenteriologist as the agony that you have caused him is too much for him to suffer. In doing so he will obviously be following his path to disaster as the specialist will no doubt prescribe the standard drugs used in medicine that inhibit the production of acid like Nexium, Prilosec to name only two which will only serve to palliate his ailment and will continue to send him on the path to GERD from which a return is extremely difficult as you can read from the experience of others who have been rescued even on this thread.
You must remember that it does not take that piece of paper which I presume you possess, which you like to flaunt to the other members of this forum with your title of 'Dr' which you have used as a prefix to your name, to enable those who practice Homeopathy to help members who post their ailments. It is more the dedication of the prescriber to this science and the experience that he has accumulated throughout the past years that is important and not the careless attitude that you and many others in your profession cultivate when they discover after a few years in practice that they can safely assume the status of a petty god over their patients. You have only to read the post above from Pat to appreciate the level that some homeopaths descend to, merely to maintain that haughty devil may care attitude at the expense of the poor suffering patient. I am aware of some who deliberately do so in order to ensure that the patient has no alternative but to visit them even weekly to obtain relief from their ailment which could have been cured with perhaps a single remedy in a single consultation.
As you probably know, I have been deeply involved in this science since 1970 and after a period of study it is now my hobby which I practice free of charge both privately in Sri Lanka and on the ABC as I feel a deep sense of satisfaction to help in the alleviation of human suffering in my own way which you may have read in other threads on the ABC. Some of these cures have been commented upon by grateful patients as being miraculous.
I do hope that you will not repeat your hypercritical arrogant attitude as evidenced in your last post which you have repeated 3 times over and that you will not interfere in future with my sincere attempts to help in the alleviation of human suffering.
Joe De Livera
If as I presume you are a qualified classical homeopath who insists only on working within the narrow confines of the classical method that you have been inculcated into accepting during your studies, I would suggest that you spend some time on this forum which as you will see is easily the most prolific of Homeopathic forums in the world and is used by over 50 patients to post their ailment daily seeking a cure. I presume that many hundreds, perhaps many thousands of visitors also frequent it as they obviously can find matters of health discussed in it which may be of interest to themselves.
I would recommend that you use your time more fruitfully by helping to cure human ailments posted by patients on this forum rather than just picking on dedicated Homeopaths like me and force me to use my time to defend my attitude to Homeopathy which has invariably resulted in a cure in comparison to the cures that are achieved by the classical types whose antics are only too transparent on this forum.
Answering the matters that you have discussed in your post, I too agree that a virus cannot affect anyone for 2 weeks. We are however presuming that Fauzia's children were affected for this length of time, which you will read from her response was not the case. She indicated that after she had her children's throat swabs analyzed it was discovered that they were in fact infected by the Beta Haemolyticus Streptococcus for which the required antibiotic was used and she later confirmed that both her children were cured of the infection. Their Asthma was also being controlled by the Nat Sulph.
I would like to comment on your mention of the other remedies some of which I too have used in the cure of Asthma:
You state:
' The removal of suffering, as in asthma, is by itself a big achievemnet, but it is not a cure. I use Aconite 6 or /and Ipecac 6 or Blatta O 6, and a host of remedies from Arsenic and Carbo Veg to Nat Sulph- and others, but among these, Aconite, for instance, willnot be curative. Blatta 6 will have to be given in high potency in between - if it is the matching remedy. However, like your nat Sulph prescription, by and large Aco and Ipecac relieve the symptoms. '
I have used Blattta Orientalis but in 30c potency in the dry dose for the treatment of Asthma in the case of a professor of Physics in our university in the hills in Sri Lanka. He stated that he was OK at sea level in Colombo but that when he went to his university located in Kandy that he often was unable to breathe. Blatta O fixed his problem and it did that permanently about 2 years ago and he can be considered fully cured. I have used Ipecac for a patient who was on Nat S but had a persistent cough which was resolved by the remedy.
I have recommended the use of Ars Alb 200 in the dry dose when the patient is unable to breathe when he would reach for his Inhaler. FYI I have noticed that within about 20 minutes the patient who is gasping for breath, is able to breathe without any discomfort. I have not however used Carbo Veg and Aconite and would not like to do so as I only prescribe remedies that I have used myself, or in this case as I am not an Asthmatic, remedies that I have discovered evoke a positive response from the patient.
You may like to know that almost all cases of Asthma that I have treated have responded positively to Nat Sulph 6c in the wet dose and later the split dose which I use after about a month on the remedy direct from the bottle.
You state:
'When a palliative remedy is used, leave aside the usual concerns of what other effects it might have, the thing is that a closely matched remedy which might cure is ignored. The principle of a doctor or practitioner is to heal. To heal you need to know all you can about the system you are using, its theory, its tools - all the remedies. I am not against you because you are a lay practitioner. I am against your practice of not attending to the principles because you have found what you think of as success and don't care to rock the boat except in defiance of what you think are a bunch of fuddy-duddies raining on your parade. '
I do not agree with you that the remedies that I use are only 'palliative'. It just depends on how you choose to interpret 'cure'. If it is permanent it can be considered a cure but otherwise it is palliative. In the case of Asthma the cure especially in the case of chronic cases is sometimes long drawn out and may take some months. The healing process continues throughout the period the patient sips the one teaspoonful of the remedy daily and this is a far cry from the tablets and inhalers usually multiple inhalers all of which are loaded with all the choice steroids that the patient has been used to using for a lifetime.
A teaspoonful of NS does not in any way harm the patient and even I, after so many cases of successfully resolving cases of chronic Asthma, often wonder how this minuscule dose of this chemical Sodium Sulphate also known as Glauber's Salt can possibly have this beneficial effect on a patient who was as I stated has been an asthmatic during most of his life.
I do not agree that I as a lay practitioner must know ALL about the remedies I use which are the standard remedies that anyone can get from a pharmacy. It would be quite impossible for me to study ALL about the ailments that I prescribe for. I believe that it is that streak of originality that I seem to have been born with that makes me deviate from your obvious classical outlook which has resulted in my identifying many remedies in the classical Homeopathic texts for ailments that are not listed in them . If as you state you have read some others of my post on this forum you may have noticed that I have responded to the majority of the posts that patients have made and it would be safe to presume that the real reason for my success is that patients seem to appreciate my methodology in helping them as I believe that they have realized that they have resulted in more cures than those that the classical homeopaths have offered in terms of constitutional remedies and other experimental use of remedies which in a recent case was carried on for over a month when the patient was virtually screaming in agony while this homeopath continued to insist that the aggravation was part of the curative process, which in this case seemed to be unending. As you may have read the patient decided to seek an allopathic cure in sheer disgust at the homeopathic aggravation.
It is also a shame that some of these classical homeopaths use this forum to drum up business for themselves by contacting the patients directly. Their modus operandi is to pose a questionnaire to the patient within a few minutes of the original post and when the patient responds the reply from the homeopath is often delayed. Excuses are made that the ailment is under consideration as the selection of the remedy usually takes time. The patient in the meanwhile is desperate for a remedy as his ailment is causing him distress and then contacts the homeopath directly who states that the curative process will take a few months and offers to look after the patient for a handsome fee which has to be paid for the first consultation and a monthly fee to be paid for a year or more depending on the severity of the patient's ailment.
Some of these patients have contacted me and a few of them have even copied the original emails of these homeopaths. I also have evidence of the direct approach to the patient from the homeopath with the offer to help for a fee. This ploy is resorted to when the patient does not have his email address in his profile when the homeopath requests the patient to send him photographs of the ailment to enable him to treat it better and thereby obtains his email address. It is a matter of some concern to all of us who treat anyone for the joy it gives us to see a patient cured which in my opinion is far greater than the money that others who practice for a fee professionally derive from curing someone in distress.
You state:
'I am against your practice of not attending to the principles because you have found what you think of as success and don't care to rock the boat except in defiance of what you think are a bunch of fuddy-duddies raining on your parade.
I earnestly request you to please take some time to study, to use the repertory and, since you have the time and the inclination, to serve better.
It is not my intention to offend or put you down. I give you credit for trying, but you are not optimizing.'
As no doubt you are aware, I practice my own version of Homeopathy which has been recently branded 'Joepathy', I am convinced that my method is more direct and is less hazardous to the patient and what is most important, it results in a cure.
All I ask of you classical homeopaths is to permit me to continue with my mission of healing in the manner I choose which I feel is best for the patient. You are aware that this is a forum which is open to anyone who would like to voice an opinion and I would welcome any constructive opinions instead of the destructive insults that I have often had to suffer in the past (this does not include you) on this and other forums dedicated to Homeopathy.
In conclusion I would like to refer you to the first 2 Aphorisms of the founder of Homeopathy which I shall quote below:
? 1
The physician's high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure, as it is termed
? 2
The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles.
The mere fact that I have to brave the criticism from people like you and even insults from others who pose as classical homeopaths shall not and will not make me deviate from the manner that I believe I am correct in following.
I shall end this essay with a quotation from Arthur Schopenhauer
All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
--- Arthur Schopenhauer ---
Joe De Livera
If you are really interested in investigating my attitude to Homeopathy I would request you to visit my post entitled 'In defense of my attitude towards Homeopathy' which strangely enough was addressed to you and which you can find if you do a search under this same title on the ABC. I shall copy it below but after I have replied some salient facts that you have questioned which I feel I must reply to first.
The post that is dated July 21 2006 addressed to you gives you almost all the answers that you have posed in your post above but I shall pick out a few matters from it to give you short answers to them for purposes of clarification as requested by you.
I have always refused to accept the classical theory that remedies must never be given on a daily basis. I do agree that ALL remedies cannot be given in this manner but I have no hesitation in using Arnica 30c in the wet dose (or the dry dose in pellets) on a daily basis. I have used this remedy myself for the last 11 years and I can assure you that if I stop the daily dosage for about 3 weeks I will find that my years hang on me and my BP also shoots up by about 10mm on both Systolic and Diastolic levels. My pulse also goes up to around 90 at rest. FYI my BP today is 117/76 with pulse 63 checked a short while ago. If as you fear I was to suffer under the standard warnings given by only classical homeopaths about the repetitive use of Homeopathic remedies like Arnica, I would not be writing this reply to you right now.
I note your concern about my using just plain water instead of the remedy nightly but right now I am using 3 No 30 pellets of the remedy that I have made in common with all remedies as I get the liquid remedy in ethanol and activate the lactose pellets myself. There is absolutely no possibility whatever of anyone interfering with my Arnica which is today the only remedy that I take daily.
I do admit that it may seem strange that I have a penchant for Arnica and for Nat Phos and the reason why I use these remedies so often is because I have discovered that the majority of cases that I handle on the forums have benefitted by them. You can read the research that I have done on Arnica by doing a search for 'Arnica the miracle remedy' and you may be surprised that I have listed many more ailments that this amazing remedy can be used for which are not listed in the MM's. As for Nat Phos I have used it extensively for GERD related ailments and it has worked in the majority of cases if they were caused by hyperacidity with some being relieved in a few minutes after taking this remedy.
I believe that the reason that the majority of classical homeopaths use this long drawn out case taking procedure is because they wish to ensure that the patient is suitably impressed by their exclusive prowess which eventually results in a single remedy which usually does not give the patient, say in a GERD case, the relief that he wants ASAP. This also ensures that the patient has to return to the homeopath on a weekly basis to be given the next remedy and all visits are not free. I have had many patients who have been fooled by their homeopaths for some months who posted their ailment on this forum and in the case of GERD type ailments I invariably have prescribed Nat Phos 6x and the patient reports almost instant relief and usually is cured in a few months of this daily routine.
The point that I wish to make is that while classical homeopathy may have its uses in the hands of experts in the science like Dr Luc de Schepper whose name is mentioned on the opening page of this forum today and whom I know personally as he was here with me shortly after the Tsunami in Sri Lanka, and others of his caliber, the average homeopaths especially those who practice in the Indian Subcontinent who have over 25 patients on a daily basis, cannot possibly pretend to use the classical system as the time they will have to expend on each patient will make it impossible for them to see the over 100 patients they treat on a daily basis. I can vouch for the fact that this is the standard form adopted in Sri Lanka by the homeopaths whom I have discussed this matter with and I am also assured by my friends in India and Pakistan that this is indeed the norm except of course in the case of the few classical homeopaths who are exclusive and of course expensive to consult. I do not blame these classical types for using their skills in the manner that they were commanded to do by their superiors also of the classical school but I reserve the right not to follow their example simply because my 'thisforthatpathy' now also known as 'Joepathy', seems to have stuck as it has been picked up by the Search Engines, which is a fact that I was not aware of till a few days ago.
I have proved that there is no danger of the remedies that I use generally do not constitute any hazard when prescribed in the manner that I use them. They have invariably served to help the patients who have used them and you can refer to the comments of patients who have benefitted from my treatment. It is interesting to record that some patients were at first suspicious of my non classical ideology and preferred to use the remedies prescribed by classical homeopaths with no positive response. This was the case of an asthmatic boy whose mother did not use the Nat Sulph therapy that I use extensively for Asthma and when she discovered that the remedies that a classical homeopath did not help him she gingerly gave him just 1 teaspoonful of Nat Sulph 6c and within a few hours he was asleep without the usual congestion in his lungs which had been treated for many years with steroids and later with classical remedies and finally with the Nat Sulph. He is, I believe, still on a split dose of this remedy as the mother has not posted any news for some months.
As you may know, I am not a professional homeopath and only use my skills free of charge to help anyone who consults me in Colombo and on the forums. I have sufficient confidence in my own Joepathy to be able to help anyone and if I am not certain of my ability to do so, I always refer them to others who may be able to help. I believe that my attitude to homeopathy has been felt in classical circles as I have recently been the target of many classical homeopaths who have attacked me with unusual ferocity which I presume they have leveled at me because I have rocked their precious homeopathic boat just a little too much. As far as I am concerned I shall continue to use my skill in the manner that I have done so far and you are invited to read the many tributes from grateful patients who have been at least helped and many who have been cured by me.
I believe that it is time for the classical types to also help the patients who post on this forum instead of compelling me to waste my time in responding as I am now doing to their attacks as their attitude is not designed to promote the science that they have spent a lot of time in acquiring but prefer to use to deride my efforts to help others in the manner that I have done for many years, with outstanding results as evidenced on the ABC.
I shall now copy my post of July 22 2006 addressed to you below:
In Defense of my attitude to Homeopathy
From Joe De Livera
on 2006-07-22
0 replies
In defence of my attitude to Homeopathy From Joe De Livera on 2006-07-21
Dear Mr Ripas,
I note that you are responding to a post that I made on July 12 in response to yours of the same date.
From the general trend of your argument I believe that it is my direct treatment of the ailment that you seem to resent, perhaps because you have seen that many patients whom I have responded to on this forum have confirmed that they have been helped and in many instances cured. This routine of cures does not only pertain to Asthma and I must admit that I used the direct allopathic method in prescribing the remedy with the success that you can read about on the respective threads.
I am amazed at the reasons that classical homeopaths like you can offer and I can see that you are only interested in defending the classical attitude to homeopathy which I too resort to with my Radar software if I am not familiar with the ailment or the response from the patient to the remedy that I prescribe has not been satisfactory, which occurs very rarely.
I do not object to classical homeopaths using their classical knowledge in treating any ailment. I do resent however when these classical types go to the level that Dinesh Sharma went to yesterday to attack me in his uncontrolled fit of rage which is only too transparent on the ABC which you can read on:
I shall copy my response below and this will also answer some of your own reservations on the direct method that I use to prescribe any remedy to my patients. It must be borne in mind that in the case of these patients, the resultant effect which leads to a cure has almost always been positive. There have been absolutely no instances of any remedy that I prescribed causing any form of distress or aggravation.
Re: Gastric Problem.
From Joe De Livera
on 2006-07-20
To Dinesh Sharma
I was appalled to note that you had addressed your post to me personally and deliberately repeated it 3 times over which I believe you did in a fit of anger as a result of my commenting on your prescribing what you fondly believed was your 'classical constitutional remedy' to relieve the patient's obvious distress from hyperacidity which sadly did not have the slightest effect in helping him for a whole month but only resulted in a serious aggravation of his condition when he was under your supervision.
I believe that types like you who are so obsessed with your own importance which you have assumed as a result of your obtaining your diploma in Homeopathy should stop to consider that the primary reason for your spending a few years in the study of this precious science is to heal suffering humanity. It is only when people like you are forced to accept that the remedy that your classical training has taught you to prescribe which did not have the slightest effect in helping the suffering patient but instead had aggravated his condition to a degree that he was so obviously suffering from it, that you explode and then proceed to insult me and command me in UPPER CASE to 'MIND YOUR WORDS' or in other words to SHUT UP.
I regret that I cannot oblige you by doing so as I strongly feel that types like you and a few others who play around with the lives of those who visit this forum in the manner that you have done for Bodapathi should be compelled to tender an apology to him for the damage that you have done to him by making his complaint which I believe is GERD infinitely worse during the last month. It is important that those who visit this forum should know the real person you are --- haughty, self opinionated, and obsessed with your own interpretation of what you feel is Homeopathy which has done irreparable damage to at least one member.
I believe that what you need is the humility to accept that you have made a serious error in your prescription of Lycopodium 200 and to bow out gracefully from the thread and thereby permit others who are able to help, to do so in peace without having to waste time in resorting to this form of defense in replying to your tirade as I am now doing right now. In spite of the constraints of time that this form of defense involves I still felt that I should give you some food for thought to teach you how to prescribe at least in the future.
You will have observed that none of us who have been advisors on the ABC for many years and long before you even knew its existence and joined it, have upbraided or criticized you directly when we had reason to do so in previous lapses on your part. I do remember a previous instance when I had to advise you in a case similar to the present and you undertook to behave in a more acceptable manner.
It is the sheer arrogance that you displayed in your tirade that I find objectionable when you state:
'I tried to help him and infcat if you can read earlier post Lycopodium had helped him.But to change constitution requires time but you can not understand all this stuff as your are not a Homeopath'.
As far as I are aware Bodapathy did not show any positive response to your constitutional remedy Lycopodium 200 which sadly backfired on him and you were directly responsible to help him when he pleaded that it was not helping him when you insisted that it must help him perhaps because you had prescribed it and you were of course the last word in Homeopathy ! You then proceed to insult me with your broken Indian English stating that ' you can not understand all this stuff as your are not a Homeopath'.
You must understant that if you persist in maintaining this arrogant attitude you may risk the wrath of other members and the management and may be banned from this forum permanently.
Bodapathi has decided to consult a Gastroenteriologist as the agony that you have caused him is too much for him to suffer. In doing so he will obviously be following his path to disaster as the specialist will no doubt prescribe the standard drugs used in medicine that inhibit the production of acid like Nexium, Prilosec to name only two which will only serve to palliate his ailment and will continue to send him on the path to GERD from which a return is extremely difficult as you can read from the experience of others who have been rescued even on this thread.
You must remember that it does not take that piece of paper which I presume you possess, which you like to flaunt to the other members of this forum with your title of 'Dr' which you have used as a prefix to your name, to enable those who practice Homeopathy to help members who post their ailments. It is more the dedication of the prescriber to this science and the experience that he has accumulated throughout the past years that is important and not the careless attitude that you and many others in your profession cultivate when they discover after a few years in practice that they can safely assume the status of a petty god over their patients. You have only to read the post above from Pat to appreciate the level that some homeopaths descend to, merely to maintain that haughty devil may care attitude at the expense of the poor suffering patient. I am aware of some who deliberately do so in order to ensure that the patient has no alternative but to visit them even weekly to obtain relief from their ailment which could have been cured with perhaps a single remedy in a single consultation.
As you probably know, I have been deeply involved in this science since 1970 and after a period of study it is now my hobby which I practice free of charge both privately in Sri Lanka and on the ABC as I feel a deep sense of satisfaction to help in the alleviation of human suffering in my own way which you may have read in other threads on the ABC. Some of these cures have been commented upon by grateful patients as being miraculous.
I do hope that you will not repeat your hypercritical arrogant attitude as evidenced in your last post which you have repeated 3 times over and that you will not interfere in future with my sincere attempts to help in the alleviation of human suffering.
Joe De Livera
If as I presume you are a qualified classical homeopath who insists only on working within the narrow confines of the classical method that you have been inculcated into accepting during your studies, I would suggest that you spend some time on this forum which as you will see is easily the most prolific of Homeopathic forums in the world and is used by over 50 patients to post their ailment daily seeking a cure. I presume that many hundreds, perhaps many thousands of visitors also frequent it as they obviously can find matters of health discussed in it which may be of interest to themselves.
I would recommend that you use your time more fruitfully by helping to cure human ailments posted by patients on this forum rather than just picking on dedicated Homeopaths like me and force me to use my time to defend my attitude to Homeopathy which has invariably resulted in a cure in comparison to the cures that are achieved by the classical types whose antics are only too transparent on this forum.
Answering the matters that you have discussed in your post, I too agree that a virus cannot affect anyone for 2 weeks. We are however presuming that Fauzia's children were affected for this length of time, which you will read from her response was not the case. She indicated that after she had her children's throat swabs analyzed it was discovered that they were in fact infected by the Beta Haemolyticus Streptococcus for which the required antibiotic was used and she later confirmed that both her children were cured of the infection. Their Asthma was also being controlled by the Nat Sulph.
I would like to comment on your mention of the other remedies some of which I too have used in the cure of Asthma:
You state:
' The removal of suffering, as in asthma, is by itself a big achievemnet, but it is not a cure. I use Aconite 6 or /and Ipecac 6 or Blatta O 6, and a host of remedies from Arsenic and Carbo Veg to Nat Sulph- and others, but among these, Aconite, for instance, willnot be curative. Blatta 6 will have to be given in high potency in between - if it is the matching remedy. However, like your nat Sulph prescription, by and large Aco and Ipecac relieve the symptoms. '
I have used Blattta Orientalis but in 30c potency in the dry dose for the treatment of Asthma in the case of a professor of Physics in our university in the hills in Sri Lanka. He stated that he was OK at sea level in Colombo but that when he went to his university located in Kandy that he often was unable to breathe. Blatta O fixed his problem and it did that permanently about 2 years ago and he can be considered fully cured. I have used Ipecac for a patient who was on Nat S but had a persistent cough which was resolved by the remedy.
I have recommended the use of Ars Alb 200 in the dry dose when the patient is unable to breathe when he would reach for his Inhaler. FYI I have noticed that within about 20 minutes the patient who is gasping for breath, is able to breathe without any discomfort. I have not however used Carbo Veg and Aconite and would not like to do so as I only prescribe remedies that I have used myself, or in this case as I am not an Asthmatic, remedies that I have discovered evoke a positive response from the patient.
You may like to know that almost all cases of Asthma that I have treated have responded positively to Nat Sulph 6c in the wet dose and later the split dose which I use after about a month on the remedy direct from the bottle.
You state:
'When a palliative remedy is used, leave aside the usual concerns of what other effects it might have, the thing is that a closely matched remedy which might cure is ignored. The principle of a doctor or practitioner is to heal. To heal you need to know all you can about the system you are using, its theory, its tools - all the remedies. I am not against you because you are a lay practitioner. I am against your practice of not attending to the principles because you have found what you think of as success and don't care to rock the boat except in defiance of what you think are a bunch of fuddy-duddies raining on your parade. '
I do not agree with you that the remedies that I use are only 'palliative'. It just depends on how you choose to interpret 'cure'. If it is permanent it can be considered a cure but otherwise it is palliative. In the case of Asthma the cure especially in the case of chronic cases is sometimes long drawn out and may take some months. The healing process continues throughout the period the patient sips the one teaspoonful of the remedy daily and this is a far cry from the tablets and inhalers usually multiple inhalers all of which are loaded with all the choice steroids that the patient has been used to using for a lifetime.
A teaspoonful of NS does not in any way harm the patient and even I, after so many cases of successfully resolving cases of chronic Asthma, often wonder how this minuscule dose of this chemical Sodium Sulphate also known as Glauber's Salt can possibly have this beneficial effect on a patient who was as I stated has been an asthmatic during most of his life.
I do not agree that I as a lay practitioner must know ALL about the remedies I use which are the standard remedies that anyone can get from a pharmacy. It would be quite impossible for me to study ALL about the ailments that I prescribe for. I believe that it is that streak of originality that I seem to have been born with that makes me deviate from your obvious classical outlook which has resulted in my identifying many remedies in the classical Homeopathic texts for ailments that are not listed in them . If as you state you have read some others of my post on this forum you may have noticed that I have responded to the majority of the posts that patients have made and it would be safe to presume that the real reason for my success is that patients seem to appreciate my methodology in helping them as I believe that they have realized that they have resulted in more cures than those that the classical homeopaths have offered in terms of constitutional remedies and other experimental use of remedies which in a recent case was carried on for over a month when the patient was virtually screaming in agony while this homeopath continued to insist that the aggravation was part of the curative process, which in this case seemed to be unending. As you may have read the patient decided to seek an allopathic cure in sheer disgust at the homeopathic aggravation.
It is also a shame that some of these classical homeopaths use this forum to drum up business for themselves by contacting the patients directly. Their modus operandi is to pose a questionnaire to the patient within a few minutes of the original post and when the patient responds the reply from the homeopath is often delayed. Excuses are made that the ailment is under consideration as the selection of the remedy usually takes time. The patient in the meanwhile is desperate for a remedy as his ailment is causing him distress and then contacts the homeopath directly who states that the curative process will take a few months and offers to look after the patient for a handsome fee which has to be paid for the first consultation and a monthly fee to be paid for a year or more depending on the severity of the patient's ailment.
Some of these patients have contacted me and a few of them have even copied the original emails of these homeopaths. I also have evidence of the direct approach to the patient from the homeopath with the offer to help for a fee. This ploy is resorted to when the patient does not have his email address in his profile when the homeopath requests the patient to send him photographs of the ailment to enable him to treat it better and thereby obtains his email address. It is a matter of some concern to all of us who treat anyone for the joy it gives us to see a patient cured which in my opinion is far greater than the money that others who practice for a fee professionally derive from curing someone in distress.
You state:
'I am against your practice of not attending to the principles because you have found what you think of as success and don't care to rock the boat except in defiance of what you think are a bunch of fuddy-duddies raining on your parade.
I earnestly request you to please take some time to study, to use the repertory and, since you have the time and the inclination, to serve better.
It is not my intention to offend or put you down. I give you credit for trying, but you are not optimizing.'
As no doubt you are aware, I practice my own version of Homeopathy which has been recently branded 'Joepathy', I am convinced that my method is more direct and is less hazardous to the patient and what is most important, it results in a cure.
All I ask of you classical homeopaths is to permit me to continue with my mission of healing in the manner I choose which I feel is best for the patient. You are aware that this is a forum which is open to anyone who would like to voice an opinion and I would welcome any constructive opinions instead of the destructive insults that I have often had to suffer in the past (this does not include you) on this and other forums dedicated to Homeopathy.
In conclusion I would like to refer you to the first 2 Aphorisms of the founder of Homeopathy which I shall quote below:
? 1
The physician's high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure, as it is termed
? 2
The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles.
The mere fact that I have to brave the criticism from people like you and even insults from others who pose as classical homeopaths shall not and will not make me deviate from the manner that I believe I am correct in following.
I shall end this essay with a quotation from Arthur Schopenhauer
All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
--- Arthur Schopenhauer ---
Joe De Livera
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe
Best wishes for the success of 'Joepathy'.
Since it is recognised even by the search engines as a different therapy,why all this comparision with classical homeopathy?
Your therapy has all the rules framed by you,practiced by you.
For the time being you are the only one practicing it.May your tribe increase.
Best wishes for the success of 'Joepathy'.
Since it is recognised even by the search engines as a different therapy,why all this comparision with classical homeopathy?
Your therapy has all the rules framed by you,practiced by you.
For the time being you are the only one practicing it.May your tribe increase.
bandarbabu2000 last decade
As Dr deoshlok sharma and I have commented. Joe made us study deeply about Arnica, Naturm Phos and Nat. Sulphate. We use these three medicines often.
My younger brother had severe eczema on his hands, my all medicines worked in the begining but later on eczema came back.
With just a tablet of nat sul 6x (I made it to 6c) his eczema is gone. For the last 6 months he is eczema free.
My younger brother had severe eczema on his hands, my all medicines worked in the begining but later on eczema came back.
With just a tablet of nat sul 6x (I made it to 6c) his eczema is gone. For the last 6 months he is eczema free.
kuldeep last decade
bandarbabu2000 last decade
Apologies, but you would be wrong.
'Joepathy' is practised by 'joe' and 'kuldeep alias hoolio, lopez, homeo_fan, stanzione, girilal, Steve Atur, lanif, pw3000, alchemist, laura11, silverman, varun14,l uxmi, kapil, jeevan, jeniffer, vinnie, and about a dozen other names.
BTW, is Dr deoshlok sharma, also practising 'joepathy' ?.
CONSIDER THIS once again. (by Winston Churchill) :
'A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to put its pants on'
Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Apologies, but you would be wrong.
'Joepathy' is practised by 'joe' and 'kuldeep alias hoolio, lopez, homeo_fan, stanzione, girilal, Steve Atur, lanif, pw3000, alchemist, laura11, silverman, varun14,l uxmi, kapil, jeevan, jeniffer, vinnie, and about a dozen other names.
BTW, is Dr deoshlok sharma, also practising 'joepathy' ?.
CONSIDER THIS once again. (by Winston Churchill) :
'A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to put its pants on'
Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
Dear Murthy
Thank you for your kind thoughts even though I seem to detect that undercurrent of sarcasm in them.
Please note that I was not responsible for the term Joepathy and I was quite surprised when someone pointed it out to me and I was intrigued that it had been picked up by the Search Engines, perhaps because they have also followed my outspoken attitude to that holy cow Classical Homeopathy. I have no qualms in using my own Joepathy as I have used some remedies in a manner that they have never been recorded for in the texts. The point that I wish to make is that if one discovers a remedy will help some ailment like for instance Arnica helps so many including Diabetes, why should not this remedy be also used by others ? I have records of many patients who were chronic Diabetics who were using the standard drugs to overcome their ailment and after I put them on Arnica and Cinnamon, they discovered that they were suddenly free of their Diabetes. They have all been warned that they will have to take Arnica 30c for the rest of their lives in a dosage of 1 teaspoonful twice daily and I do not see any aggravation or other damage that has been predicted by you and others that has resulted in their use of these 2 remedies, which is far less damaging to their bodies than the drugs that they were using, in some cases for many years. You may like to know that Arnica helps both Type I and Type II Diabetics.
The main point to be considered in my use of remedies in the manner that I do, is that they have invariably helped the patients who use them. You have the possibility of reading the records of successful cures in the archives of this forum. You will appreciate that this is a public forum open to the eyes of the world and many thousands may read about the goings on, on the ABC and the manner that I have been attacked for standing up to the classical onslaught, I hope successfully.
You must realize that these constant attacks leveled against me by you and others of your ilk will only increase my exposure more and I hope that in your own interest you will keep your attacks down, or at least modulate them, in your own classical interest.
It is obvious that the more you attack me the more people will wish to know the real reason why I am being attacked, which is bad for your classical business.
Thank you for your kind thoughts even though I seem to detect that undercurrent of sarcasm in them.
Please note that I was not responsible for the term Joepathy and I was quite surprised when someone pointed it out to me and I was intrigued that it had been picked up by the Search Engines, perhaps because they have also followed my outspoken attitude to that holy cow Classical Homeopathy. I have no qualms in using my own Joepathy as I have used some remedies in a manner that they have never been recorded for in the texts. The point that I wish to make is that if one discovers a remedy will help some ailment like for instance Arnica helps so many including Diabetes, why should not this remedy be also used by others ? I have records of many patients who were chronic Diabetics who were using the standard drugs to overcome their ailment and after I put them on Arnica and Cinnamon, they discovered that they were suddenly free of their Diabetes. They have all been warned that they will have to take Arnica 30c for the rest of their lives in a dosage of 1 teaspoonful twice daily and I do not see any aggravation or other damage that has been predicted by you and others that has resulted in their use of these 2 remedies, which is far less damaging to their bodies than the drugs that they were using, in some cases for many years. You may like to know that Arnica helps both Type I and Type II Diabetics.
The main point to be considered in my use of remedies in the manner that I do, is that they have invariably helped the patients who use them. You have the possibility of reading the records of successful cures in the archives of this forum. You will appreciate that this is a public forum open to the eyes of the world and many thousands may read about the goings on, on the ABC and the manner that I have been attacked for standing up to the classical onslaught, I hope successfully.
You must realize that these constant attacks leveled against me by you and others of your ilk will only increase my exposure more and I hope that in your own interest you will keep your attacks down, or at least modulate them, in your own classical interest.
It is obvious that the more you attack me the more people will wish to know the real reason why I am being attacked, which is bad for your classical business.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe
Don't worry about classical homeopathy loosing its sheen because of our comments on 'Joepathy.'
It is there since the last 200 years and will be there forever.
If our comments are making 'Joepathy' popular,it is for the better as far as you are concerned. Is it not?
So,sit back, relax and enjoy the popularity of your 'Joepathy'. By your own admission, we are helping you to make it more popuular.
So, thank us, if you feel like.
Don't worry about classical homeopathy loosing its sheen because of our comments on 'Joepathy.'
It is there since the last 200 years and will be there forever.
If our comments are making 'Joepathy' popular,it is for the better as far as you are concerned. Is it not?
So,sit back, relax and enjoy the popularity of your 'Joepathy'. By your own admission, we are helping you to make it more popuular.
So, thank us, if you feel like.
bandarbabu2000 last decade
Nesha-India last decade
Rajiv has already given a detailed and FACTUAL explanation of how these methods appear to 'work', there is nothing which can be added. There is no cure, only palliation, except in a few rare cases, where the remedy given was the one which was ACTUALLY required for the case, hence...accidental.
Hahnemania last decade
I'm simply amazed at the traffic that I seem to generate on the ABC with my present band of detractors who now attack me on a daily basis, each of whom seems hell bent on criticizing me in his/her own inimitable way, with the avowed intention perhaps of silencing me. To me it seems unnatural that there should be such a concerted effort on the part of each of them to use the time they spend on the ABC in focussing his/her attention in criticizing me.
It is very strange however that the general membership, still seems to favour using my therapy, although one would have expected them to at least stop using them and to stop addressing their latest postings addressed to my attention, for fear of the dire danger that my therapy may, according to my detractors, pose to them (the patients) at a time hitherto undetermined, in the future.
It is possible that they still continue to use the remedies that I have prescribed as they have discovered that they invariably help to allay their pain and in many cases cure them. It is also possible that these patients still persist in contacting me as there do not seem to be others who are dedicated like me to deal with each of their cases as I do, with that special touch which may have precipitated this constant attack mode, anti Joepathy.
It will be noted that my detractors compel me to respond in my own defense which involves wasting my time on a daily basis, on what I feel is a negative approach to healing.
I call upon them individually and collectively to put their money where their mouth is and use their combined talents to prove to me and the rest of the membership that their own high faluting classical theories pertaining to curing ailments are superior to my own Joepathy.
I rest my case.
Joe De Livera
It is very strange however that the general membership, still seems to favour using my therapy, although one would have expected them to at least stop using them and to stop addressing their latest postings addressed to my attention, for fear of the dire danger that my therapy may, according to my detractors, pose to them (the patients) at a time hitherto undetermined, in the future.
It is possible that they still continue to use the remedies that I have prescribed as they have discovered that they invariably help to allay their pain and in many cases cure them. It is also possible that these patients still persist in contacting me as there do not seem to be others who are dedicated like me to deal with each of their cases as I do, with that special touch which may have precipitated this constant attack mode, anti Joepathy.
It will be noted that my detractors compel me to respond in my own defense which involves wasting my time on a daily basis, on what I feel is a negative approach to healing.
I call upon them individually and collectively to put their money where their mouth is and use their combined talents to prove to me and the rest of the membership that their own high faluting classical theories pertaining to curing ailments are superior to my own Joepathy.
I rest my case.
Joe De Livera
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
A very happy birthday to you Joe and many happy returns of the day.
Joe...there are others who have said the same about Arnica.
I remember another person on ABC who was 75 years ...said he had been taking a dose of Arnica everyday for more than two decades. I think he was from South America. Will take me time to dig out the post.
The 'Polycrests'...are defined as such. Meds that take care of a variety of ailments.
I am reproducing this from another site:
These are known as 'polycrest remedies,' from the Greek word ìpolychrest,î which means ' many uses.' Currently there are sixty-five such remedies.
So enjoy your good health and keep spreading the sunshine.
Pankaj Varma
Joe...there are others who have said the same about Arnica.
I remember another person on ABC who was 75 years ...said he had been taking a dose of Arnica everyday for more than two decades. I think he was from South America. Will take me time to dig out the post.
The 'Polycrests'...are defined as such. Meds that take care of a variety of ailments.
I am reproducing this from another site:
These are known as 'polycrest remedies,' from the Greek word ìpolychrest,î which means ' many uses.' Currently there are sixty-five such remedies.
So enjoy your good health and keep spreading the sunshine.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
To Pankaj
Thank you for your greetings on my 77th Birthday.
I am glad that you brought up my pet remedy Arnica in your post and was very interested to learn that there was another 75 year old who had been taking Arnica for even longer than I have been taking it, which is since 1996.
I shall be very interested to have some record of his post.
Thank you for your greetings on my 77th Birthday.
I am glad that you brought up my pet remedy Arnica in your post and was very interested to learn that there was another 75 year old who had been taking Arnica for even longer than I have been taking it, which is since 1996.
I shall be very interested to have some record of his post.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Joe, for someone who complains about being forced to waste time, you certainly churn out over-lengthy and extremely repetitive posts, without ever addressing the core issues.
I have 'visited' your article, and I'm afraid your illogic does not convince me. What defense are you claiming when you are so short-sighted that you are unable to gauge from symptoms following your faulty recommendations that you are not curing but causing other problems? That you are adamant on your viewpoint, which has no basis, but not only abuse real homeopaths, but loftily claim that real homeopathy will 'die out' (because, of course, your great genius has discovered the REAL real homeopathy!)? That your knowledge is shallow and undefined, which is why you will not or cannot do anything other than practice allopathy disguised - and therefore mislead those who think they can depend on you? That you think nothing of not knowing your remedies - even the remedies you constantly employ -thoroughyly?
You quote Dinesh Sharma's thread and say how appalled you are by his prescription and his 'sheer arrogance', but fail to see exactly those factors in your own.
If you were a homeopath, you would not need arnica every day. You would have found a remedy that cured you. Even from what you write, it is obvious that you don't need arnica every day. Its effect is certainly not homeopathic. However, I concede that arnica has multiple uses - but so do most homeopathic remedies. I wish you good health with your protocol, but I don't think you are remotely justified in cutting & pasting it to anyone and everyone.
Any remedy that that have an effect on a person also has the potential to harm - please don't use this cliched argument that 'it can do no harm'.
HOW successfully have you 'resolved' the asthma cases? Please go back and read the threads - classic palliation, and very likely suppression too. It's a very good thing that those posters kept on posting for so long, so after the initial euphoria, the facts became obvious - if you care to see them. Obviously you don't. Ifthis is how you count 'successful' cases, then you are guilty of unintentional fraud. Sorry to be harsh, but just as you refuse to understand my point, I refuse to pander to yours.
I am certainly not here to 'drum up business for' myself - if you will note, I do not even post my e-mail ID. I have enough to do, but because of my very great regard for homeopathy and the nonsense that goes on in the name of homeopathy, I will continue as far as I can to refute what is misleading.
Please also go and read the introduction to the Organon and you might see some advice for yourself. Don't quote Hahnemann out of context or for your purposes. You are still a good man, but certainly no homeopath.
You remind me of those people who keep boxes of drugs like paracetamol and other OTC remedies and some antibiotics, creams, etc., they have had prescribed at some point, and with no more idea than that 'this does that', solemnly hand out medicines to anyone in need. Intention is very noble, I'm sure - but what about the results? I'm sure they too would insist that they 'cured' X,Y or Z.
happy birthday anyway - sorry if this isn't much of a gift.
I have 'visited' your article, and I'm afraid your illogic does not convince me. What defense are you claiming when you are so short-sighted that you are unable to gauge from symptoms following your faulty recommendations that you are not curing but causing other problems? That you are adamant on your viewpoint, which has no basis, but not only abuse real homeopaths, but loftily claim that real homeopathy will 'die out' (because, of course, your great genius has discovered the REAL real homeopathy!)? That your knowledge is shallow and undefined, which is why you will not or cannot do anything other than practice allopathy disguised - and therefore mislead those who think they can depend on you? That you think nothing of not knowing your remedies - even the remedies you constantly employ -thoroughyly?
You quote Dinesh Sharma's thread and say how appalled you are by his prescription and his 'sheer arrogance', but fail to see exactly those factors in your own.
If you were a homeopath, you would not need arnica every day. You would have found a remedy that cured you. Even from what you write, it is obvious that you don't need arnica every day. Its effect is certainly not homeopathic. However, I concede that arnica has multiple uses - but so do most homeopathic remedies. I wish you good health with your protocol, but I don't think you are remotely justified in cutting & pasting it to anyone and everyone.
Any remedy that that have an effect on a person also has the potential to harm - please don't use this cliched argument that 'it can do no harm'.
HOW successfully have you 'resolved' the asthma cases? Please go back and read the threads - classic palliation, and very likely suppression too. It's a very good thing that those posters kept on posting for so long, so after the initial euphoria, the facts became obvious - if you care to see them. Obviously you don't. Ifthis is how you count 'successful' cases, then you are guilty of unintentional fraud. Sorry to be harsh, but just as you refuse to understand my point, I refuse to pander to yours.
I am certainly not here to 'drum up business for' myself - if you will note, I do not even post my e-mail ID. I have enough to do, but because of my very great regard for homeopathy and the nonsense that goes on in the name of homeopathy, I will continue as far as I can to refute what is misleading.
Please also go and read the introduction to the Organon and you might see some advice for yourself. Don't quote Hahnemann out of context or for your purposes. You are still a good man, but certainly no homeopath.
You remind me of those people who keep boxes of drugs like paracetamol and other OTC remedies and some antibiotics, creams, etc., they have had prescribed at some point, and with no more idea than that 'this does that', solemnly hand out medicines to anyone in need. Intention is very noble, I'm sure - but what about the results? I'm sure they too would insist that they 'cured' X,Y or Z.
happy birthday anyway - sorry if this isn't much of a gift.
ripas last decade
Arnica is a CULT or a fad or a religion for 'joepathy.
Arnica works for ANY & ALL diseases ONLY in a store in SriLanka.
- Arnica as 'Global or Universal' remedy for ANY & ALL diseases is deliberately and falsely projected only through Homeo forums, 'W H Y ? ' ... JUST simply to create a self-identity (which in psychological parlance is termed as 'A.D.D.'.
- All around the world, The Homeopathic Medical Councils, will spit on SUCH 'Cult' prescribing of Arnica for ANY & ALL diseases.
- Literally all the other Homeo sites & Forums have banned the propogator & manipulator of the Arnica CULT. Forums like ABC... & many others, are outside the purview of the local Homeopathic Medical Councils, and nuisance & false propogators of Arnica and Nat.Phos, find it very very convienent to carry out their self-glorifying nuisance without any social or moral sense of responsibility. OBVIOUSLY, the internet forums provide these nuisance CULT propogators a ready and safe 'PSCYHO' outlet for their self-glorifications in the guise of 'FREE HELP', or 'respected old age' or what-nots (sic).
- Will these CULT (Arnica) propogators, be ever allowed to Medically practise in any country. They won't be allowed and will be thrown out back to SriLanka. In SriLanka, THERE ARE NO HOMEOPATHIC INSTITUTIONS OR COLLEGES and neither ANY RULES & REGULATIONS WHATSOEVER.
- Majority of the patients who disappeared were false multiple login alias i.d.'s, used for self-glorification and sadistic pleasure created by such false CULT propogators, as caught by Nesha-India (one of them is 'kuldeep alias girilal alias ..........')
- OBVIOUSLY, 'ONLY' incompetent Homeopaths WILL AGREE to the Arnica being a universal remedy for ANY & ALL diseases, WHICH IS VERY EASY TO PRESCRIBE on the basis of 'THIS FOR THAT' allopathic theory.
- Homeopathy is not make-believe Forestry medicine, which can be un-authentically prescribed left and right. Homeopathy is a specific and precise razor-sharp art in medicine. Homeopathy requires very specific professional medical knowledge THAN RUNNING A STORE in SriLanka.
- Arnica, prescribing for ANY & ALL diseases, is like playing an Internet game, with nothing to lose. The Arnica prescriber cannot be held responsible, when a genuine patient's case becomes further more complicated. Such patients will never ever know, what has actually caused such complications.
- CAN we all hide behind Arnica and say that just because 'Joe' is a senior citizen, experienced and respectable, Arnica can be prescribed for ANY & ALL diseases. Such prescribing, when failed, will make the patient GO AWAY FROM HOMEOPATHY to other medicine systems like Allopathy ..... The distressed patients will lose hope and his trust in Homeopathy and in forums like this one. Patients will try the hare-brained one's-favourite medicines, and on failure to get results, with frustration, just simply won't bother to post on this forum and with frustration even stop visiting such forums.
- Can we all give Arnica as a PROPHYLACTIC for 'ANY & ALL' diseases
- Can Arnica be given as a PROPHYLAXIS as a preventive treatment against 'ANY & ALL' diseases
CONSIDER reading the entire posts in following links, wherein Nesha-India has been high-lighting (since a year) the nuisance of Mono ';Arnica' prescribing for ANY & ALL diseases.
Titled = 'Homeopathy prescribed Allopathically - THIS FOR THAT'
Titled = 'A R N I C A - For Anything and Everything'
A proverb by Nesha-India :
' Early to Arnica and Early again to Arnica makes a man Sleepy, Hairy & PACIFIED '
Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Arnica is a CULT or a fad or a religion for 'joepathy.
Arnica works for ANY & ALL diseases ONLY in a store in SriLanka.
- Arnica as 'Global or Universal' remedy for ANY & ALL diseases is deliberately and falsely projected only through Homeo forums, 'W H Y ? ' ... JUST simply to create a self-identity (which in psychological parlance is termed as 'A.D.D.'.
- All around the world, The Homeopathic Medical Councils, will spit on SUCH 'Cult' prescribing of Arnica for ANY & ALL diseases.
- Literally all the other Homeo sites & Forums have banned the propogator & manipulator of the Arnica CULT. Forums like ABC... & many others, are outside the purview of the local Homeopathic Medical Councils, and nuisance & false propogators of Arnica and Nat.Phos, find it very very convienent to carry out their self-glorifying nuisance without any social or moral sense of responsibility. OBVIOUSLY, the internet forums provide these nuisance CULT propogators a ready and safe 'PSCYHO' outlet for their self-glorifications in the guise of 'FREE HELP', or 'respected old age' or what-nots (sic).
- Will these CULT (Arnica) propogators, be ever allowed to Medically practise in any country. They won't be allowed and will be thrown out back to SriLanka. In SriLanka, THERE ARE NO HOMEOPATHIC INSTITUTIONS OR COLLEGES and neither ANY RULES & REGULATIONS WHATSOEVER.
- Majority of the patients who disappeared were false multiple login alias i.d.'s, used for self-glorification and sadistic pleasure created by such false CULT propogators, as caught by Nesha-India (one of them is 'kuldeep alias girilal alias ..........')
- OBVIOUSLY, 'ONLY' incompetent Homeopaths WILL AGREE to the Arnica being a universal remedy for ANY & ALL diseases, WHICH IS VERY EASY TO PRESCRIBE on the basis of 'THIS FOR THAT' allopathic theory.
- Homeopathy is not make-believe Forestry medicine, which can be un-authentically prescribed left and right. Homeopathy is a specific and precise razor-sharp art in medicine. Homeopathy requires very specific professional medical knowledge THAN RUNNING A STORE in SriLanka.
- Arnica, prescribing for ANY & ALL diseases, is like playing an Internet game, with nothing to lose. The Arnica prescriber cannot be held responsible, when a genuine patient's case becomes further more complicated. Such patients will never ever know, what has actually caused such complications.
- CAN we all hide behind Arnica and say that just because 'Joe' is a senior citizen, experienced and respectable, Arnica can be prescribed for ANY & ALL diseases. Such prescribing, when failed, will make the patient GO AWAY FROM HOMEOPATHY to other medicine systems like Allopathy ..... The distressed patients will lose hope and his trust in Homeopathy and in forums like this one. Patients will try the hare-brained one's-favourite medicines, and on failure to get results, with frustration, just simply won't bother to post on this forum and with frustration even stop visiting such forums.
- Can we all give Arnica as a PROPHYLACTIC for 'ANY & ALL' diseases
- Can Arnica be given as a PROPHYLAXIS as a preventive treatment against 'ANY & ALL' diseases
CONSIDER reading the entire posts in following links, wherein Nesha-India has been high-lighting (since a year) the nuisance of Mono ';Arnica' prescribing for ANY & ALL diseases.
Titled = 'Homeopathy prescribed Allopathically - THIS FOR THAT'
Titled = 'A R N I C A - For Anything and Everything'
A proverb by Nesha-India :
' Early to Arnica and Early again to Arnica makes a man Sleepy, Hairy & PACIFIED '
Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
Since the attack continues on my use of Arnica I am copying below the thread on 'Arnica the Miracle Remedy' on
Arnica the Miracle Remedy - Brief case histories
From Joe De Livera on 2005-11-08
38 replies 2313 views
I would like to note below brief case histories which I have recorded in the use of Arnica for various ailments.
It will be noted that some of the ailments that were successfully cured are not listed in the Repertories and the Materia Medicas now in use, and it is hoped that they are considered for listing in future editions, after more tests are carried out by those who can count on the facilities to carry out these tests.
Arnica 30c is the classical remedy to help cure wounds.
I have used Arnica 30c which I discovered was better than the 6c for the last 10 years every night or more often in the case of need like after surgery. I believe that I owe to it my sense of wellness. I do not have any ache or pain in my body and I have proved that it is to Arnica that I owe my BP 120/80 with pulse 65 at age 76. I invite others to use it and to record their response to this remedy.
I have used this myself after my Retropubic Prostatectomy and can confidently recommend it for use after any major surgery. When I regained consciousness I noticed the Morphine syringe attached to the IV line and promptly ordered it removed to the consternation of the nursing staff and the surgeon, who warned me that I could even suffer from a major shock due to the pain without the morphine. I stated that I will use my Arnica alone to control the pain and they were very surprised to note that I was relatively free of pain after a few hours. I was able to leave my bed on the third day without any pain medication except for the Arnica I used every 2 hours at first and every 3 hours later. I was discharged on the 5th day and walked to my car. They were all amazed at my extremely quick recovery at 73 years.
I used Sabal S 6c and Conium 30c when I discovered that I was allergic to Hytrin that was prescribed for my BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia). I had a slight wound for which I used Arnica 30c and discovered that it was far superior to the other remedies I used for BPH and I stayed with it from 1996 up to my surgery in 2003 and used it after on a regular nightly basis.
It amazes me how this remedy that I have given over 20 patients who were suffering from the after effects of the TURP (trans urethral resection of the prostate) surgery who were incontinent due to some misadventure on the part of the Uro who had obviously damaged the sphincter muscle in the neck of the bladder. Arnica gave more time between visits to the toilet and in many cases it stabilized the incontinence in a few months. Others use it on a twice daily basis. Always in the water dose.
I have used it for many years on every overseas trip. Dosage is 1 teaspoonful taken 3 times on the day before departure. Dry doses to be taken every 3 hours on board and 3 times on the day after arrival.
The patient gradually lost motor control of his hands and feet for about a year and was confined to either his bed or a chair where he was placed by his children. Drugs that were prescribed were not effective. This case was referred to me and my response was an act of faith on my part in giving him Arnica 1M which I gave him in the water dose. He was completely cured in 2 months. The dosage used was 1 teaspoonful (capful) twice daily. He is now quite mobile and does not use the remedy any more.
I used Arnica 1M dose 1 tsp daily in the case of a 75 year old who was showing signs of Alzheimer's and he showed perceptible improvement in 2 weeks which was continued thereafter. He is now permanently on the Arnica. Dose 1 tsp daily.
I have used it very often when the patient complains of general body pain (not arthritic). It is also useful for chronic back pain due to previous injuries. Sciatica is also helped by a twice daily dose.
Almost everyone who has taken 1 teaspoonful of this remedy in the water dose prior to sleep has noticed the deep unbroken sleep that they experienced during the night. They wake up quite refreshed with a zing in their steps.
I have used it in over 30 cases some of which were chronic for over 10 years and within a week, the patient is usually cured. The success rate is better that 80%. I recommend that the remedy is continued but those who did not do so after about 3 months do not use it anymore and can be considered permanently cured. The skin condition after this time resembles Vitiligo especially in the chronic cases which had eroded the melanin in the skin which does not regenerate but there is no discomfort or itchiness.
I first used this remedy for a 78 year old lady who was suffering from recurrent reinfection of her legs. She had been to hospital every 6 months on 3 occasions for about a week each time where she was treated with the most powerful antibiotics which left her drained out like a rag. When she came out on the last occasion I gave her Arnica 30c in the water dose and she takes 1 teaspoonful before sleep. She was also an insomniac and now enjoys deep sleep and for the last 2 years she has not suffered from any reinfection from her Cellulitis. I have also used it for 3 other patients also in the same age group who had been hospitalized at least twice before in each case and they do not have any reinfection after many months or years. The Arnica seems to help by increasing the blood flow in the capillaries under the skin which in turn prevents reinfection. They have however to be on one dose of Arnica permanently.
I would refer to the many posts on the ABC forum where I have been advocating the use of Arnica 6c for hair growth. The success rate has been better than 80%. I use Weisbaden 200c for the stubborn cases which is taken every other day.
Many who were using Nitroglycerine on a SOS basis have been helped by the Arnica 200c which was used also on a SOS basis. For daily use as a prophylactic the patient uses Arnica 30c twice daily and is not affected by the angina any more. It is however important that the patient has his condition checked regularly.
I used Arnica in many cases that were not reacting to Bryonia 30 which is my default remedy for headaches and it worked well.
I am treating a boy who is now 6 years for the last 3 years who is a Haemophiliac with Arnica 30c for internal bleeding when he suffers from any fall or bump which causes a swelling and pain usually on his joints. The Arnica helps to dissipate the blood and reduces the swelling. I use Lachesis 200c for open cuts which bleed profusely and this arrests the bleeding in about 15 minutes. Prior to this therapy the boy had to be rushed to hospital for a drip with every fall or cut.
Hundreds of teenagers have benefited by the use of Arnica 30c. I can vouch personally for its efficacy to control styes which I used to get weekly with painful results.
Prevents their formation.
The ultimate remedy.
I believe that it helps to dissipate the swelling of the synovial fluid which causes pain. I treat the Arthritis with Rhus Tox 1M and Hypericum 200c to alleviate the pain both taken in the water dose.
I have many patients who have certified that it works like a charm !
Helps to alleviate the swelling and pain. This remedy is only effective as soon as the tonsils show signs of discomfort. Chronic cases have to be treated with an antibiotic. This remedy controls the formation of Tonsiloliths but it has to be taken on a daily basis to be effective in this control.
I consider that this is easily my most important discovery which I made quite accidentally a year ago when I gave Arnica 30c to a MD who was a Type I Diabetic to help cure a chronic non healing wound. He informed me on the day after he took 2 doses that his Blood Sugar had dropped drastically and refused to use it anymore as he felt that it was some mysterious medicine which he did not wish to experiment with as he was already on Insulin which he injected himself 4 times daily. I then gave this remedy to two Type II Diabetics and discovered that they had the same reaction when their BS dropped considerably similar to the drop caused by Metformin. I then prescribed 1/4 teaspoonful Cinnamon powder to be used twice daily and have 2 patients who are able to control their ailment without recourse to the standard drugs used for the control of Diabetes.
I shall be glad to reply any questions that those who read this article may like to pose if any clarification is required on any matter pertaining to my use of Arnica listed above
Arnica the Miracle Remedy - Brief case histories
From Joe De Livera on 2005-11-08
38 replies 2313 views
I would like to note below brief case histories which I have recorded in the use of Arnica for various ailments.
It will be noted that some of the ailments that were successfully cured are not listed in the Repertories and the Materia Medicas now in use, and it is hoped that they are considered for listing in future editions, after more tests are carried out by those who can count on the facilities to carry out these tests.
Arnica 30c is the classical remedy to help cure wounds.
I have used Arnica 30c which I discovered was better than the 6c for the last 10 years every night or more often in the case of need like after surgery. I believe that I owe to it my sense of wellness. I do not have any ache or pain in my body and I have proved that it is to Arnica that I owe my BP 120/80 with pulse 65 at age 76. I invite others to use it and to record their response to this remedy.
I have used this myself after my Retropubic Prostatectomy and can confidently recommend it for use after any major surgery. When I regained consciousness I noticed the Morphine syringe attached to the IV line and promptly ordered it removed to the consternation of the nursing staff and the surgeon, who warned me that I could even suffer from a major shock due to the pain without the morphine. I stated that I will use my Arnica alone to control the pain and they were very surprised to note that I was relatively free of pain after a few hours. I was able to leave my bed on the third day without any pain medication except for the Arnica I used every 2 hours at first and every 3 hours later. I was discharged on the 5th day and walked to my car. They were all amazed at my extremely quick recovery at 73 years.
I used Sabal S 6c and Conium 30c when I discovered that I was allergic to Hytrin that was prescribed for my BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia). I had a slight wound for which I used Arnica 30c and discovered that it was far superior to the other remedies I used for BPH and I stayed with it from 1996 up to my surgery in 2003 and used it after on a regular nightly basis.
It amazes me how this remedy that I have given over 20 patients who were suffering from the after effects of the TURP (trans urethral resection of the prostate) surgery who were incontinent due to some misadventure on the part of the Uro who had obviously damaged the sphincter muscle in the neck of the bladder. Arnica gave more time between visits to the toilet and in many cases it stabilized the incontinence in a few months. Others use it on a twice daily basis. Always in the water dose.
I have used it for many years on every overseas trip. Dosage is 1 teaspoonful taken 3 times on the day before departure. Dry doses to be taken every 3 hours on board and 3 times on the day after arrival.
The patient gradually lost motor control of his hands and feet for about a year and was confined to either his bed or a chair where he was placed by his children. Drugs that were prescribed were not effective. This case was referred to me and my response was an act of faith on my part in giving him Arnica 1M which I gave him in the water dose. He was completely cured in 2 months. The dosage used was 1 teaspoonful (capful) twice daily. He is now quite mobile and does not use the remedy any more.
I used Arnica 1M dose 1 tsp daily in the case of a 75 year old who was showing signs of Alzheimer's and he showed perceptible improvement in 2 weeks which was continued thereafter. He is now permanently on the Arnica. Dose 1 tsp daily.
I have used it very often when the patient complains of general body pain (not arthritic). It is also useful for chronic back pain due to previous injuries. Sciatica is also helped by a twice daily dose.
Almost everyone who has taken 1 teaspoonful of this remedy in the water dose prior to sleep has noticed the deep unbroken sleep that they experienced during the night. They wake up quite refreshed with a zing in their steps.
I have used it in over 30 cases some of which were chronic for over 10 years and within a week, the patient is usually cured. The success rate is better that 80%. I recommend that the remedy is continued but those who did not do so after about 3 months do not use it anymore and can be considered permanently cured. The skin condition after this time resembles Vitiligo especially in the chronic cases which had eroded the melanin in the skin which does not regenerate but there is no discomfort or itchiness.
I first used this remedy for a 78 year old lady who was suffering from recurrent reinfection of her legs. She had been to hospital every 6 months on 3 occasions for about a week each time where she was treated with the most powerful antibiotics which left her drained out like a rag. When she came out on the last occasion I gave her Arnica 30c in the water dose and she takes 1 teaspoonful before sleep. She was also an insomniac and now enjoys deep sleep and for the last 2 years she has not suffered from any reinfection from her Cellulitis. I have also used it for 3 other patients also in the same age group who had been hospitalized at least twice before in each case and they do not have any reinfection after many months or years. The Arnica seems to help by increasing the blood flow in the capillaries under the skin which in turn prevents reinfection. They have however to be on one dose of Arnica permanently.
I would refer to the many posts on the ABC forum where I have been advocating the use of Arnica 6c for hair growth. The success rate has been better than 80%. I use Weisbaden 200c for the stubborn cases which is taken every other day.
Many who were using Nitroglycerine on a SOS basis have been helped by the Arnica 200c which was used also on a SOS basis. For daily use as a prophylactic the patient uses Arnica 30c twice daily and is not affected by the angina any more. It is however important that the patient has his condition checked regularly.
I used Arnica in many cases that were not reacting to Bryonia 30 which is my default remedy for headaches and it worked well.
I am treating a boy who is now 6 years for the last 3 years who is a Haemophiliac with Arnica 30c for internal bleeding when he suffers from any fall or bump which causes a swelling and pain usually on his joints. The Arnica helps to dissipate the blood and reduces the swelling. I use Lachesis 200c for open cuts which bleed profusely and this arrests the bleeding in about 15 minutes. Prior to this therapy the boy had to be rushed to hospital for a drip with every fall or cut.
Hundreds of teenagers have benefited by the use of Arnica 30c. I can vouch personally for its efficacy to control styes which I used to get weekly with painful results.
Prevents their formation.
The ultimate remedy.
I believe that it helps to dissipate the swelling of the synovial fluid which causes pain. I treat the Arthritis with Rhus Tox 1M and Hypericum 200c to alleviate the pain both taken in the water dose.
I have many patients who have certified that it works like a charm !
Helps to alleviate the swelling and pain. This remedy is only effective as soon as the tonsils show signs of discomfort. Chronic cases have to be treated with an antibiotic. This remedy controls the formation of Tonsiloliths but it has to be taken on a daily basis to be effective in this control.
I consider that this is easily my most important discovery which I made quite accidentally a year ago when I gave Arnica 30c to a MD who was a Type I Diabetic to help cure a chronic non healing wound. He informed me on the day after he took 2 doses that his Blood Sugar had dropped drastically and refused to use it anymore as he felt that it was some mysterious medicine which he did not wish to experiment with as he was already on Insulin which he injected himself 4 times daily. I then gave this remedy to two Type II Diabetics and discovered that they had the same reaction when their BS dropped considerably similar to the drop caused by Metformin. I then prescribed 1/4 teaspoonful Cinnamon powder to be used twice daily and have 2 patients who are able to control their ailment without recourse to the standard drugs used for the control of Diabetes.
I shall be glad to reply any questions that those who read this article may like to pose if any clarification is required on any matter pertaining to my use of Arnica listed above
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.