The ABC Homeopathy Forum
migraine relief
Hi, I have homeopathic medicines from two years ago, but was wondering if anyone could tell me if it would be ok to still use them the way they were prescribed then for now?This is for migraine relief and here are the remedys-Lycopodium 1M
-Kalibi 1M
Please excuse the spelling, I am trying to make out her writing.
I appreciate the help
rachelly on 2006-10-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
remedies need to be prescribed based on your current set of symptoms and the overall disease picture.
you can however have the same constitution as you had two years back. But in any case, you need to put down your present symptoms to get the right remedy.
you can however have the same constitution as you had two years back. But in any case, you need to put down your present symptoms to get the right remedy.
♡ rishimba last decade
If your only problem is Migraine which is caused without exposure to strong light, your remedy is Bryonia 30c to be taken as early as possible when you first feel the signs of an attack which varies from person to person.
4 pellets taken sublingually are all that is needed and your migraine should ease within 15 minutes.
4 pellets taken sublingually are all that is needed and your migraine should ease within 15 minutes.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe
When Rishimba is asking for a full case, what is the hurry for prescribing Bryonia?
Please understand that different persons need different medicines, based on their symptoms.
If Bryonia can cure all migraines,that would have been a default remedy by now,even in allopathic circles.
Please limit 'Joepathy' to Arnica and Nat.Phos..not even Natrum Sulph.
It is because the first two can't harm people that easily.
When Rishimba is asking for a full case, what is the hurry for prescribing Bryonia?
Please understand that different persons need different medicines, based on their symptoms.
If Bryonia can cure all migraines,that would have been a default remedy by now,even in allopathic circles.
Please limit 'Joepathy' to Arnica and Nat.Phos..not even Natrum Sulph.
It is because the first two can't harm people that easily.
bandarbabu2000 last decade
Dear rachelly,
You presented your detail in not enough or fit for homoeopathic treatment I request you present your sign & symptoms with your expression / sensation / Feeling / Event / so Gesture are required for homeopathic treatment. So please send me your following details given below.
1. Name
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Married/Unmarried
5. weight
6. Height .
7. country
8. climate
9. List of your complain first 1. 2.. 3
10. Since how long you are suffering for each complain
11. Diabetic or non Diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt
13. Thirst
14. Tongue
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)
16. What exactly is happening ?
17. How do you feel ?
18. How does this affect you ?
19. How does it feel like ?
20. What comes to your mind ?
21. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
22. How did that feel like ?
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ?
25. current medicine you are taking
26. family back ground
27. qualification of patient
28. Nature of working
29. desire or like and dislike of food
30. Name of foods which increase your problem
31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection.
32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)
33. Attached here your
Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
You presented your detail in not enough or fit for homoeopathic treatment I request you present your sign & symptoms with your expression / sensation / Feeling / Event / so Gesture are required for homeopathic treatment. So please send me your following details given below.
1. Name
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Married/Unmarried
5. weight
6. Height .
7. country
8. climate
9. List of your complain first 1. 2.. 3
10. Since how long you are suffering for each complain
11. Diabetic or non Diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt
13. Thirst
14. Tongue
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)
16. What exactly is happening ?
17. How do you feel ?
18. How does this affect you ?
19. How does it feel like ?
20. What comes to your mind ?
21. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
22. How did that feel like ?
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ?
25. current medicine you are taking
26. family back ground
27. qualification of patient
28. Nature of working
29. desire or like and dislike of food
30. Name of foods which increase your problem
31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection.
32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)
33. Attached here your
Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
Dear Murthy,
Many years ago I used to suffer from regular weekly attacks of Migraine. I had used up many remedies with no effect except for Bryonia 30c which worked like magic to stop the attack within usually under 15 minutes. Light activated migraines do not fall under the same category and I use Glonoine 30c.
I do not see any valid reason not to prescribe a remedy which I am confident will help a patient to overcome his ailment and this is where both you and I do not see eye to eye with each other and has resulted in the unnecessary clash of personalities as we have experienced within the past few days after you decided to leave your Hpathy forum and increase your presence here on the ABC. It is strange that you have only spent a lot of your time and unfortunately mine in criticizing me when I have requested you to use your energies to prescribe as you have sometimes done on the Hpathy to your patients in the hope that your classically identified remedies may help them.
You have your own Hyper Classical approach to Homeopathy and I do not question your adherence to what you feel is your right to inflict on patients, with unfortunately no results that are visible so far, at least on the ABC. In my case you have only to read the many thousands of posts now numbering well over 4500 that I have made in the past and the resultant stories of success that have followed my own Joepathy, which will compell you to grudgingly accept that there is indeed something remarkable in the manner that I prescribe which gets results fast.
You must always remember that a patient consults a physician or posts on a forum such as this, in the hope that he will be cured ASAP. He is usually not interested in your doomsday stories, merely because I do not pay allegiance to classical homeopathy. He wishes to be cured fast and he gets what he expects from me, sans the case taking and all that comes with it.
I do hope that you will extend to me the same respect that I give you and that you do not ever criticize my method of prescribing which has shown results which do not only include the remedies that you have mentioned.
Many years ago I used to suffer from regular weekly attacks of Migraine. I had used up many remedies with no effect except for Bryonia 30c which worked like magic to stop the attack within usually under 15 minutes. Light activated migraines do not fall under the same category and I use Glonoine 30c.
I do not see any valid reason not to prescribe a remedy which I am confident will help a patient to overcome his ailment and this is where both you and I do not see eye to eye with each other and has resulted in the unnecessary clash of personalities as we have experienced within the past few days after you decided to leave your Hpathy forum and increase your presence here on the ABC. It is strange that you have only spent a lot of your time and unfortunately mine in criticizing me when I have requested you to use your energies to prescribe as you have sometimes done on the Hpathy to your patients in the hope that your classically identified remedies may help them.
You have your own Hyper Classical approach to Homeopathy and I do not question your adherence to what you feel is your right to inflict on patients, with unfortunately no results that are visible so far, at least on the ABC. In my case you have only to read the many thousands of posts now numbering well over 4500 that I have made in the past and the resultant stories of success that have followed my own Joepathy, which will compell you to grudgingly accept that there is indeed something remarkable in the manner that I prescribe which gets results fast.
You must always remember that a patient consults a physician or posts on a forum such as this, in the hope that he will be cured ASAP. He is usually not interested in your doomsday stories, merely because I do not pay allegiance to classical homeopathy. He wishes to be cured fast and he gets what he expects from me, sans the case taking and all that comes with it.
I do hope that you will extend to me the same respect that I give you and that you do not ever criticize my method of prescribing which has shown results which do not only include the remedies that you have mentioned.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
I agree with Joe completely. Bryonia 30 has helped my husband with migraine magically. Everybody can share their experiences on this forum. There is no reason for Bandar Murthy to dictate what anybody can write or not its is in ur discretion to read or to try it out.
Monika last decade
Here after I will address the seeker directly, and tell him what i want to convey.
I think this should not ruffle any feathers.
I think this should not ruffle any feathers.
bandarbabu2000 last decade
Joe, I have migraines, so I am very glad that bryonia helped you. However, it is not a cure-all for the type of migraine you describe. There are many, many possibilities.
Daisy43 last decade
Hello Dr. Sharma, here are the answers to your questions.
My name Rachelle
I am 29 years old
I am 5ft 3inches
I weigh 127lbs.
I live in Canada, windsor ontario
The climate is always different here
My migraines are menstrual migraines I believe. I get the pain about two to three days before, sometimes during and even sometimes upto two days after menstruation.
I am not diabetic
I do have a sweet tooth, and eat lots of sugary foods, I also eat a lot of salt too.
I am not a 'thirsty all the time' person, but I drink frequently through my day. Usually water or orange juice, sometimes Coke.
Funny you should mention tongue, I do get a lot of sored on my tongue, I have a bad one right now.
I always thought my migraines were from sinus', until about three years ago, I started to realize they were always around my monthly cycle. I have been getting them since after my second child.(seven years ago)The pain is usually in my neck all the way to my sinus', and it is usually on one side, mostly my right side. The pain usually starts in the morning or very early afternoon. It starts small and graually gets worse and worse. It is a debilitating feeling. When they come on bad I feel like I can't talk or even move. I just go in my room and lie down alone. I sometimes wonder if there is something else rong when the pain gets too intense.
Sunday was definitely a breaking point. Iwoke up to go to church and I was to be working in the childrens church. (i have 3 children)I got my kids ready with a headache. It is not time for my period, so when I felt a headache come on, I figured it was my sinus' and took 2 advil cold and sinus. I got to church and the pain became so unbearable that I had to geet my kids and leave. After driving for a minute or two, I got very nautious. I pulled over to throw up but didn't. When i got home my husband had a bath running, which ususally helps a bit. I sat in it rolled up in a ball, and took a tylenol 3. I eventually threw up a few times and went to sleep. Luckily for me when I woke up it was almost gone. I could feel it a bit so I took one more tylenol 3. Although I felt sooo much better, at this point I felt weird, like a space cadet or something.
It was a terrible experience, and I really thought I could be dying.
I don't take any medicine on a regular basis, just painkillers for my headaches. I am allergic to peicillin and clyndomycin.
My family suffers from heart disease.(My dad died 6 years ago from a heart attack)
I sell real estate for a living and truly enjoy it.
I love chocolate, and italian food. I love to cook, but probably because I love to eat even more.
I have no idea which foods trigger this problem, if any. I have avoided chocolate many times and still had bad pain.
I am an impatient person by nature which I am working on. I do have a bad temper that I have been able to control, and I used to suffer from anxiety. I don't anymore at all though.
Thank-You and I hope I haven't written too much.
I appreciate your help.
My name Rachelle
I am 29 years old
I am 5ft 3inches
I weigh 127lbs.
I live in Canada, windsor ontario
The climate is always different here
My migraines are menstrual migraines I believe. I get the pain about two to three days before, sometimes during and even sometimes upto two days after menstruation.
I am not diabetic
I do have a sweet tooth, and eat lots of sugary foods, I also eat a lot of salt too.
I am not a 'thirsty all the time' person, but I drink frequently through my day. Usually water or orange juice, sometimes Coke.
Funny you should mention tongue, I do get a lot of sored on my tongue, I have a bad one right now.
I always thought my migraines were from sinus', until about three years ago, I started to realize they were always around my monthly cycle. I have been getting them since after my second child.(seven years ago)The pain is usually in my neck all the way to my sinus', and it is usually on one side, mostly my right side. The pain usually starts in the morning or very early afternoon. It starts small and graually gets worse and worse. It is a debilitating feeling. When they come on bad I feel like I can't talk or even move. I just go in my room and lie down alone. I sometimes wonder if there is something else rong when the pain gets too intense.
Sunday was definitely a breaking point. Iwoke up to go to church and I was to be working in the childrens church. (i have 3 children)I got my kids ready with a headache. It is not time for my period, so when I felt a headache come on, I figured it was my sinus' and took 2 advil cold and sinus. I got to church and the pain became so unbearable that I had to geet my kids and leave. After driving for a minute or two, I got very nautious. I pulled over to throw up but didn't. When i got home my husband had a bath running, which ususally helps a bit. I sat in it rolled up in a ball, and took a tylenol 3. I eventually threw up a few times and went to sleep. Luckily for me when I woke up it was almost gone. I could feel it a bit so I took one more tylenol 3. Although I felt sooo much better, at this point I felt weird, like a space cadet or something.
It was a terrible experience, and I really thought I could be dying.
I don't take any medicine on a regular basis, just painkillers for my headaches. I am allergic to peicillin and clyndomycin.
My family suffers from heart disease.(My dad died 6 years ago from a heart attack)
I sell real estate for a living and truly enjoy it.
I love chocolate, and italian food. I love to cook, but probably because I love to eat even more.
I have no idea which foods trigger this problem, if any. I have avoided chocolate many times and still had bad pain.
I am an impatient person by nature which I am working on. I do have a bad temper that I have been able to control, and I used to suffer from anxiety. I don't anymore at all though.
Thank-You and I hope I haven't written too much.
I appreciate your help.
rachelly last decade
To Daisy
I suffered from Migraines about 25 years ago and as I stated in my post above, I used many remedies to test which of them would help me best. It was after these tests that I discovered that Bry 30c in the dry dose (pellets) cured my migraines within about 10 minutes and what is even more interesting is that I took just 2 pellets for about a week just before sleep and this eradicated my migraines permanently.
I then proceeded to give it to my patients and discovered that it worked in the case of many patients who were suffering from the same ailment. It was after these tests that I decided to use it for migraines as my default remedy. However I use Glonoine 30 if the migraine is triggered by strong light.
I do agree that there are many other remedies that can help migraines but I prefer to use just these two before I use the others which I do use only very rarely as Bry usually cures migraines and also headaches.
You may like to know that I have also used Arnica 30c in the wet dose in a few cases which were not responding to Bry and Glon and was agreeably surprised to discover that this remedy too helped a case that was chronic as he was in the habit of taking Paracetmol dose 2 tablets twice daily for some months and discovered that with the first 2 doses of Arnica he was cured. This case is recorded in my post 'Arnica the miracle remedy' on this forum
I suffered from Migraines about 25 years ago and as I stated in my post above, I used many remedies to test which of them would help me best. It was after these tests that I discovered that Bry 30c in the dry dose (pellets) cured my migraines within about 10 minutes and what is even more interesting is that I took just 2 pellets for about a week just before sleep and this eradicated my migraines permanently.
I then proceeded to give it to my patients and discovered that it worked in the case of many patients who were suffering from the same ailment. It was after these tests that I decided to use it for migraines as my default remedy. However I use Glonoine 30 if the migraine is triggered by strong light.
I do agree that there are many other remedies that can help migraines but I prefer to use just these two before I use the others which I do use only very rarely as Bry usually cures migraines and also headaches.
You may like to know that I have also used Arnica 30c in the wet dose in a few cases which were not responding to Bry and Glon and was agreeably surprised to discover that this remedy too helped a case that was chronic as he was in the habit of taking Paracetmol dose 2 tablets twice daily for some months and discovered that with the first 2 doses of Arnica he was cured. This case is recorded in my post 'Arnica the miracle remedy' on this forum
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Dear rachelle,
There are many in this forum be carefull, taking of advice may danger for you and your community, First check the credibility whether he is doctor or Engineer or any business man, few members (who prefer the self-glorification route), have created dozens of multiple login i.d.s, where in they will ask questions and answer themselves and praise themselves again and repeat the process over and over, again and again. These member with multiple aliases will also ridicule and demoralise other serious participating members
I came to select your remedy from complete repertories following are the result.
Patient Name :Rachelle Date: 20/10/2006
Physician Name: Deoshlok Sharma
[Complete ] [Head Pain]General:Migraine:
[Complete ] [Head Pain]General:Migraine:Menses, before or after:
[Complete ] [Mind]Impatience:
[Complete ] [Mind]Anxiety:
Now you are advise to the following prescription . I need not require to go so deep because for this symptoms General:Migraine:Menses, before or after only singer durgs in whole homoeopathy medicine i.e. Syco-Co
1. Sycotic Bacilus 200 weekly one doses every Sunday morning
2. Kali Bich 30c daily three times in a day or you can take two doses morning and night but do not take on Sunday.
Go on continue for a month, Your disease is chronic it will take time to cure
But I assure you that you will achieve a very good result.
Dr.deoshlok sharma
There are many in this forum be carefull, taking of advice may danger for you and your community, First check the credibility whether he is doctor or Engineer or any business man, few members (who prefer the self-glorification route), have created dozens of multiple login i.d.s, where in they will ask questions and answer themselves and praise themselves again and repeat the process over and over, again and again. These member with multiple aliases will also ridicule and demoralise other serious participating members
I came to select your remedy from complete repertories following are the result.
Patient Name :Rachelle Date: 20/10/2006
Physician Name: Deoshlok Sharma
[Complete ] [Head Pain]General:Migraine:
[Complete ] [Head Pain]General:Migraine:Menses, before or after:
[Complete ] [Mind]Impatience:
[Complete ] [Mind]Anxiety:
Now you are advise to the following prescription . I need not require to go so deep because for this symptoms General:Migraine:Menses, before or after only singer durgs in whole homoeopathy medicine i.e. Syco-Co
1. Sycotic Bacilus 200 weekly one doses every Sunday morning
2. Kali Bich 30c daily three times in a day or you can take two doses morning and night but do not take on Sunday.
Go on continue for a month, Your disease is chronic it will take time to cure
But I assure you that you will achieve a very good result.
Dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
Dear Rachelle
1) Similar medicine
2) Single medicine
3) Single dose
4) Stop the medicine in case of worsening/appreciable relief
5) Repeat only when same symptoms come again
6) look for another medicine in case symptoms change.
This is homeopathy.
Now decide yourself whether you want to dose yourself with two medicines, continuously for a month, with multiple repetetions.
It is your health,and you have to decide.There are recorded cases of uncurable complicated cases,that are due to the reckless repetetion of homeo medicines.
The after effects of this sort of protocol may happen after a long gap, and you may not be able to link it up, with this sort of therapy.
Best thing is to consult a local homeopath,who takes a full case, and gives one medicine at a time, three doses maximum, and asks you wait for response.
Look for such a homeopath,and you will get benefittedin the long run.
1) Similar medicine
2) Single medicine
3) Single dose
4) Stop the medicine in case of worsening/appreciable relief
5) Repeat only when same symptoms come again
6) look for another medicine in case symptoms change.
This is homeopathy.
Now decide yourself whether you want to dose yourself with two medicines, continuously for a month, with multiple repetetions.
It is your health,and you have to decide.There are recorded cases of uncurable complicated cases,that are due to the reckless repetetion of homeo medicines.
The after effects of this sort of protocol may happen after a long gap, and you may not be able to link it up, with this sort of therapy.
Best thing is to consult a local homeopath,who takes a full case, and gives one medicine at a time, three doses maximum, and asks you wait for response.
Look for such a homeopath,and you will get benefittedin the long run.
bandarbabu2000 last decade
Dear rachelly,
go on continue the medicine and report me weekly about your Migraine it will take time and cure permanently. some people are disturbing me . I never mind these people they are not authority to prescribe medicine.
dr.deoshlok sharma
go on continue the medicine and report me weekly about your Migraine it will take time and cure permanently. some people are disturbing me . I never mind these people they are not authority to prescribe medicine.
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
the symptoms point towards
- headache before, during and after periods
- sinus affections associated
- drinks small quantities of water all day
- craves for sweets and salts
- pain starts in the neck ( neck being the weakest part)
- pain starts around early after noon ( around 11 o'clock morning and worsens further)
- impatience and bad temper
as the problem is continuing for many years now,
take NAT MUR 200C three doses on a single day with 6 hour interval.
note the symptoms for the next 3 weeks or your next periods. repeat this dose if you dont get full relief.
- headache before, during and after periods
- sinus affections associated
- drinks small quantities of water all day
- craves for sweets and salts
- pain starts in the neck ( neck being the weakest part)
- pain starts around early after noon ( around 11 o'clock morning and worsens further)
- impatience and bad temper
as the problem is continuing for many years now,
take NAT MUR 200C three doses on a single day with 6 hour interval.
note the symptoms for the next 3 weeks or your next periods. repeat this dose if you dont get full relief.
♡ rishimba last decade
Dear Rishimba,
please see the following strong and peculior rubrics
Complete ] [Head Pain]General:Migraine:Menses, before or after:
only single drugs syco
please read this symptom from compelete repertory
other wise ok.
dr.deoshlok sharma
please see the following strong and peculior rubrics
Complete ] [Head Pain]General:Migraine:Menses, before or after:
only single drugs syco
please read this symptom from compelete repertory
other wise ok.
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
There are sixteen medicines in complete repertory(Ruby) under
generalities,menses,before and after
Graph,Kreos,Lac-c,Nat-m, and Puls have the highest grading of 5. Others need not be considerd as they are all of grade 1.
head,pain, migraine,menses,before or after,
there are only two medicines with grade 1.
Betul, and Syc-c
Since the rest of the case tallies with Nat.mur, and since it is not wise to depend on rubrics with grade 1, that too which is under particulars,
Nat.Mur is the correct choice.
Repertory is there only as a rough guide. It doesn't understand totality.
Well done Maheeru.
generalities,menses,before and after
Graph,Kreos,Lac-c,Nat-m, and Puls have the highest grading of 5. Others need not be considerd as they are all of grade 1.
head,pain, migraine,menses,before or after,
there are only two medicines with grade 1.
Betul, and Syc-c
Since the rest of the case tallies with Nat.mur, and since it is not wise to depend on rubrics with grade 1, that too which is under particulars,
Nat.Mur is the correct choice.
Repertory is there only as a rough guide. It doesn't understand totality.
Well done Maheeru.
bandarbabu2000 last decade
Sorry It is Rishimba who prescribed nat.mur.
Dear Rishimba
I am so glad that there are few capable prescribers here,who knows what is homeopathy.
My respect towards you grows day by day.
Please continue to uphold the mantle of correct prescribing.
Dear Rishimba
I am so glad that there are few capable prescribers here,who knows what is homeopathy.
My respect towards you grows day by day.
Please continue to uphold the mantle of correct prescribing.
bandarbabu2000 last decade
All muricatum headaches are mainly hyper everything.
Bryonia is for headaches if skin, mouth is dry.
Bryonia is for headaches if skin, mouth is dry.
kuldeep last decade
Dear Murthy,
Thankyou for the clarification.Totality is what more important in homoeopathy.
However, like anybody else, I may be wrong at times but my endevour is to do justice to the patient to the best of my knowledge and experience.
Thankyou for the clarification.Totality is what more important in homoeopathy.
However, like anybody else, I may be wrong at times but my endevour is to do justice to the patient to the best of my knowledge and experience.
♡ rishimba last decade
Dear Rishimba
I am looking forward to have more fruitful discussions in future.
I normally find that majority of patients don't respond, after we take so much pain to serch for a remedy for them.
That is also one of the reasons, most prescribers dish out 'this for that' prescriptions, as it is very easy to do.
However, the exercise we have done won't go waste, and it will hone up our professional skills.
I am looking forward to have more fruitful discussions in future.
I normally find that majority of patients don't respond, after we take so much pain to serch for a remedy for them.
That is also one of the reasons, most prescribers dish out 'this for that' prescriptions, as it is very easy to do.
However, the exercise we have done won't go waste, and it will hone up our professional skills.
bandarbabu2000 last decade
On another post you put
Please limit to Arnica and Nat.Phos..not even Natrum Sulph.
In december an homeopathic doctor gave me Natrum Sulph 1M 3 doses over 2days for migraine. I used to have migrain once or twice a month but now it is 4 times a month and I have headache most of the time.I also feel drained as if everything is too much trouble.Is there some way to antidote the Natrum Sulf 3 months after taking it?.
On another post you put
Please limit to Arnica and Nat.Phos..not even Natrum Sulph.
In december an homeopathic doctor gave me Natrum Sulph 1M 3 doses over 2days for migraine. I used to have migrain once or twice a month but now it is 4 times a month and I have headache most of the time.I also feel drained as if everything is too much trouble.Is there some way to antidote the Natrum Sulf 3 months after taking it?.
Polli last decade
The best way to antidote Natrum Sulph 1M is to take 4 pellets of Natrum Sulph 6x thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours for only one day. This is called as Diane's method of antidoting.
♡ kadwa last decade
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.