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Proof of the pudding? Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes, don't ask stupid question again and again.

He is Homeopathy Constable here. The enforcer, the moderator from other site is expanding his role.
kuldeep last decade
Murthy ,

Those leading questions are a jumble of 3 or 4 different 'drug pictures'.

I told you repeatedly...my way is different.

Can you imagine ...how much effort goes into asking those questions ...and then sorting out the answers.

It make all that extra effort for the benefit of the advice seeker.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
QUOTE: 'Dear Jacob

He never claimed to be a homeopathy God. He clearly said that:

would feel more concerned with your breast lump which I do not know how to resolve.

Joe anticepated that lump could be a tumor etc. could be just an inflammed lymph node. In my own opinion at that stage patient needs some tests done and needs modern medical advice.

Cancer is called cancer because it secretely invades with speed.

I see Joe's wisdom in this all.'

Dear Kuldeep, in the wrong hands, or improperley prescribed in the long term, Homoeopathic remedies can cause serious health problems. What can cause, can also CAUSE, the most basic foundation of Homoeopathy. If someone does not know how to properley antidote/rectify any detrimental effects from their own prescribing, then they should NOT be doing so. It's really that simple.

Hahnemania last decade
QUOTE: 'Dear Jacob,
The strange thing is that you consider Murthy as capable...who has not shown us even one complete case of 'case taking and prescription'. Just because he endorses the Classical Homeopathy view points !!

Do you think people will not question your capability because of that mis-judgement??

Pankaj Varma'

Dear Mr Varma, good to have you back aboard, I hope things are going to civil.
Firstly, you are again making assumptions, I know Murthy from elsewhere, and have therefore seen his methods in practice, and it is on THIS basis I consider him one of the more capable Homoeopaths I have met, not just becauses he 'endorses' classical Homoeopathy, so no, nothing strange at all.

Secondly, why on earth would anyone question my capabililties as a Homoeopath even if your point WERE true? Also, as I have told you before, I really am not here for popularity or self affirmation, I have all I need in my day to day life and REAL practice, so it does
not matter to me either way.

Hahnemania last decade
'And by using filthy langugage can any one become superior in the eyes of others ??'

Oh, I see you are still feeling 'wounded'. There was no filthy langauge, I called you a jackass and a fool if memory serves correctly, and at the time, THAT'S how you were behaving, so please as I said, don't wait for an apology.

You might want to look into some Staphisagria, no charge for the TRAINED/EXPERIENCED advice ;)

Hahnemania last decade
'We know Murthy is on the pay roll of H'pathy Forum (he has admitted it himself in reply to Joe)....He is trying to discredit the Forum here by trying to show all others in bad light.'

Hmm, I see someone just can't help themselves. As stated at the begining of this thread, the purpose here is to present both sides of the debate, nothing more. Mr Varma if you cannot keep a civil tongue in your head, behave like an adult, and stop yourself from causing trouble by making personal remarks, maybe you should just, how can I put this, SHUT YOUR MOUTH. Thanks.

...Ridiculous little man.
Hahnemania last decade
EVERYONE, enough. This is MY thread, and I created it for a reason. If you want to continue with childish and personal arguments, DO IT ELSEWHERE.


Murthy, you're wasting your time responding, these two are obviously onlt here to make trouble (Kuldeep less so, but an inciter none the less), and it would be best to ignore them. Take away a childs rattle, and he has nothing to play with.

And Joe, I will respond to your post in due course.

Hahnemania last decade
Jesus !!

All that advice you are giving to others JAcob actually applies to you ...yourself !!
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
And you are the Jackass !! So SHUT UP for your own good.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Till now I have been using decent language with you guys. No more...coz you don't deserve anything better.

If you dish out filth...you will get filth back. Be sure !!
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
This acrimony is extremely unpleasant - but maybe it serves the purpose of ripping off masks that some people wear.
Why is it that homeopaths who strive to preserve homeopathy are perceived as such threats? Is it because the nice, comfortable supposedly innovative and supposedly short-cut methods are being questioned? The 'take-it-easy' (or take-no-pains) brigade are insisting that their methods do no harm and provide 'quck' cure. No. they might - temporarily provide quick releif, but we have ample experience of what can happen down the line.
I think Mr. kuldeep or whoever that is, the master of egging-on and making sly barbs, has said that if even 1 person is helped by the non-homeopathic methods, it is a victory. Well, in my opinion, if even 1 person is saved from the trouble that heedless palliation can bring, it is worth the trouble.
ripas last decade
Dear Pankaj

You need not to worry about these self proclaimed Homeopathy Constables. They work for us.
kuldeep last decade

ALL Pertaining to the following thread : http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/15923/8

POINT No. 1 :
Re: The Ultimate Cure for Obesity From john1020 on 2006-10-21
'john1020' writes : 'I have just returned from my doctor following the stool exam results - i can confirm that i do not have amoebiasis.'

Re: The Ultimate Cure for Obesity From Joe De Livera on 2006-10-21
HERE, 'Joe' says : 'I am not impressed by the nil report and you must use the antibiotic especially to me you are a positive case of Amoibic Cysts in your liver which you reported as being tender'

observation : A CLASSIC CASE OF SELF-GLORIFICATION (GOD-FATHER OF MEDICAL SCIENCE), wherein a non-medically qualified person, challenges the report of a qualified doctor. And classically as 'Hahnemania' said 'you are not qualified to overturn an allopathic doctors laboratory findings'

POINT No. 2 :
Re: The Ultimate Cure for Obesity From john1020 on 2006-10-21
'john1020' writes : 'so i can confirm that it was the arnica that was aggrevating my diarrhea. ....... i tried arnica again (and stopped everything else for Thursday and Friday), and it tiggered my diarrhea again, no exception at all.'

Re: The Ultimate Cure for Obesity From Joe De Livera on 2006-10-21
HERE, 'Joe' says : 'How Arnica triggered your diarrhoea I will never understand.

observation : A CLASSIC CASE of non-medically qualified person, later on feigning ignorance and leaving the patient in a greater lurch, ULTIMATELY the patient has to go to a medically-qualified doctor.

The Arnica CULT propogator claims that Arnica cures ANY & ALL diseases and provides a list of over 20 allopathic disease names. AND still inspite of self-mastering in Arnica, he does not know how Arnica behaves and even the drug-picture-signature of Arnica.

BE CAUTIOUS : Read this links throughly before attempting self-medicating.


Quote : 'A man is not old until regrets start taking place of dreams'

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade

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