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pregnancy cantharis advice

Hi I am in my 14th week and I developped an UTI. I am now in Japan where I cannot find any homeopath - but I still have with me an older Cantharis CH9 which my doctor used once to treat my UTI. is it safe to take? and how many pills and how often? thank you, please answer quickly because I am in pain.
  Aroxana on 2006-10-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I forget to mention that I am 30 years old, I have the urge to urinate very often, but very small quantity and I have pain in my bladder. anyway, this cantharis is the only remedy that I've got, so if it doesn't work, I will have to go to see a doctor. But I am desperate to avoid antibiotics.
Aroxana last decade
Cantharis 1M : 5 drops in 1/2 cup water and sip the same water 15mins interval 4 times.
Oxydendron Arbo Q : 5 drops X 1tsp water x 3 times x 5 days.

Try to take Cantharis at bedtime and go to sleep. Start Oxydendron Arbo from next day.
pradipde last decade
try with the cantharis you have.If no relief,go and see the doctor.

Pregnancy is no problem.
gavinimurthy last decade
but how often should I take it? I cannot take any drops because I have only small pills (CH9). 3 pills once a day? 3 times a day?every hour? thank you so much.
Aroxana last decade
To preserve your stock,mix 3 or 4 pellets in a glass of water, and take a table spoon of it,every hour.

Mix the solution thoroughly,with a clean spoon each time before you take.

if you don't get relief within six doses,forget about it and see your doctor.

if you do get relief,space the doses out.Stop taking the medicine after you get appreciable relief.
gavinimurthy last decade

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