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Sulphuric Acid tip for alcoholism

Dear friends,

Ever since a member here shared this tip, i was trying to read up again on this remedy and i came across the following in H.C.Allen's keynotes:

'Ailments from brandy-drinking. Sulphuric acid, one part, with three parts of alcohol, 10 to 15 drops, three times daily for three or four weeks, has been successfully used to subdue the craving for liquor' - Hering.

I thought sharing the source of this tip as Hering will encourage more homeopaths to try this with alcoholics who wish to kick the habit.

  rajivprasad on 2006-11-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This remedy also helps in kicking out SMOKING.
maheeru last decade
Thanks ... both of you.
Please also post success stories when they happen.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

'............has been successfully used to subdue the craving for liquor' - Hering.'

gavinimurthy last decade
So what potency of Sulphuric Acid?

Please spell it out for those of us who aren't professionals.

ruth45 last decade
' Sulphuric acid, one part, with three parts of alcohol, 10 to 15 drops, three times daily for three or four weeks.'

Ask for sulphuric acid Q.

gavinimurthy last decade
What kind of alcohol?

ruth45 last decade
You can use any good quality alcohol which people normally drink for recreation.Don't forget to report the results of your experience.These reports posted by patients helps the subject to grow and helps others too to get cured.

rajivprasad last decade
Hello Ruth45

Also read up this link for an alternative protocol with the same remedy:(People who are averse to use alcohol can use this)

maheeru last decade
but Sir Murthy, treatment of this kind is against your philosophy. This treatment is not even close to the homeopathy principals.

This treatment is at par with Sir Joe's system of treatment.
dr mehmood last decade
Dear Dr.Mehmood,

In homeopathy, there also has been a tradition of using remedies when they are repeatedly found to 'cure' a condition.

There is a reason why Sulphusric Acid is helpful in this condition.You just have to read the Kent' Lecture on this remedy.The pathology that he is describing is very close to the condition that develops in chronic alcoholics.Hence it is 'homeopathic' to this condition of 'alcoholism'.

rajivprasad last decade
Good question, Dr.me hmood. : )

I never recommended this remedy.

I am only quoting from the details already provided, for those who have some questions.

Some body wanted to know the potency mentioned. I clarified it as 'Q'

However, let me clarify one thing.

A clinical confirmation is also good enough to try a remedy.

However, it has to be a single remedy.

I never object, to single remedy prescriptions, you might have noticed.

I believe, as long as you don't repeat unnecessarily, and stick to minimum dose, maximum waiting,there is no harm in trying a single remedy, even as a trial.

It will do whatever good it can do.It may not help you,but, it won't do harm.

The second point is, with 'Q' potencies, you are attempting physiolgical changes.You may have to repeat it for fairly long time.Then only a reaction is likely to be established.

That is why I don't object to schedules like berberis Q, twice a day ,for two weeks etc..etc..

I hope I made myself clear.

Please don't hesitate to ask, if you have more questions. : )

gavinimurthy last decade
hi Rajiv

Our posts crossed.

gavinimurthy last decade
Rajiv Sir, I am a qualified homeopath with a good practice.

All innovations require a vision away from rules and prinicpals.

Yes I have used this said procedure about Sulphuric Acid on my patients with varying success.

Most unpleasing scenes here on this website are created by people who twist their words to favour one person or other.

If a substance cures if used in a certain way, it must be reported, tried and accepted.
dr mehmood last decade
Dear Dr.Mehmood,

How nice to interact with peole from all over the world.All thanks to this wonderful tool - the internet.

Where there is a will there is a way.

If one really really wishes to cure the suffering millions Allah shows the way.May he show the way to you and all the healers of this world.

I am a very positive person and not against innovaton at all.But innovate without throwing away the core fundamentals of homeopathy.

I hope you will agree with that submission of mine.

rajivprasad last decade
There is no need to throw away any fundamental.

Problem appears when we try to dis-approve a medicine versus a fundamental and made a declaration.

This is exactly happened with Mr. Joe's system of treatment. I am a trained homeoapth but also I am well aware that beside homeopathy many other systems can help the mankind.
dr mehmood last decade
Joe's methods are not homeopathy.

Precribers, who prescribe 'This for that' with a fair amount of antibiotics thrown in are called a 'mongrel' sect, by Hann. himself.

gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Dr. Mehmood,

Below is a quote from your post:

'Yes I have used this said procedure about Sulphuric Acid on my patients with varying success.'

So, i can safely believe that this protocol cured a good % of people of alcoholism but not everyone.This indicates that it was able to 'cure' where it was 'homeopathic' to the case and failed where it was not.This again reemphasises that what works for John may not work for Paul because both are different individuals with their own peculiarities.

That is the only problem with Joe's method.It treats all cases of GERD with Nat Phos.All cases of asthma with Nat Sulph and of course there is his Arnica.While all three are great remedies and often indicated in a number of cases of the type where Joe uses them, we do not yet have 'universal similimums'.

I so dearly wish that we had a 'universal similimum' which could cure all the people of all diseases.But for the time being it remains a wish only.Nature is very exacting and demands obedience from man no matter how much we refuse to listen to it.To obey is to observe and to observe is to be humble.I personally love Joe and his spirit of service, and wish i could retain the same jest for life at his age.

Wishing you all the best,

rajivprasad last decade
Dear friends,

Alcoholism is a very popular topic these days, so i am sending this thread up again for people's benefit.Those who take this protocol are requested to report their success if they get any on this thread.

rajivprasad last decade
Dear friends,
I'm new in this forum.
My husband is suffering from alcoholism for many years and is a chronic alcoholic now. I have read posts regarding sulphuric acid treatment. I saw 3 ways of using this.

1) 10-15 drops 3 times a day with one part Sulphuric acid Q with 3 parts of alcohol.

2) Sulphuric acid Q one drop in one glass of water and take it 3 times a day.

3) Sulphric Acid Q 10 drops in one cup of water /2 times a day.

which method works best please let me know asap.
Thanks & Regards
ps2011 last decade
Sul-ac will not help your husband unless the rest of his case suits this remedy. In other words, he must be a Sulphuric acid person, to get benefit from it.

The craving for alcohol is only one small part of the syndrome that is Alcoholism. The remedy needs to suit the whole problem.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
A correct suggestion by brisbanehomoeopath!

The patient is encouraged to submit additional data.

nawazkhan last decade
I noticed that my name was being referred to way back in 2006 in connection with Alcoholism by Ravi and Gavini and it is strange that I did not notice it in that year.

I have had singular success with patients who were chronic Smokers with Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. Some patients who used it have confirmed that they were cured of their urge for that next smoke and the links below refer to their success:



In the case of Alcoholism, I have had varying success as this problem is more deep seated than smoking and requires the cooperation of the patient who will have to use it as prescribed twice daily and also do his part not to fall into the temptation of being persuaded to take a drink. He must also join the AA (Alcoholics Anonymous).

I noticed that Sulphuric Acid Q or Mother Tincture was discussed above and if my understanding is correct, the Mother Tincture or Q is H2SO4 which is a deadly poison and can burn the mouth and gut instantaneously if used in the manner recommended above.

Allen's Keynotes quoting Hering reads:
''Ailments from brandy-drinking. Sulphuric acid, one part, with three parts of alcohol, 10 to 15 drops, three times daily for three or four weeks, has been successfully used to subdue the craving for liquor' - Hering. '

Gavini states:

' Sulphuric acid, one part, with three parts of alcohol, 10 to 15 drops, three times daily for three or four weeks.'

Ask for sulphuric acid Q. '

I shall be interested to have the comments of members on my observation above.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Respectable Joe D. Livera,

Your post is fruitful. I am just wondering that homoeopathic Sulphuricum Acidum Q, Mother tincture, is the same as H2SO4, the pure Sulphuric acid?

May God bless you Joe?

nawazkhan last decade
Joe one patient gave up smoking while using Arnica for something unrelated. This is does not mean Arnica cures the urge to smoke. Even if Arnica did help this one person, one case does not support a theory that Arnica will do this for others - unless of course, as homoeopathy teaches us, the whole case fits Arnica (and then true miracles are possible).

When posting evidence of 'this remedy cures this condition' it would be more beneficial to post many cases where it happened, with follow up. Many people give up smoking for a few months and return to it - this would not show cure. Perhaps you can follow up this one person to see if they remained a non-smoker - that might add some weight to the argument.

I have had several patients give up smoking (and other addictions) when under treatment - this happens on many different remedies even those not listed for it in the repertory. This is often a sign of the whole economy improving, so that the person spontaneously begins to make healthy decisions (sign of a deep acting curative medicine). However, that same remedy will fail to do anything for the next smoker, unless their case fits the same remedy again (a fact I have observed repeatedly in clinic over the years).

Hering was a prescriber according to traditional homoeopathic principles - if he cured the craving for liquor, it would have been done based on a prescription for the whole disease not a single part of it.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

I am glad you commented and we can await the response from other members about Sulphuric Acid Q.
My gut feeling is that this is concentrated H2SO4.

Joe De Livera last decade

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