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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

why to follow guidelines?..part 2

Some of my friends are trying their best to help me,in various other aspects, other than homeopathy, and causing you inconvenience.

My sincere apologies on their behalf. Please excuse them, as they are good meaning people.

Hereafter, all my threads will cover one or two points only, and won't run continuously.

However, for indexing purposes ,I will give part 2, part 3, etc, so as you can easily search for them, and read at a time, so as not to break the continuity.

Thanks for your patience.

  gavinimurthy on 2006-11-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
A single remedy, at a time is advised in homeopathy.

It is because the remedy pictures are derived from provings of single medicines.

It is the job of the homeopath to match the patient's signs and symptoms, to the remedy picture, and select a medicine which is the best fit.

Now,if you combine two medicines,the picture they present may be compltely different. It is not a sum total of their individual pictures.

Let us say, you have a combination with Pulsatila,and nux.v.Puls is better in open cool air ,where as most of the complaints of Nux.vomica are aggravated by the same.

Now, what do you expect from this combination? You will not know, whether this combination can help people who are better in cool open air, or those people who are worse in cool,open air.

Then, where is the possibility of matching the remedy picture to the patient?

There are some compound medicines in homeopathy like calc.sulph, which are proved as a compound. We know its behaviour is very different from either Calc or Sulph.

Since the remedy is well proved as a compound, and since remedy picture is available for comparision, we can safely use this compound, when the need arises.

None of the combination medicines available off the shelf are proved.

They are made on empirical notions. A medicine for Coryza contains some ten medicines, which are useful for different types of Coryza.

However, when they are combined, they no longer exhibit any distinct modalities, as one medicine of the combination has an exactly opposite modality, as that of another medicine.

They may provide temporary relief, but are likely to suppress and lead to more complex diseases.

Hence the guide line.

Use a single medicine.


don't touch combinations.

Incidentally,there is thread titled

'Don't touch combinations'

in the archives.

If you want more info,read that.

This thread is closed as far as I am not concerned.

I will not answer any questions on this thread.

If you have any doubts,please open a seperate thread, and ask.

Thanks for reading.

gavinimurthy last decade
Constablulary-Rules-Of-Conducts or a genuine information???
kuldeep last decade

This thread is closed as far as I am concerned.

gavinimurthy last decade
brought up.

gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Murthy,
I disagree with you. My homeopath expired in 1999. After this I could not really find one whose medicines suited me so much.
Anyway, his prescriptions always had 3 medicines - one in high potency a single or two doses. The other two were to be taken from the next day for 2 weeks only then report back. He has always helped my case a lot. You may go to 'Multiple problems Help'.
Then the medicines from Bioforce - Fiebreisan (throat remedy) and Biotussin (for porblems from the bronchus) heva always helped as has Ruta Pentarkan (Now discontinued) by Schwabe. All who took these in our family swear by them.
maya_hari last decade
Dear Maya

I answered you in a seperate post.


gavinimurthy last decade
moved up.

gavinimurthy last decade

gavinimurthy last decade

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