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Vommitting with Acid after lunch or dinner -- worst in night time Page 5 of 6

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hi rajiv sir,

do i have to make another bottle with 2 pills of lilium 1M and take one teaspoon?

pls confirm me.

durgahomeo last decade
hi rajiv sir,

the lilium 1 M i got is small circular pills.

just for your info.

durgahomeo last decade
hi rajiv sir,

i took the 2 round pills of lilium 1M and mixed with 500 ml water.i took one teaspoon (5 ml ) of dose yesterday.

will this dose be sufficient?

as per your suggestion i'll take the second dose next sunday.

pls confirm me..will this small dose be effective?

durgahomeo last decade
Dear Prasad,

I didn't suggest to take the next dose on Sunday.I said that take one dose and wait for one week and then report how your body and mind have responded to this last dose.

rajivprasad last decade
hi rajiv sir,


i'll do that.

durgahomeo last decade
hi rajiv sir,

it's been 2 weeks i took the dose of lilium 1M. iam continuing the triphala each a day...acidophilus supplement and multi-vitamin supplement...etc.

iam feeling lot calmer compare to before now..but the vommittings continuing...my thinking about the indigestion reduced little and the lust towards porn exists little...i didn't stop fully watching porn..

pls let me know if any updates...

durgahomeo last decade
hi rajiv sir,

since 2 weeks iam having one glass of carrout juice in morning...since week iam having 2oz of aloe juice in the morning...organic aloe juice iam taking...

durgahomeo last decade
Dear Prasad,

I am happy to konw that.As i said earlier, first improvement is on the mental level and so these are very good signs.These improved symptoms also show that Lilium is the correct remedy for you.Take one more dose tomorrow after banging the remedy solution bottle 10 times against your palm or an old book.Give an update after 10 days.

Carrot juice, triphala, acidophilus etc. are good for anyone, so continue with them.Soon you will regain perfect health.

rajivprasad last decade
hi rajiv sir,

i took the second dose last week(lilium 1M)...continued the carrot juice, aloe vera juice 2oz, triphala in lunch, acidophilus at dinner.

physical symptoms observed:
i felt too light like iam loosing balance(observing most of the times).

since 2 days my heartburn is severe..used lot of antacids,gelusil etc. can't able to bear. last night is very severe. got shivering with anxiety after long time..i felt i may faint or paralyzed. managed with 2 gelusil tablets. can you suggest something naturally at this situation to use?
yesterday afternoon i had chicken curry 2 to 3 pieces with lunch , tangerine fruit. and evening i had 4 to 5 peanuts, little bit mango pulp.... i got heartburn in the evening...i need to use one gelusil.. i had very small dinner with karela and buttermilk..last night my situation is horrible...need to use two gelusils..heartburn and shivering started after 2 hours of my dinner. finally i had 2 to 3 vommittings and got relief..slept after the vommittings...

don't know the exact reason for yesterday's situation..i feel my dinner with karela...

stool: long stool
urine: frequent ..sometimes burning..

observing joint cramps always..

anxiety is in control except last night...

pls let me know if any updates..

patients like me always thankful to you for your support and time.
durgahomeo last decade
May be chicken curry is responsible for these symptoms.I do not see how a person with such a sensitive stomach can think of taking non-veg food.If you cannot stop eating these things for a few months at least ther is little that i can do.

If shivering with anxiety is an old symptom which came back and subsided on its own, then its a good sign.When old symptoms come, do not panic.Just let them be.They will subside on their own.That is the beauty of correct homeopathic treatment.Don't worry and stop eating chicken curry and stuff like that.

rajivprasad last decade
hi rajiv sir,

thanks for your quick response.

it's not mean i want to eat chicken..infact i had only 2 to 3 small pieces that too in afternoon 12. i had non veg after few months i think...i got anxiety with shivering problems in the night 10:30 pm.i'll stop non-veg completely.i just had it because iam feeling week sometimes with no energy.i will stop it...

this morning i just had carrot juice and aloe 2oz. after 1 hour i had one chapathi .. just plain...my heartburn started again and severe now...i feel my throat and stomach very sour now...

pls let me know what i have to do now?

pls let me know my diet for today...

can i have oatmeal now?

any diet you prescribe for next few days.

pls help me
durgahomeo last decade
hi rajiv sir,

shivering with anxiety not subsided on its own.. i need to use 2 gelusils for that...after that i had few vommittings..then i can able to sleep..
durgahomeo last decade
hi rajiv sir,

iam also feeling pain in the chest since night..i think it's because of heartburn..the pain still continues..
durgahomeo last decade
Take a dose or two of Pulsatilla 30 if you have it with you.You take non-veg after a few months and see what happened.This should tell you about the condition of your digestive system.Just when things atarted to improve you thought i will try a few pieces of chicken.

Eat anything light for the next few days.

rajivprasad last decade
hi rajiv sir,

i'll check in my homeo medicines whether i have it or not...

i don't think i'll have it..

when i have to take two doses if i have it?

i'll completely stop non-veg for another few months...no worries from my side on this.

thanks rajiv sir.
durgahomeo last decade
If you have it, take it twice now at interval of a few hours.You should keep this remedy in stock as it may be useful to you even later.

rajivprasad last decade
hi rajiv sir,

i'll order now...is any other medicines may be helpful in my treatment..i will order now itself..

by the way where are you rajiv sir?

durgahomeo last decade
hi rajiv sir,

Pulsatilla Nuttaliana
Pulsatilla Nigricans

which one i need to buy from above?

what dose?
durgahomeo last decade
rajivprasad last decade
hi rajiv sir,

i ordered pulsatilla...i will get in few days..

i took the lilium 1M dose last week...

in yesterday lunch i had rice, little bit of dal with tindora fry..

in the evening i observed bloating, belchings with acidic stomach.. i had small vommitting with acid in the evening... i had 4 oz of aloe vera juice in the evening too...

after dinner(had 2 chapathis) all of sudden my nerves in brain got stiff for few minutes...after that belchings and vommittings happend...i felt severe anxiety again... i had few vommittings last night..i observed the undigested tindora pieces in the vommittings after 8 hours of my lunch...this time i didn't take any gelusil or any antacid.... i felt severe anxiety ..i thought my nerves may breakdown or i may faint for 1 minute..

i took one dose of kali phos 30 last night and slept..

this morning iam posting..

few questions:

iam almost finishing 3 months of triphala..do i have to continue triphala? how many more months?

do i have to take lilium too?

pls let me know the updates..once again iam thankful to your time and advice...

durgahomeo last decade
I have no idea what is Tindora but it seems to be something hard to digest.Perhaps you can tell me more about it.You may stop Triphala if you wish.How about your mental symptoms with respect to pornography etc.Also why don't you stick to a very simple food for a few months?It will be good for you.Lilium is indicated and hence i guess for some time you need to take it as i suggest.

rajivprasad last decade
hi rajiv sir,

tindora we call donda kaaya in our language..it's the vegetable indians mostly used for fry .like okra..

i got 120 capsules..iam planning to stop after finishing 120..means total 4 months. what do you say?

what's your suggestion on lilium 1M?

iam observing anxiey(old symptom) in the evening sometimes without reason..after dinner and before dinner sometimes..last night too i felt anxiety...may be iam getting this anxiety if i had something tough to digest..iam not sure about this.this anxiety iam observing since a week.

overall i feel better compare to before...belchings and small vommittings still happening .. frequency reduced a lot...

i didn't get the pulsatilla yet.

is there any other homeo/ayurveda medicines i may need in the future for my complete treatment?

one of my friend coming from india..i can keep those in my kit.

Thanks rajiv sir.

durgahomeo last decade
my mental symptoms respect to pornography reduced a little.
durgahomeo last decade
Dear Prasad,

All the signs are good.Return of old symptoms is fine.The anxiety will subside on its own.The mental symptoms improvement is now being followed by improvement in physical symptoms which is the sign of a similimum.

So, be happy.Very shortly you will be cured.Now, buck up and start a new life.Start mornong or evening walks, do good reading of some spiritual books, try to keep away from pornographic material, keep yourself busy and take the remedy as suggested.Soon you will be fine.

rajivprasad last decade
hi rajiv sir,

last week i took 2 doses of pulsatilla 30. it's been more than 10 days i took lilium 1M. how i have to take lilium 1M?

since few days the belchings are coming out with very force. vomiitings are continuing with undigested food...

sometimes iam feeling very panic if i think about my situation. since 1 year iam suffering with this problem.not even a day without vommitting.

today also i have vommittings couple of times. for normal food also it's happening.. sometimes iam worried about when i will become normal?

do i have to go for checkup again?

these vommittings and discomfort putting lot of stress on my mind and heart..
the belchings putting lot of stress on my head nerves.

pls give me the schedule and dosage of my medicines if any?

i will keep myself busy as per your suggestions but with this symptoms i can't even read or concentrate any stuff...if i start reading for few minutes feeling depressed.

pls let me know the suggestions.

durgahomeo last decade
hi rajiv sir,

did you see my last post?

what is the suggested use of lilium?

durgahomeo last decade

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