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Vommitting with Acid after lunch or dinner -- worst in night time Page 6 of 6

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hi rajiv sir,

did you see my last post?

what is the suggested use of lilium?

durgahomeo last decade
Take a dose today of Lilium 1M after banging the remedy solution bottle 10 times.

rajivprasad last decade
i took it the lilium 1M same day you told me.

durgahomeo last decade
dear Durga,
hi, I have been reading your post for a while. I am not a doctor, but a patient like you searching the net for acidity and gastro problems. I am a photographer. you may or may not take my advice but right now homeopathy is not the way for u. With all due respect to dr. rajiv and murthy, llilium does not seem to be the right medicine for u. pl look at these points:
1) In homeopathy the principle is to find a remedy which best suits most of your symptoms including mental and physical, whereas lilum mathces only that side of your psyche where too much interestest in sex is indicated, which seems like a wrong diagnose and no wonder it is not working for u.
2. Human beings physical responses in terms of chronic diseases are mostly a result of repression of certain emotions mostly being wanted and loved. some important events in childhood are also always related to these events. I dont know what happended in your childhood, but the reaction your body is showing is certainly not just a physical disorder. MY Advice to you is PL GO TO A PSYCHIATRIST and get counselling and medication, you can save your life. Homeopathy is not just a science, but also an art, the person who is interpreting the symptoms has to go deeper into the lifehistory and psyche of the person and then be able to dig out the right medicine on a hunch. A homeopath has to be extremely talented to do so. unfortunately thats not the case. so pl. follow homeopathy later as constitutional remedy once you have got permanent symptom releif or you will kill yourself.

2. A little later once you have experienced releif visiting a psychiatrist, start reading osho, it can provide you with tremendous help.
as far as your inclination towards sex is concerned, you are perfectly fine and there is nothing wrong with watching pornography ec. your very guilt about sex is one of the main reasons for your getting sick.
3.write back if u need any help as i can understand your problems and turmoil, having gone through them myself.
buddha780 last decade
dear buddha780,

thank you.. i also personally feel watching porn is not a sickness..i just mentioned my issues in the previous posts...i know iam not addicted to porn a lot...and i know it's nothing to do with my acidity too..

i visited couple of gastroenterologists and got done endoscopy ...iam diagnosed with reflux. same time the medicines putting me into depression and not cured my symptoms..

currently my main problems is acid indigestion and vommittings...same time iam feeling lot of anxiety...it should be cured first as per rajiv sir..

i know watching porn is not my problem and same time i don't think i need to vist psychiatrist for this small issue...definitely i will visit psychiatrist for my thinking about health problems always soon.

durgahomeo last decade
Dear Durga,
Your anxiety is a result of your anxiousness only. We have 3 minds ; The conscious mind with which we do all our thinking and descison making.
The subconscious mind which controls our life and final outcome and the unconscious mind which contains all the karmas and unfulfilled wishes from previous life.
With the conscious mind we try to take all the right decisions and do whats best for us but life turns out in a different manner because in our early childhood we had already decided how life is going to be for us, these decisions are always based on expereiences of rejection and not being loved, those descisons are then fed into the subconscious mind which we have no control over and we cant remember anything from childhood.
those hidden and suppressed emotions execute themselves in the form of anxiety and depression which furthur result in chronic and acute diseases.
In short, all diseases are a form of suppressed emotions, which we are not aware of and cant remember.There are 2 ways out 1.A psychiatrist can uncover those hidden layers and with counselling and treatment unfold the subconscious mind, leading to releif from suppressed emotions, which is the root cause of physical diseases like acidity, vomiting etc.
2. spiritual realization : which also can only happen when your mind and body are in decent state.
so.I think mental releif from anxiety is more important and will help u attain physical releif quickly.
buddha780 last decade

With due respect to our friend who is trying to help you, i wish to say that the choice of remedy in your case`is not based on your interest in pornography.I don't know why he has formrd such an idea.The interest in pornography was not even a major issue while prescribing.It emerged later on in the case.Any way, if you feel better under the treatment suggested by me, i am happy.

rajivprasad last decade
I know that rajiv sir...

something is triggering my vommittings ...no idea what's that?

iam continuing carrot juice, aloe vera juice, triphala, lot of yogurt..etc

last night for dinner i had upma.. i had vommittings after an hour...belchings with gas brought the upma...small pieces coming into mouth without much effort.. i feel choking sometiems...

my frequency of vommittings reduced a lot....any other homeo i need to try for this gas and belchings...belchings come up with force...little bloating also observing sometimes..
durgahomeo last decade
two days back my old symptom of depression observed all of a sudden..now a days iam more thinking about my dad health too...he is suffering from depression after an accident...he is talking irrelevanta, insomnia ..etc.
durgahomeo last decade
Dear Prasad,

As you can see, your vomittings have reduced and are in control as long as you take restricted diet.This has happened because the remedy selection is correct.Now why upma aggravated is because it contains Urad dal (i hope you understand Hindi) which is quite hard to digest.If you would listen to me, keep to a very simple and easy to digest diet as your digestive system improves.All these set backs from time to time due to dietary indiscretions only delay the cure.If you can give yourself two-three months of controlled diet along with the treatment, you will be much better.But even after you are cured, you should be careful with your food and avoid junk food to the extent possible.There is no need for any other remedy as Lilium is still indicated.Take the next dose on schedule i.e. two weeks after the last dose.

rajivprasad last decade
hi rajiv sir,

since 2 days my symptoms are very severe...after eating bloating, belchings forcely occuring...after vommitting only iam getting relief..vommitting undigested food....iam getting scared to eat any simple food...for my regular oatmeal also happening...this bloating, forced belchings creating pain in the chest....i have to force myself for belching to relieve from the gastric pressure...

iam already using medicine since few months but i don't know iam getting cured or not...

do i have to go for any other chekup or use any other homeo medicine that give relief from this gastric bloating, belchings..etc.

durgahomeo last decade
When did you last take the remedy?

rajivprasad last decade
Also, do you have the Lilium 10M with you?It seems that you need to go up in potency as even 1M has reached its saturation point.To assess whether a cure is happening, you should look at whether by taking this remedy over the last few months, overall your acidity and vomitting problem has reduced significantly or not. To judge this you should not be biased by what has happened in the last two days.That may be due to an allergic response to something that you have eaten in the last few days.Also, try to judge whether you have felt calmer and more hopeful or not.Also your energy level.Has it improved or not?If answer to most of these questions is Yes, then you are moving towards a cure, otherwise not.But this judgement can be made by you only as there is no way in an online treatment, i can help in this matter except give these guidelines.

From your past posts on this thread, it seems that you have improved mentally/emotionally on this remedy and also the vomitting problem had reduced significantly except these last two days.But you tell me if it is true.Because if it is true, it indicates that the remedy is correct and we need to use a higher potency of this remedy as the disease is quite strongly rooted.So, if you don't have Lilium Tigrinum 10M, then order for it.

All the best.

rajivprasad last decade
hi rajiv sir,

iam following your advice and medication since few months ...some or other day my vommittings happening because of something...iam loosing weight ...iam becoming skinny with sick look...

planning to see the gastro enterologist this week again...

Thanks for your support and time...

i just want to consult the doctor and see again because i didn't see any improvement in my physical symptoms after 4+ months..

iam definitely gained mental strength and hope..my anxiety also controlled but the same time this physical discomfort triggering my anxiety..it's like my physical symptoms triggering my mental symptoms.

durgahomeo last decade
hi rajiv sir,

my flesh becoming loose..my neck to hands became skinny...

i lost 30+ pounds in one year time...

because of this reason iam going to see some family practice/ gastro enterlogist..

durgahomeo last decade
Dear Prasad,

Decision always rests with the patient.I wish you al the best for your treatment with the gastroenterologist.But as allopathy and homeopathy are diametricaly opposite to one another and i have no way to be in touch with you physically, i suggest you take treatment with the gastroenterologist alone.Then in that case do not take any more doses of Lilium Tigrinum.

All the best.

rajivprasad last decade
hi rajivprasad sir,

only the weight loss causing more worries to me...in 8 months i lost 23 pounds. today i went to family practice for this. had chest x-ray..it is normal.. took some blood work..results not yet come.

he prescribed again omeprzole this time in powder form..he said it has better absorbance..

he referred me again to gastroenterologist...i will see him...

but iam not planning to use any medication..

it's been many months i used homeo drugs rather than lilium..any other homeo will help me on my physical symptoms(vommittings)?

iam just going for checkup.

durgahomeo last decade
I will say only two things.First is that you need to be clear about the medical system that you wish to stay with for your treatment.If it is homeopathy, fine.If it is allopathy then too, it is fine.Since the choice is always of the patient.But you should know that homeopathy cures while allopathy manages symptoms.You have acidity so take an antacid.You have infections, so take antibiotics.That is the way it goes.You keep managing and suppressing symptoms till it is possible to do so.But again, there is nothing wrong with that as long as you are clear that you are opting for short term relief rather than a long term improvement in health that homeopathy offers.

Now, the second point.I am a classical homeopath.Which means one remedy that is needed by the patient is prescribed and the minimum dose is given.Lilium seems to me to be the remedy needed for you.It has helped as your vomittings have reduced over th last few months and mentally/emotionally you feel better.That tells me that remedy choice is correct.So, asking me about some other remedy that may help is a wrong question.You should take Lilium 10M next as suggested by me, if you wish to be treated by me.When a remedy is helping, changing it makes no sense.I will not repeatedly answer such questions in future.You just need to tell me how you feel from time to time.

Again, the last statement is relevant only if you wish to take my treatment.Or you may go to some other homeopath if you wish.

rajivprasad last decade
Hi Durga,
I am happy to hear that you have finally decided to go for a proper doctor. I have done the same and am very happy with the simple treatment of rantac 150 morning evening. once my system comes in order, i might try a constitutional remedy in homeopathy later on, but its important for us to come back to a normal life first. You should not allow yourself to be a guinea pig for testing.
by the way I lost 10kg in six months because of trying ayurvedic and homeopathy for my problem. finally I am gaining wait again.
good luck to you and pl take all medication that gastro prescribes you.
buddha780 last decade

i gave myself enough time(almost 5 months) for alternate medicine.. still it's not cured...as long as i don't eat iam fine...

i don't know it's a cure or not... i lost significant of weight after this vommitting started year and half back..

my morning stomach filling with gas and lunch/dinner causing belchings and vommittings....

rest is god's grace...i will try to avoid medicine for another month and see...

i will go for checkup with gastroenterologist and see what he says this time after 6 months.

i will depend strictly on my diet(carrot juice, aloe juice, apple juice(few times), yogurt and see for another month....

durgahomeo last decade
hi rajiv sir,

mentally iam fine until i got these hiatal hernia/reflux problems...these physical problems and related allopathy medicines put me in anxiety and depression... lilium or triphala or stay away from PPI's(acid blockers) and motility medicines for some time or diet helped me to stay calm and peaceful and having less vommittings...

but my problem of indigestion and vommittings not reduced if i come to regular diet...if iam on strict diet the frequency going down and loosing energy and loosing weight...

durgahomeo last decade
Dear Prasad,

I guess you should go for the treatment that apears to you to be best as of now.I have no intention of treating any one as a 'guinea pig' as our friend suggested and have never done so in my life.If you notice, for the last few months, i have only been responding to my existing patients on this forum.The reason is that i am very busy these days.It certainly hurts when people make such 'cruel remarks' without even knowing about the person about whom they are making these remarks.

It is certainly important to stop the weight loss and gain strength.So, do go for a check up with a gastroenterologist and do what the doctor says.

It was a pleasure to try to help you so far.But from my side, i consider your case as closed.I wish you all the best.

rajivprasad last decade
Hello i have seen your replies against different querries.I request you to please try the following medicines if you have good belief and patience on homeopathy.1.Cadmium ?defaultpotency=200C">sulph 200 4 pills thrice before half an hour of meal 2.Natrium phos 3x 10 tabs thrice after meal 3.Anacardium 200 4pills once at bed time and continue it for 6weeks.Pls avoid excess chilly,dried,spicy and fatty food.Thank you
Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
hi rajiv sir,

thanks for your time and advice. i didn't make any comments and followed your advice sincerely.

you helped me a lot...thanks
durgahomeo last decade
hi rajiv sir,

i definitely need your advice..iam going to see the gastroenterologist make sure my vommittings not hurting me any other way...

i will post the updates.

durgahomeo last decade

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