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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sever GERD after taking Protonix for 50 days.

I my like I may have had GERD or burning in the throught maybe once a month if that if I at very salty or spicy foods. I recenlty had a endoscopy for lower abdominal pains(just as a precautionary measure I am assuming).The did find mild esophigitus.

I was proscribed protonix for 2 months. I took it for about 50 days and did not finish completely due to reading bad things about the drug toward the end.

I have been off Protonix for about 50 days now and I have GERD every day since stopping. The burning in my throught is almost unbarable at times. It happens at anytime and does not matter how I am laying or if I have eaten or not.

It does howerver get worse with certain foods. I drink so much milk and soy milk now that I buy out the local store....

Did using a ppi stopping my acid production make my body now produce more that ever? And if so when will it go back to normal?

Any help would be appreciated.
  devinmar on 2006-11-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The remedy that I have prescribed for many cases of GERD is Nat Phos 6x.

You can take 3 tablets after 3 meals per day and you should experience relief within a few minutes of your first dose.

You may not eat a large meal for dinner and you must not sleep for 3 hours after dinner.

You can also use Arnica 30c in the wet dose which is made by inserting 3 pellets of the remedy into a 500ml bottle of spring water which you will shake hard (succuss) every time before you sip a teaspoonful which is a dose twice daily.

Please report response in 2 days after you start this therapy.

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Joe De Livera last decade
I have just noticed that this thread was posted on November 21.

I would like to have your explanation as to the reason why neither of you has responded to it for the last 2 days.

I believe that this fact alone testifies to the real reason for your presence on the ABC which is purely to vilify me and the resident prescribers rather than to be of any help to those who post on this forum with their ailments in the hope of someone prescribing a remedy to help them.

I consider your attitude disgusting and a disgrace to the Homeopathy that you pretend to profess.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe

who are you to question us, as to why we didn't respond to a particular thread?

I told you many times, some cases need the attention of real world physicians, and I will not jump in to prescribe a standard 'this for that' prescription, unless I am sure I can help them.

There are many other prescribers, other than the 'two of us' whom you are referring. They also might have felt the same way.

it is easy for you, because for you, no thinking is required.

You shout' Nat'phos the moment you here GERD, Arnica for diabetes and Nat.sulph for Asthma.

We can't do that.there is only so much, as prescribers we can take on our hands, and that may be one of the reasons, why some threads go unattended.

I am sure everybody will read the thread

'How Dr.Luc made Joe's medicines rather harmless'

and will take your prescriptions with a pinch of salt.

gavinimurthy last decade
No prescription is better than a thoughtless/useless/dangerous prescription.

Our policy is to keep quiet, if we can't help a patient. Some body else may do it.

It is our policy too to intervene, if that somebody else is dishing out, useless/thoughtless/dangerousprescriptions.

Is that clear my dear sir?

gavinimurthy last decade

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