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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Attention Joe De Livera --- Eczema

Hi Joe,

I have been reading a lot about you and your Arnica cure for Eczema on
the abc homeopath forum. I started taking the wet dose about six days
ago, however, I only had access to the 30c and used that with the
spring water, plus I had read some posts that said that you used the

My eczema started some improvement and then some of it seemed to
'break out' again. I have had a lot of redness/inflammation, very
itchy skin especially at night in bed. Lately, I have had an increase
in the itchiness and raised bumps that occur from that.

I was wondering if this is a natural occurence within the healing
process. You're other stories of Arnica seem to produce instant
healing. Should I expect some worsening before things get better? The
skin underneath looks healthier than a week ago, with less redness.

I would appreciate any assistance you might be able to offer me.

I am 27 years old, and I have had asthma and eczema basically since I
was born. It seems to get worse in the winter. When it's summer and I
can wear less clothing and get out in the sun, it gets much better.
Two weeks in Hawaii a couple years ago were the best weeks for me in a

I am very desperate to get a grasp on it, as it can be emotionally
debilitating to continually deal with this issue in my life.

Hope to hear from you at your convenience. Thanks for your time....
  cdresko on 2006-11-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
To Chris.

I believe that the reason why you did not respond to my Arnica therapy which has helped many hundreds is simply because you have used the wrong potency of 30c. I too discovered some years ago that 30c did not evoke the positive response that the 6c in the wet dose did.

The fact that you noticed some improvement in your condition with the 30c proves that you are on the right track and you are advised to stop the 30c immediately and get the 6c which you will use instead. I have not had reports of any aggravation of the eczema from patients who used the 6c and I shall await your report in 3 days after you start on the therapy.

If your Asthma is a problem in winter I can suggest a remedy which has helped many to overcome it. I would however prefer to stabilize your Eczema before we start the Asthma therapy.

You may like to visit the link below for more information on Asthma:

Joe De Livera last decade
homeopathy doesn't have seperate medicines for Eczema and Asthma.

All the symptoms are taken together, and a single suitable remedy is prescribed.

gavinimurthy last decade

In my opinion its worth the time and trouble to try and find your 'constitutional remedy', if you can find it, the effect on your health will be substantially better than what the arnica may offer you.

I tried the arnica 6c wet dose for a few weeks, and stopped after a bad flare-up. It seemed to be working at first, but, my eczema miasm/devil was just too much for it, and it came roaring back. Admittedly i didn't stick with it very long, but my instincts told me that it wasn't for me. The real promise of homeopathy is that if done correctly, it will cure the underlying problem as opposed to just reducing the symptoms. in short, its worth your time to try and sort it out and pick the correct remedy for you.

After i stopped arnica, i researched for a few weeks, with some help here, and selected a remedy, within days my eczema started to transform. My progress continues now, steady... and I have noticed other health benefits to go with it. don't sell homeopathy short, it has great potential if you really try it do it they way it was meant to be done.

I mean no offense to Joe, I believe he is trying to help you, and me... but, it may be that you can find the remedy that will get to the root of your problem...and I doubt that remedy is arnica.

john34 last decade
I appreciate everyone's comments on here, and I am certainly at the point where I should consider the best possible treatment.

Does anyone have any suggestions on the path I might try for a 'deeper' cure. It seems to me that Sulphur is one remedy that would fit me. I don't know how I should try that out to see if it works.

As I said up top, I am usually very itchy. Much worse at night. Heat does seem to bother me....I always have a fan on me at night when I go to bed. There hasn't been oozing as much with this eczema, just dry, inflamed break outs usually. And that can range all over (arms, legs, feet in particular.)

I also have a lot of trouble with an extremely itchy scalp, and a good amount of dandruff, although no crazy scaling or chunks coming off.

As an aside, my asthma really doesn't affect me much unless I'm hit with a cold. It's not a regular annoyance, and it hasn't been in a long time, but it is still there.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated as I figure out what my best path is. Thanks....

cdresko last decade

titled : 'ECZEMA - Causes & Treatment'

SOMETHING on 'Psorinum' :
Psorinum digs deeper into the back-ground of Skin disorders (for literal meaning = even previous

births or say hereditary factor). Psor. with careful periodical repeated doses, eliminates tendencies

(family-histories) of Skin disorders, which includes the innocent tendency to have skin darkening with

age (that is mal-nutrition and mal-absorption in the G.I.Tract).

For understanding 'Psorasis' and treatment modalities, please read the following link :

titled : 'Psoriasis From three Years' .... From yogita2003 on 2006-03-21
'It requires a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious'

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India

Also read other INFORMATIVE articles / posts by Nesha-India :
Nesha-India last decade

if you can't find an affordable doc near you who practices classical homeopathy, try and find the detailed case taking sheet that someone else posted here, and fill it all out asking one of those who follow the classical method for their input. As someone else posted out though, just finding the correct remedy is only part of the battle, after you need to interpret the reaction and respond accordingly. not easy for a novice (or pro for that matter) to do.

I think you are making the right decision, why settle for suppression when its possible to get a real cure. I've used many many forms of suppression over the years, and I can tell you, it doesn't compare at all to the real deal.

john34 last decade

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