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Posts about Tinnitus

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

cure of tinnitus by dr deoshlock

hi all
i want to tell you all that four weeks back i had tinnitus in my right ear and i was really confused about that .then i wrote here in this forum and dr deoshlock asked me to take myristica sefnefera 200 daily empty stomach .
i am glad that now i am feeling much much better with this medicine and thanks to dr deoshlock for his kind attension and also the way he treat the patient and his excellent approach toward all cases.
thanks alot sir.

  asimattar on 2006-11-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Asimattar

Thanks for your efforts to share your testimony. Tinnitus is very difficult to cure but thanks Dr. Sharma that he made it happen. He is a pioneer in Clinical Homeopathy and May God Bless him.
kuldeep last decade
yes sir
you are right dr deoshlock is very best homeopath .the main thing in homeopathic treatment is to trust the doctor and this is the main thing which everyone should do.
Dr deoshlock is really a trust worthy doctor and personally i found him very best in his observations.
thanks to dr sharma
asimattar last decade
Can anyone please give me Dr Ashok Sharma phone number or cantact address?
mbari last decade
Thank you Mr. Kuldeep, Asimattar, I am very glad to hear my appreciation... .

Dear Friends My name is Dr. Deoshlok Sharma, above spelling was wrong, any one can get address and detail from my web www.doctorhelpme.com but I am irregular doctor in abchomeopathy forum . I will try be regular in forum but due to my heavy patient I failed to come at forum..
I am extremely sorry for inconvenience to the forum user.... but when you need pls call me or pull me to the forum through my email deoshlok.gmail.com or skype ,hotmail,yahoo or from chat every where my id is deoshlok only.
I like to work in forum but I required some critical case only…

thanking you...

Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
deoshlok last decade

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