The ABC Homeopathy Forum
some 5 years back pain out side near anal opeing started and eventually a opening develop with dischaarge of pus, when i consult the doc he said its fitsula so i started homeopathic tratement, after some months another opening developed near the firt one, after several month treatment both the openng are dried now but i feel pain after passing stool. please tell me is it fitsula? and am i getting better since there is no pus but only pain.Doors on 2006-12-01
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♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you for the reply, i have gone through the link but i only want to ask am i suffering from fistula or some thing else as told by my doc, secondly if it is fitsula than why i am still having pain with 7 months homeopathic treatment and with no pus or dranage?
please reply soon i am worried.
please reply soon i am worried.
Doors last decade
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