The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Fibromyalgia with Chostochondritis
I have had Firbromyalgia for the last 3 years or more. For the past 10 weeks i have severe pain in the sternum area. I originally went to my primary care physician and he found that i to had an excellerate heart reat(118-120). He sent me to the hospital with no diagnosis. NOw having gone to several specialist and gone throught MRI's, CT scan and Xray of the chest the only thing they can find is CHostochondritis and they say it is worse because of the fibromyalgia. I am on more medication than i know what to do with. I would like some help with an alternative way to remedy these problems instead of just masking the pain.Please help
Thank you
bethbax on 2006-12-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi there. I was diagnosed with Chosto back in 2002. I started doing yoga and the symptoms practically vanished after my 3rd class. Yoga is all about opening your chest cavity and releasing anxiety and toxins in your body. I have been doing yoga now for 5 years and will never live without this amazing practice in my life. If for some reason I cannot do a yoga class for a couple of weeks, the chosto symptoms return. As long as I incorporate yoga in my life at LEAST once a week - I am PAIN FREE!!!
pinadip last decade
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