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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I am suffering pilessince past 16 years , i feel to don't tell any boday ...some times heavy pain ..i don't want go to surgery because scare of it surgery ..please suggesit me ..homeopathy medicines ...very thank full in advance ..
  rksrlssiva on 2006-12-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please post all the details regarding piles.
1.Dry or bleeding.
2.Painful or painless.
3.If you are a female,all about your menses,regular,irregular.scanty or excessive.Colour of the blood,time of increase or decrease,any pain during,between or after,any other problem related to menses.
4.Time of increase, decrease of main complaint.
5.the circumstances under which main complainr'piles' increase or decrease.
6.Your desire and aversion regarding food and drinks.
7.Your thermal reaction,you feel cold or hot.
11.Your mental behaviour.
12. Any other complaint any where in the body.
Your personal symptoms states above,that do not have any direct relation to your disease plays an important role in the selectin of the proper homeopathic remedy.

sajjadakram635 last decade
I am suffering past 16 years...Please help me...
1.Dry or bleeding. ..Some times
2.Painful or painless. ..these also some times
3.I am male
4.Stool comes hard it would very pain
5.the circumstances under which main complainr'piles' increase
7.Your thermal reaction,you feel hot.
10.Heavy Thirst.
11.Your mental behaviour good.
I told to Re piles i feel very bad ..no boday knows about i am suffering from piles past 16 years ..because i don't tell any boday i feel very bad...

Sir Please help me ...

Thank you for in adavnce ..


When i go to both room ..it will come to anus big peice after finishing the both room i would push it that piece...

I can use homepothy it will remove that piece sir..

Please help me sir..

I am suffering from past 16 years ..

Thanks for in advance
rksrlssiva last decade
based on your symptoms, the remedy which may be suitable is ALOE 6C, max. 6 doses in 3 hours interval.

wait for a week and report progress. if some relief is seen, you can take ALOE 12C and then ALOE 30C step by step keeping a gap of 2 weeks.
rishimba last decade
Doctor Gi..

Thank you for your replay a lot...

Please clear Aloe 6C, 30c and 12 C

Max doses in 3 hours interval this is tablates or any other liquid ..


Thanks in advance

Give me your contact no..i can give call to you..

Thanks in advance
rksrlssiva last decade
could be pills or liquid.

for pills its 4 nos. of pillules as one dose. if you go for liquid dose, its 2 to 3 drops in a quarter cup of water as a single dose.
rishimba last decade
i think the treatment what mr. pankaj varma suggests is the best please refer to him.
subodh, please base your remarks on individualistic symptoms of the patient.

the typical symptoms covered by ALOE are

- piles, bleeding, painful
- hemorrhoids protrude like grapes
- feeling of heat in the abdomen
- longing for juicy things ( thirst element )

if you 'think' any other remedy is dominating ALOE in these presented symptoms, then please list down and justify the remedy.

a blind statement like this without matching the individual's symptoms is not of much use to the patient.
rishimba last decade
Aloe is a good medicine for prolapsed piles, which can be pushed inside.

If the relief from cold water is there, it is definitely the medicine to be tried first.

Every individual needs a medicine based on his symptoms, and even Pankaj will not suggest medicines routinely, without looking at symptoms.

gavinimurthy last decade
I too have frequently recurring piles. Each episode lasts for about a week. A local homeopath gives me some medicine (he does not tell what it is) and I get immediate relief. New episode triggered after a week to 10 days when some change in food or wrong selection of food happens.

1.Piles generally dry. But during worst occurance, slight bleeding
2.Very painful during the episodes. Severe burning sensation
3.Male, 35 years old
4.Deep fried food (especially potato chips) trigger this the very next day
5.I am a non-smoker, tee-totaller. I LOVE eating sweets.
6. I am very uncomfortable with hot weather.
7. i sleep about 6-7 hours a day. Somehow, i want to sleep late and get up late. Work does not allow that. So, I get less sleep
8. Apetite is normal.
9. My gall bladder was removed a year ago. Piles complaint has been there for nearly six years now.
10. Thirst is not normal. Sometimes, i drink water only once every four hours. But, when I drink, i drink a lot of water.
11. I am short tempered. Always feel unhappy about others.
12. My liver is enlarged and fatty. Hemangiomas observed. I am under allopathic medication for diabetes. Blood sugar is 140 fasting and 160 post food.
gall_surgery last decade
based on your symptoms the remedy could be LYCOPODIUM.

next time if you have any recurrance of piles, try LYCOPODIUM 200C three doses at 6 hours intervals. this may not only cure you, it will keep you free from piles for quite some weeks. further, it will help you with your liver as well.
rishimba last decade
Thank you, 'rishimba'. I will take LYCOPODIUM and report progress.
gall_surgery last decade
Dear Rishimba,
There is significant improvement after Lycopodium 200C (10 drops with little water) twice a day. After a week, the pain has vanished with no recurrence. How long do you advise me to take this?

Thank you so much.
gall_surgery last decade
please stop it. dont take it on a continuous basis. now that a significant improvement has taken place, there is no need to continue else you may suffer from proving symptoms.
rishimba last decade
2.Painful[burning sensation}
4.Time of increase after passing stools , decrease after 2 to 3 hrs

5.i like spicy food & fried items

8.Sleep is ok
9.Appetite is normal
10.Thirstis normal
11.if i have burning sensation i get frustrated & angry .
12. My digestion is week .i have problems may be infection i.e i feel like again passing stools for the second time in the morning.
# i had examined myself to the doctor .he says that i have intero-eaternal grade 3 prolapsed piles
jaishshree last decade
write an essay about yourself, you likes and dislikes, habbits, your personality, response to various situations.

please state when this problem started and possible reasons for this ailment.

what makes it better and what makes it worse.
rishimba last decade
i m a 29 years old male . From the age of 14 i used to have junk food daily once in a day sometimes twice along with my regular food at home.i m very fond of spicy , oily , hot food.i have stopped eating these all from last six months as i m having problems right now.the problem i m facing right now is weak digestion due to which i constipate .As 0 reason of which i m having interno-external pilesgrade 3 pr0lapsed haemorrhoids As i have examined myself.This problem has arrived from last 9 months.The problem i m facing now is that after passing stools i have a burning sensation every morning.If the stools are hard & difficult to pass then it burns severely but if i take medicines to soften my stools then it burns less. i feel a grape shaped haemorrhoid with a tender tip at its end{skin like} . I like fried potatoes to much .One more thing i would like to say is i had this problem before 8 yrs but at that time it not used to burn to much and it went away automatically without any medicine.Some times after passing stools i often get the urge for passing stools again & i have to go again.this problem i have from a long time.Right now i m taking a homeopathic treatment from last 4 months but no effect.So now i want a good remedy of any type to cure this problem as when i have a burning sensation i get angry & do not do anything as this burning continues for atleast 3 to 4 hrs after that everything is ok i do not feel any burning feeling till next morning .I continuosly have a sitting work< on my computer> for 7hrs daily from last 3 yrs.
i smoke 1 cigrette everyday and i love to have tea. i drink 2 to 3 lts of water everyday.I never had bleeding before and even now there is no blood while passing stools.the doctor told me that i had proctitis also. Please suggest me what to do sir. Give the best remedy to overcome this problem thanks in advance
jaishshree last decade
please try ARS ALB 200C only five doses, each every 12 hours.

please report if there is a change in the next 4 to 5 days.

else, you need to provide some more information regarding your personality, other ailments, likes and dislikes, fears and dreams etc.
rishimba last decade

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