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Nat. Mur. next step/dosage Page 2 of 8

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you recheck my first post, you will see my journey with Nat. mur. and heart palpitations.
And yes, those palpitations are new. I never took homeopathy before Nat. mur. and never had heart palpitations and a bit of blood pressure before...
salem last decade
Dear Salem

Palpitations are very much part of Nat.mur drug picture.If you were not having them,earlier,and having now,means you are proving Nat.mur,because of too many doses.

They will go away ,on their own,and you will feel much better during course of time.

No further medication now,for a long time,not even Nat.mur.

Most of your problems will get resolved in about a month's time.

Wait patiently,since the medicine worked,still working,and will bring relief to you.

We shall retake the case,for the remaining symptoms,if any,after one month.

Till then,enjoy your life.Don't even post here.If you are interested in reading,just be a passive reader.

It is my sincere advice.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Thanks Murthy! What you suggest feels right to me. I am not very patient but I will be diligent with not taking anything for a while, as I know my heart needs to come down.
I will give sign of life in a month' s time and report! Thank you so much Murthy, John and Pankaj, for your support and advice. It is great to see different points of views and receive greater knowledge than my own.
salem last decade
My best wishes.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
murthy --more work like this--good job...missed some points but you are on right path...remember all you need is confidence and valid books..
John Stanton last decade
Thanks John

All I want is to give correct advice to those people who seek it here.

I am always open and willing to be corrected if I make a mistake.

bandarbabu2000 last decade

You might need Staphys.

John's assesment can be right.

If your BP is going up by taking Nat. Mur. and palpitaion is increasing, better stop further dosage.
It is going into "proving" stage as per technical terminology.

For Nat. Mur. to be the correct choice you have to have costipation. Is that so???

The first indication of Nat. Mur's positive action is that headache comes down and constipation begins to go away.

Any medical history ? what is the condition of your gums and teeth??
Any history of styes on the eyes etc.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
The headaches during periods are down for sure.
I would not say I have constipation but I had a brief day 3 weeks ago where I relived an event (I was 8 y.o., constipated by a virus for a month really bad.).That day I had a bowel movement which resembled the day when I was finally able to do it then: very large stool, a bit glistening but hard..but it was also the feeling of expelling the stool that was eery!

Medical history is good except for an umbilical hernia at 3 y.o.

My gum and teeth are "special"...according to all the dentists I have seen:I still have 4 baby teeths in my mouth and miss 2 front bottom teeths. I have 2 180 degrees rotated incisives, thanks to my Dad's genetics. My gums bleed easily... somewhat better with vit.C and grape seed extract.

No styes on eyes these days. It used to happen once a year, 20 years ago. My eyes are sensitive to light.
salem last decade
Forgot to mention about heart palpitations:It gradually decreased for 1 week but the remaining 10% is taking its sweet time to go away. BP is 140/88 these days....better than before.
salem last decade
What is the purpose of Kali Phos and do you recommend taking it still? Thanks!
salem last decade
Dear Murthy, John and Pankaj,

I have an ailment which has been plaguing me for 10-12 years for sure (appeared when I started therapy). Now that you are asking for signs and symptoms, I am including it. I was never able to change it whatsoever and maybe it would help you with the choice of remedy:

I feel I have a vortex of energy, like a small tornedo resting on my chin. It has been affecting my front bottom teeth for ever. It came to the point where those teeth started to rotate due to the strentgh of the "tornado". At one point, it was so painful that I had to go to the dentist in an emergency, just for him to tell that my teeth and gums were ok!

The pain is tolerable...and gets stronger as the day goes by, to be at its paroxysm at bed time. The pain has been there 24 hours/day for 12 years now.

A friend of mine, who is a medical intuitive says that I create small tornados of anger but block it with my will (childhood survival technique).

Would Nat. Mur. or Staph. help that at all?
salem last decade
...A curious symtom.!!

let us see if we can make something out of it.


bandarbabu2000 last decade
key to cure is in your past...if not addressed directly you will be symptom chasing...all you experience now are a result not the cause---causation MUST be addressed--- how this is to done will be decided..
John Stanton last decade
Palpitations are proving of Nat.mur.If a symtom,that belongs to the remedy comes out,even if it is a new symptom,no further medicine is called for.

They are already reducing,and will cease on their own.We have to wait and see.

If,they don't subside,even after a month,then the case has to be relooked into,afresh.

In homeopathy one of the best follow up medicines is "time."

bandarbabu2000 last decade
murthy---reread organon paragraph 154-184

you narrow your accessment too much without basing it upon what is occuring in case..also prescriber is to interveene when remedy action becomes troublesome--if not our duty...waiting is fine when justified --but not because of not knowing what to do---waiting may be right in this case--but it is observed that you say to wait out of lack of next step...reread organon...by the time something breaks loose in this case you must have the angles covered and prepared for intervention....

for example WHAT IF? "she claims palpitations are terrible and she is having severe anxiety and is upset terribly" -you need know what to do---so waiting is often used by the inexperienced to do nothing in mean time --and by the experienced to study the fine details- ask more questions--getting ready for next step...
John Stanton last decade
I can see you guys...are having fun! I will ponder on what else I can give you as symptoms or hints...
salem last decade
Here is more info:

16 to 18 y.o.: claustrophobic...when I would go to bed, the walls of my room would "fall" on me, until I opened my eyes again.

Oversensitive, cry easily

Hard of hearing in left ear

Teeth affected by cold

Did not speak much until I was 37 y.o.

Bloated and tired after eating

Slight psoriasis on scalp when stressed

Suffered from abandonment, betrayal and humiliation as a child

Many memory blocks where all I see is total blackness

Not prone to colds

Lost a sister in a motorcycle accident when I was 24 y.o....did not grieve for 7 years. She was the sister who would talk for me.

Any more precision info you need?
salem last decade

We too are learning through your case.But not in a funny way.May be a bit of argument and counter argument, because we know each other well.

Learning is a continuous process.

Your additional symptoms will definitely help,to understand your case more thoroughly.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
I agree with you,John.

We should keep on thinking,what should be the next remedy,while asking the patient to wait.

That is what I am doing also.The next remedy may not be clear to me that fast,and I believe,in a thorough case analysis,before recommending further course of treatment.

Thanks for the advice.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
I just realised that you are posting from London, England, I believe. I am francophone from Canada...therefore your way of communicating is slightly different than mine!

I also realise that you guys know each other well.
I am reading about Staph as much as I can find it on the internet and it sounds plausible.
salem last decade

I am from India.John is from U.S.A.You from Canada...

Very small world indeed..

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Very much indeed! And Pankaj?

Today, I have a small headache from my periods but certainly not like I used to have (bedridden for 12 to 30 hours sometimes, in the dark and not moving!).
salem last decade
Pankaj also is from India.

You will be better.Your next medicine is not yet due.

We are all on the look out for it.

Best wishes

bandarbabu2000 last decade
I appreciate and salute all of your efforts!
It is good to see people who are passionnate about a subject...as it inspires other people to seek and pursue their own!
salem last decade
I am following the thread ....
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Pl. continue with Kali Phos 6X.....

.....it will will give relief from palpitaion, bring down BP and take care of the emotional side of your problem.
Other med(s) can follow after detailed analysis.

Which city in Canada??
White-horse near Alaska???

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

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