Homeopathy Forum Archive: bacillinum
See also:
☤ Bacillinum - single homeopathic remedy
☤ Colibacillinum - single homeopathic remedy
☤ Colibacillinum cum Natrum Muriaticum - single homeopathic remedy
☤ Bacillinum Teste - nosode
☤ Tuberculinum Bacillinum - nosodeBelow are posts from our forum containing the phrase bacillinum. Some are current, others are old, but may still be useful.
8 topics displayed.
Remedies discussed in multiple threads for bacillinum:
Bacillinum 3 Psorinum 2 Tuberculinum 3 Bacillinum vs tuberculinum, JustSayin2, what is your opinion sir? 2
Tuberculinum - caution needed when eliminative organs, skin, intestines or heart dont function properly. My question is : does the same principle applies to bacillinum? Thank you...
Remedies: Tuberculinum, Calcarea Carbonica, Psorinum, Syphilinum (Luesinum)
Started by Dusty1. Last post: 2023-09-10Bacillinum vs Tuberculinum 8
How to decide between bacillinum and tuberculinum in a case?...
Remedies: Tuberculinum, Pertussinum, Bacillinum
Started by hpathyisgr8. Last post: 2017-10-26Confused about bacillinum treatment for eczema for 3 year old 4
My daughter of very happy disposition and very energetic itches mainly at night (sometimes during the day) on limbs and torso. Hands get dry and have some cracks on fingers. No h...
Remedies: Bacillinum
Started by eczemamom. Last post: 2014-03-06Where to get Bacillinum 1M? 1
Hi, I am looking for Bacillinum 1M but it is not available for purchase on this site. I have checked other sites like Amazon, Washington homeopathy, Boiron, Hylands but could not f...
Started by roshbhaga. Last post: 2013-05-01Bacillinum 200 for stuffy nose 2
I have a 2.5 year old son who has developed seasonal allergies. Mostly at night he gets a stuffy nose which disrupts his sleep. He will toss and turn. So far he has displayed hi...
Started by josiekat2030. Last post: 2012-09-11Influenzinum / Bacillinum 0
I have been reading the past threads on using Influenzinum 200c and Bacillinum 200c as preventatives of flu and colds. Can these be taken in dry (pellet) form? Would it be the sam...
Started by HiddenJewel. Last post: 2008-08-29Bacillinum 200 2
My relative (age 16 years boy) was given Bac 200 6 doses at 1 week interval and eridictyon Q 2 times/day for asthma 3 years back. After that the disease is be increased and continu...
Started by kvsanilkumar. Last post: 2006-02-06What is the difference between Bacillinum and Psorinum 9
Hi,I would like to understand the following :1. What are the primary concerne Baci and Psor are used for?2. What are the similarities between them?3. What are the differences betwe...
Remedies: Bacillinum, Psorinum, Tuberculinum, Thuja Occidentalis
Started by abcgul. Last post: 2004-11-10
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