| Inflammation of diaphragm | Hear-constriction, as from an Iron BAND | Angina pectoris | Palpitation, pain shooting down left arm | Hemoptysis, with convulsive, spasmodic cough | Heart, Endocarditis with mitral insufficiency together with violent and rapid action | Acts best in he incipiency of cardia incompetence | Heart weakness of arteriosclerosis | Tobacco heart | Violent palpitation, Worse lying on left side, at approach of menses | Angina pectoris, with suffocation, cold sweat, and ever-present iron-band feeling | Pain in apex, shooting down left arm | Palpitation, with vertigo, dyspnoea, flatulence | Constriction, very acute pains and stitches in heart, pulse feeble, irregular, quick, without strength | Endocardial murmurs, excessive impulse, increased precordial dullness, enlarged ventricle | Low blood pressure. | chest, catarrh; | chest, congestion; | chest, congestion, lying down impossible; | chest, constriction, tension; | chest, constriction, tension, as if from armour; | chest, constriction, tension, as from a band around chest; | chest, constriction, tension, lower part; | chest, constriction, tension, breast bone, on movement; | chest, constriction, tension, heart; | chest, constriction, tension, heart, grasping sensation; | chest, heart; | chest, heart, aneurysm, of the heart; | chest, heart, angina pectoris; | chest, heart, dilatation of heart; | chest, heart, fatty degeneration of heart; | chest, heart, hypertrophy of heart; | chest, heart, palpitations; | chest, heart, palpitations, from exertion; | chest, heart, palpitations, while lying down, side, left; | chest, lungs, haemorrhage (see expectoration); | chest, murmurs; | chest, oppressed feeling; | chest, oppressed feeling, heart; | chest, pain; | chest, pain, heart; | chest, pain, pressing, heart; | Oppressed breathing as from a weight on chest | Constriction in chest, as if bound, hindering respiration | Diaphragmitis, with great difficulty of breathing. | respiration, deep, desire to breathe deeply; | respiration, difficult (dyspnea); | respiration, difficult (dyspnea), while lying, lying with the head low; | respiration, difficult (dyspnea), while lying, on the back; | respiration, difficult (dyspnea), while lying, lying with shoulders elevated; | respiration, difficult (dyspnea), lying down, on the back; | respiration, difficult (dyspnea), lying down, lying with shoulders elevated; | respiration, difficult (dyspnea), periodic attacks; | respiration, impeded, obstructed, constriction of chest; | respiration, rattling; | respiration, rattling, night and day; | respiration, rattling, lying down; |