Cocculus Indicus

The following are the indications of Cocculus Indicus, as it relates to this part. Strongest indications are in bold, the next strongest are in italics, and the remaining indications are in a plain typeface.
Heavy and stupid
Time passes too quickly, absorbed in reveries
Inclination to sing irresistible
Slow of comprehension
Mind benumbed
Profound sadness
Cannot bear contradiction
Speaks hastily
Very anxious about the health of others.
mind, aversions, dislikes, open air;
mind, dazed;
mind, delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions;
mind, symptoms follow intense emotions, anger;
mind, symptoms follow intense emotions, ailments from grief;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, mildness;
mind, hysteria;
mind, hysteria, fainting;
mind, intellectual faculties, impaired thinking, confusion;
mind, intellectual faculties, impaired thinking, confusion, after drinking;
mind, intellectual faculties, impaired thinking, confusion, after eating;
mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, anxiety, sleep, after period;
mind, memory, forgetful;
mind, memory, weakness of memory;
mind, perception, time, time passes too quickly;
mind, preoccupied, absorbed, buried in thought, introspection;
mind, talking, conversation, dislike of talking, desire to be silent, taciturn;
mind, unconsciousness;
Vertigo, nausea, Especially when riding or sitting up
vertigo, dizziness;
vertigo, dizziness, tendency to fall over, falling sideways;
vertigo, dizziness, as if intoxicated;
vertigo, dizziness, must lie down;
vertigo, dizziness, with nausea;
vertigo, dizziness, with nausea, on rising in bed;
vertigo, dizziness, on rising, from bed;
vertigo, dizziness, while sitting, sitting up in bed;
vertigo, dizziness, loss of sleep;
Sense of emptiness in head
Pupils contracted
Opening and shutting sensation, especially in occiput
Trembling of head
Headache In occiput and nape, worse, lying on back of head
Sick headache from carriage-riding, cannot lie on back part of head
Pain in eyes as if torn out of head.
head, pain, headache;
head, pain, headache, with other pains, pain in nape of neck;
head, pain, headache, travelling, travelling by train or underground;
head, pain, headache, travelling, while travelling;
head, pain, headache, from loss of sleep, from working at night;
head, pain, headache, in forehead;
head, pain, headache, back of head (occiput);
head, pain, headache, back of head (occiput), extending to other parts, neck;
head, pain, headache, pressing (see bursting, pulling), forehead, riding;
vision, colours and shapes in front of eyes, colours, black, spots, floating (aka muscae volitantes or spiders);
Paralysis of facial nerve
Cramp-like pain in masseter muscle, Worse, opening mouth
Prosopalgia in afternoon, with wide radiations of pain.
face, pain, affected by movement (for better or worse), when opening the mouth (see movement);
face, skin, discoloration, iron deficiency anaemia (greenish-yellow discoloration);
mouth, dryness, tongue;
mouth, taste, bitter, while smoking;
mouth, taste, metallic;
chest, perspiration;
Sensation of emptiness and cramp in chest
Dyspnoea as from constriction of trachea, as if irritated by smoke
Choking constriction in upper part of oesophagus, oppressing breathing and inducing cough.
cough, intermittent;
skin, discoloration, pale;
skin, discoloration, red, spots;
Cracking of cervical vertebrae when moving head
back, weakness (tired feeling, in spine), neck;
Paralytic pain in small of back
Pain In shoulder and arms as if bruised
Pressure in scapula and nape
Stiffness on moving shoulders.
back, weakness (tired feeling, in spine), lumbar (lower half of back);
back, weakness (tired feeling, in spine), lumbar (lower half of back), walking;
Metallic taste
Paralysis of muscles preventing deglutition
Dryness of oesophagus
Seasickness ( Resorcin)
Hiccough and spasmodic yawning
Loss of appetite
Desire for cold drinks, especially beer
Distended, with wind, and feeling as If full of sharp stones when moving; better, lying on one side or the other
Pain in abdominal ring, as if something were forced through
Abdominal muscles weak, it seems as if a hernia would take place.
abdomen, bloated, during period;
abdomen, bloated, trapped wind;
abdomen, emptiness;
abdomen, pain, night, midnight;
abdomen, pain, groin region, hernia, as if a hernia would appear;
abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, night, midnight;
abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, during chill;
abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, during period;
abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, on movement;
abdomen, pain, pressing, lower part of abdomen, during period;
abdomen, pain, cutting, during period;
abdomen, stomach, appetite, lacking, no appetite, with hunger;
abdomen, stomach, pain, during chill;
Aversion to food, drink, tobacco
1x.) Cramp in stomach during and after meal
Sensation in stomach as if one had been a long time without food until hunger was gone
Smell of food disgusts ( Colch.)
abdomen, stomach, aversion to certain foods or drinks, all food, with hunger;
abdomen, stomach, aversion to certain foods or drinks, all food, smell of;
abdomen, stomach, loathing of food (see nausea);
abdomen, stomach, nausea, thought of food;
abdomen, flatulence, night, midnight;
Stomach, Nausea from riding in cars, boat, etc., or looking at boat in motion, worse on becoming cold or taking cold
abdomen, stomach, nausea, afternoon;
abdomen, stomach, nausea, when cold;
abdomen, stomach, nausea, after drinking;
abdomen, stomach, nausea, from dryness in throat;
abdomen, stomach, nausea, after eating;
abdomen, stomach, nausea, like fainting;
abdomen, stomach, nausea, during headache;
abdomen, stomach, nausea, on movement;
abdomen, stomach, nausea, while travelling;
abdomen, stomach, nausea, on rising, up in bed;
abdomen, stomach, nausea, seasickness;
abdomen, stomach, nausea, sitting, when sitting up in bed;
Nausea, with faintness and vomiting
abdomen, stomach, vomiting, while travelling;
rectum, diarrhoea, from riding;
genitals, female, vaginal discharge, bloody;
Painful pressing in uterine region, followed by hemorrhoids
genitals, female, pain, womb (see abdomen, pain), movement;
genitals, female, pain, cramping, womb, from movement;
genitals, female, pain, cutting, womb;
genitals, female, pain, cutting, womb, with every breath;
genitals, female, pain, cutting, womb, during movement;
Female, Dysmenorrhoea, with profuse dark menses
Too early menses, clotted, with spasmodic colic
Purulent, gushing leucorrhoea between menses, Very weakening, can scarcely speak
So weak during menstruation, scarcely able to stand.
genitals, female, period, copious;
genitals, female, period, copious, standing;
genitals, female, period, copious, walking;
genitals, female, period, frequent;
genitals, female, pain, cramping, womb, during period;
genitals, female, pain, cutting, womb, during period;
Lameness, worse by bending
Trembling and pain in limbs
Arms go to sleep
One-sided paralysis, worse after sleep
Hands are alternately hot and cold, numbness and cold sweat now of one, now of the other hand
Numb and unsteady
Knees crack on motion
Lower limbs very weak
Inflammatory swelling of knee
Intensely painful, paralytic drawing
Limbs straightened out, painful when flexed.
extremities, limbs, heaviness, lower limbs;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, during chill;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, hand, while eating;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, hand, when raising them high;
extremities, limbs, numbness (see tingling);
extremities, limbs, numbness (see tingling), upper limbs;
extremities, limbs, numbness (see tingling), hand;
extremities, limbs, numbness (see tingling), hand, alternating hands;
extremities, limbs, numbness (see tingling), foot;
extremities, limbs, numbness (see tingling), foot, alternating with hands;
extremities, limbs, numbness (see tingling), foot, sole of foot;
extremities, limbs, numbness (see tingling), foot, sole of foot, sitting;
extremities, limbs, pain, sensation as if broken;
extremities, limbs, pain, sensation as if broken, upper arm, on raising it;
extremities, limbs, paralysis;
extremities, limbs, paralysis, painless;
extremities, limbs, paralysis, upper limbs, sensation of paralysis;
extremities, limbs, paralysis, lower limbs, painless;
extremities, limbs, perspiration, foot;
extremities, limbs, stiffness;
extremities, limbs, tingling, prickling, asleep (see numbness), hand;
extremities, limbs, tingling, prickling, asleep (see numbness), foot;
extremities, limbs, tingling, prickling, asleep (see numbness), foot, alternating with hands;
extremities, limbs, tingling, prickling, asleep (see numbness), foot, while sitting;
extremities, limbs, weakness, tottering;
extremities, limbs, weakness, lower limbs;
extremities, limbs, weakness, lower limbs, paralytic;
extremities, limbs, weakness, thigh;
extremities, limbs, weakness, knee;
extremities, limbs, weakness, knee, while walking;
extremities, limbs, weakness, leg;
Chill, with flatulent colic, nausea, vertigo, coldness of lower extremities, and heat of head
Sweat general
Nervous form of low fever
Chilliness, with perspiration, and heat of skin.
chill, internal;
chill, in warmth, in warm room, not relieved in warm room, nor by a warm heater;
fever, alternating with chills;
Spasmodic yawning
Coma vigil
Constant drowsiness
After loss of sleep, night-watching, nursing.
sleep, dreams, anxious;
sleep, dreams, frightful;
sleep, restless;
sleep, sleeplessness, insomnia, night, from anxiety;
sleep, sleeplessness, insomnia, night, from nursing the sick;
generalities, convulsions, convulsive movements;
generalities, convulsions, internal;
perspiration, cold;
perspiration, single parts, front of body;
generalities, aversion to open air;
generalities, open air;
generalities, anaemia, as from iron deficiency - greenish yellow skin;
generalities, extreme emotion;
generalities, constriction, externally;
generalities, physical exertion;
generalities, faintness, fainting, hysterical (see hysteria);
generalities, insensitive to pain (see irritability);
generalities, lying down, lying on side;
generalities, movement;
generalities, numbness, externally;
generalities, numbness, internally, in single parts;
generalities, pain, paralytic;
generalities, pain, pinching, internally;
generalities, pain, pressing, together;
generalities, pain, sore, bruised, externally;
generalities, pain, sore, bruised, bones;
generalities, pain, sudden, sharp, muscles, burning in muscles;
generalities, paralysis, painless;
generalities, paralysis, after diphtheria;
generalities, pulsation, internally;
generalities, relaxation of muscles;
generalities, while travelling;
generalities, rising;
generalities, symptoms from masturbation;
generalities, from loss of sleep;
generalities, standing;
generalities, temperature (felt and effects of temperature), hot feeling, flushes of heat;
generalities, touch;
generalities, trembling, externally;
generalities, trembling, after emotions;
generalities, walking;
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness), loss of sleep;
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness), nervous weakness;
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness), from nursing the sick;
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness), paralytic;
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness), from loss of sleep;
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness), walking, in open air;