
The following are the indications of Opium, as it relates to this part. Strongest indications are in bold, the next strongest are in italics, and the remaining indications are in a plain typeface.
Patient wants nothing
Complete loss of consciousness, apoplectic state
Frightful fancies, daring, gay, bright
Unable to understand or appreciate his sufferings
Thinks he is not at home
Delirious talking, with wide open eyes.
mind, behaviour, jumping, out of bed;
mind, behaviour, rolling on the floor;
mind, dazed;
mind, dazed, between convulsions;
mind, delirium;
mind, delirium, raging, raving;
mind, delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions, creatures and animals;
mind, delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions, visions, beautiful;
mind, delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions, visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people, faces;
mind, delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions, visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people, faces, hideous;
mind, as if in a dream;
mind, symptoms follow intense emotions, anger;
mind, symptoms follow intense emotions, fright;
mind, symptoms follow intense emotions, reproaches;
mind, excitement;
mind, fantasies, of exaltation, pleasant;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, ecstatic, exhilaration;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, indecisive;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, indifference, apathy, etc.;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, indifference, apathy, etc., during chill;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, indifference, apathy, etc., does not complain;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, indifference, apathy, etc., during fever;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, indifference, apathy, etc., to pleasure;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, indifference, apathy, etc., to suffering;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, mirth, hilarity, liveliness, etc.;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, rage, fury (see insanity, mania, delirium);
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, sensitive, oversensitive, to noise;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, sensitive, oversensitive, to noise, slightest;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting), while perspiring;
mind, intellectual faculties, impaired thinking, confusion;
mind, intellectual faculties, impaired thinking, dull, sluggish;
mind, intellectual faculties, impaired thinking, dull, sluggish, while reading;
mind, intellectual faculties, impaired thinking, imbecility;
mind, intellectual faculties, ideas, deficiency of ideas;
mind, insanity, mania, madness, from drinking (delirium tremors);
mind, memory, active memory;
mind, perception, numbness;
mind, perception, senses, acute;
mind, perception, senses, dull;
mind, sleep-walking;
mind, unconsciousness;
mind, unconsciousness, after epilepsy;
mind, unconsciousness, during fever;
Vertigo, Lightness of head in old people
Vertigo after fright
vertigo, dizziness;
Dull, heavy, stupid
Complete insensibility, no mental grasp for anything
Paralysis of brain.
head, cerebral haemorrhage;
head, hot, during chill;
Pain in back of head, great weight there ( Gels.) Bursting feeling
head, skin and scalp, perspiration, forehead;
head, skin and scalp, perspiration, forehead, cold;
Half-closed, dilated, pupils insensible, Contracted
Ptosis ( Gels., Caust.) Staring, glassy.
eye, lids, half open;
eye, lids, eyes closed, half open;
eye, dryness;
eye, glassy appearance;
eye, intolerance of light (photophobia);
eye, pupils, contracted;
eye, pupils, insensitive to light;
eye, staring;
eye, tears;
vision, dim;
vision, weak (see eyes, weak);
hearing, too sensitive;
hearing, too sensitive, to noises;
Red, bloated, Swollen, dark suffused, hot
Looks intoxicated, besotted ( Bapt., Lach.) Spasmodic facial twitching, especially corners of mouth
Veins of face distended
Hanging down of lower jaw
face, distortion;
face, expression, old looking;
face, expression, sleepy;
face, heat;
face, motions of jaw, dropping of jaw;
face, motions of jaw, lockjaw;
face, perspiration;
face, skin, discoloration, bluish;
face, skin, discoloration, earthy;
face, skin, discoloration, pale;
face, skin, discoloration, red;
face, skin, discoloration, red, during convulsion;
face, skin, discoloration, red, dark red;
face, skin, drawn, pulled;
face, sunken;
face, swelling;
face, twitching;
face, twitching, around mouth;
nose, smell, acute, over sensitive;
Bloody froth
Intense thirst
Difficult articulation and swallowing.
mouth, open;
mouth, open, during sleep;
mouth, speech, difficult;
Blubbering of lips
Tongue black, Paralyzed
mouth, dryness, tongue, morning;
mouth, dryness, tongue, on waking;
mouth, paralysis, tongue;
mouth, paralysis, tongue, pulled to right;
throat, tickling in the air passages, larynx;
chest, paralysis, heart;
Pulse Full and slow
Breathing stops on going to sleep, must be shaken to start it again ( Grindelia.) Hoarse
Deep snoring, rattling, stertorous breathing
Difficult, intermittent, deep, unequal respiration
Heat in chest, burning about heart
Cough, with dyspnoea and blue face, with bloody expectoration.
respiration, deep;
respiration, difficult (dyspnea);
respiration, difficult (dyspnea), with cough;
respiration, difficult (dyspnea), during sleep, must be awakened to avoid suffocation;
respiration, difficult (dyspnea), during sleep, when falling asleep;
respiration, difficult (dyspnea), waking with difficulty breathing;
respiration, interrupted;
respiration, interrupted, during sleep (apnea);
respiration, irregular;
respiration, sighing;
respiration, slow;
respiration, slow, during convulsions;
respiration, slow, breathing in, during sleep;
respiration, snoring;
respiration, snoring, during chill;
respiration, snoring, during heat;
respiration, like deep snoring;
respiration, like deep snoring, after convulsions;
respiration, like deep snoring, during sleep;
Hot, damp, sweating
Constant desire to uncover
Hot perspiration over whole body except lower limbs.
skin, discoloration, bluish;
skin, dry;
skin, dry, burning;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, painless;
Swollen veins of neck.
back, cramp (see also pain: cramp-like pains), intermittent pulling, neck (head bent back);
back, inflammation, spinal cord;
back, spasms, opisthotonos (body bent backward and stiffened);
Incarcerated hernia
Hungry, no desire to eat.
Hard, bloated, tympanitic
Lead colic
During colic, urging to stool and discharge of hard faeces.
abdomen, hernia, groin, strangulated;
abdomen, inflammation, neck of large intestine (right side, between hip and ribs. typhlitis);
abdomen, pain, from lead poisoning;
abdomen, pain, pressing, before stool;
abdomen, paralysis of intestines;
abdomen, stopped sensation;
abdomen, bladder, paralysis;
abdomen, bladder, retention of urine (see urination delayed), after a fright;
abdomen, bladder, urging to urinate (unhealthy desire), ineffectual;
abdomen, bladder, urination, feeble stream (slow);
abdomen, bladder, urination, delayed, difficult, must press, a long time before able to start;
abdomen, bladder, urination, delayed, difficult, must press, morning;
abdomen, bladder, urination, delayed, difficult, from spasm of sphincter;
abdomen, bladder, urination, weakness;
abdomen, kidneys, suppression of urine, with perspiration;
abdomen, stomach, desires, cravings, alcoholic drinks, brandy;
abdomen, impaction (food lodged in abdomen);
abdomen, stomach, appetite, ravenous, excessive, without enjoying food (see aversion to food);
Stomach, Vomiting, with colic and convulsions
Faecal vomiting
abdomen, pain, with vomiting, blood and mucus in stool (intussusception);
abdomen, stomach, vomiting, vomit like stool;
rectum, constipation, alternating with diarrhoea;
rectum, constipation, difficult stool, stool recedes;
rectum, constipation, inactivity of rectum;
rectum, constipation, insufficient, incomplete, unsatisfactory stool;
rectum, constipation, stool remains in rectum for a long time with no urging;
rectum, constriction, contraction, closure, etc., spasmodic;
rectum, diarrhoea, from emotions, from sudden joy;
rectum, involuntary stool;
rectum, involuntary stool, after a fright;
rectum, pain, burning, during stool;
rectum, pain, urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing, during stool;
Obstinate constipation, no desire to go to stool
Round, hard, black balls
Faeces protrude and recede ( THUS., Sil.) Spasmodic retention of faeces in small intestines
Stools involuntary, black, offensive, frothy
Violent pain in rectum, as if pressed asunder.
stool, like balls;
stool, like balls, black;
stool, like balls, like sheep dung;
stool, black;
stool, dry;
stool, grey;
stool, hard;
stool, odour, offensive;
stool, watery;
Slow to start, feeble stream
Retained or involuntary, after fright
Loss of power or sensibility of bladder.
urine, scanty;
urine, scanty, while perspiring;
Horrible labor-like pains in uterus, with urging to stool.
genitals, female, prolapse, womb, after a fright;
Cessation of labor-pains with coma and twitchings
Puerperal convulsions, drowsiness or coma between paroxysms
Threatened abortion and suppression of lochia, from fright with sopor
genitals, female, pain, labour pains, ceasing;
genitals, female, pain, labour pains, weak;
Female, Suppressed menses from fright
Painless paralysis ( Oleand.) Twitching of limbs
Jerks as if flexors were over acting
Convulsions, worse from glare of light, coldness of limbs.
extremities, limbs, coldness, lower limbs;
extremities, limbs, heat, hand;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, convulsion;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, convulsion, convulsive movement;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, jerking, calf;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, after a fright;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, upper limbs;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, lower limbs;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, twitching;
extremities, limbs, numbness (see tingling);
extremities, limbs, paralysis, after extreme emotion;
extremities, limbs, relaxation;
Heat extending over body
HOT perspiration
Fever characterized by stupor, snoring respiration, twitching of limbs, intense thirst and sleepiness
General low temperature with inclination to stupor.
fever, localised, cerebro-spinal fever;
fever, burning heat;
fever, continued fever, dazed from fever;
fever, continued fever, in complete daze;
fever, intense heat, with delirium;
fever, intense heat, during sleep;
fever, intense heat, with daze and unconsciousness;
fever, perspiration with heat;
fever, heat comes on during sleep;
fever, stages of chill, heat and sweat, chill followed by heat, with sweat;
fever, desire to uncover;
injuries and accidents, poisoning;
injuries and accidents, shock from injury;
Great drowsiness ( Gels., Nux Mosch.) Falls into a heavy stupid sleep
Profound coma
Loss of breath on falling asleep ( Grind.) Coma vigil
Picking at bedclothes
Very sleepy, but cannot go to sleep
Distant noises, cocks crowing, etc., keep him awake
Child dreams of cats, dogs, black forms
Bed feels so hot cannot lie on it
Pleasant, fantastic, amorous dreams
Shaking chill, then heat, with sleep and sweat
Thirst only during heat.
sleep, symptoms during chill;
sleep, comatose;
sleep, comatose, between convulsions;
sleep, deep;
sleep, deep, during chill;
sleep, deep, after convulsions;
sleep, deep, between convulsions;
sleep, deep, during heat;
sleep, dreams, amorous;
sleep, dreams, fantastic;
sleep, dreams, pleasant;
sleep, falling asleep, during heat;
sleep, sleep between heat of fever;
sleep, while perspiring (see perspiration during sleep);
sleep, restless;
sleep, sleepiness, tiredness;
sleep, sleepiness, tiredness, during chill;
sleep, sleepiness, tiredness, during the heat;
sleep, sleepiness, tiredness, overpowering;
sleep, sleeplessness, insomnia;
sleep, sleeplessness, insomnia, night, with sleepiness;
sleep, sleep-walking;
sleep, yawning;
generalities, convulsions;
generalities, convulsions, night;
generalities, convulsions, children;
generalities, convulsions, rapid muscle spasm;
generalities, convulsions, convulsive movements;
generalities, convulsions, from excitement;
generalities, convulsions, with falling, backwards;
generalities, convulsions, from fright;
generalities, convulsions, from fright, of the mother (infant);
perspiration, from fright;
perspiration, hot;
perspiration, profuse, morning;
perspiration, profuse, morning, hot, dry;
perspiration, single parts, upper body;
perspiration, other symptoms worse while perspiring;
generalities, affects of alcohol;
generalities, affects of alcohol, brandy;
generalities, extreme emotion;
generalities, blackness of external parts;
generalities, blood vessels, blue discoloration (from lack of oxygen in blood);
generalities, catalepsy (dazed, allows others to position limbs), after a fright;
generalities, faintness, fainting, on excitement;
generalities, faintness, fainting, after a fright;
generalities, fluid build up, external;
generalities, insensitive to pain (see irritability);
generalities, insensitive to pain (see irritability), inner parts;
generalities, lack of irritability;
generalities, numbness, externally;
generalities, pain, pressing, internally;
generalities, in aged people;
generalities, painlessness of complaints usually painful;
generalities, perspiration gives no relief;
generalities, pulse, abnormal;
generalities, pulse, frequent, accelerated, elevated, exalted, fast, innumerable, rapid;
generalities, pulse, slow;
generalities, pulse, soft;
generalities, lack of reaction;
generalities, rising;
generalities, during sleep;
generalities, sensation of strength;
generalities, temperature (felt and effects of temperature), warmth, warm bed;
generalities, trembling, externally;
generalities, warmth, warm bed;
generalities, wine;