
The following are the indications of Psorinum, as it relates to this part. Strongest indications are in bold, the next strongest are in italics, and the remaining indications are in a plain typeface.
Hopeless, despairs of recovery
Melancholy, deep and persistent, religious
Suicidal tendency.
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, forsaken feeling;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, unhappy, despair;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, unhappy, despair, from itching of the skin;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, unhappy, wants to injure self, suicidal disposition, from thoughts;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, unhappy, sadness, mental depression;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, unhappy, sadness, mental depression, from itching;
mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, anxiety;
mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, anxiety, of conscience (as if guilty of a crime);
mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, anxiety, with fear;
mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, fear;
mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, fear, of evil;
mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, fear, of misfortune;
Chronic headaches, hungry during attacks, with vertigo
head, brain, pulsating in brain, like little hammers beating brain;
head, congestion (see pulsation), night;
head, sense of separation, as if head were separated from body;
Awakens at night with pain as from blow on head
Hammering pain, brain feels too large, worse, change of weather
Dull, pressive pain in occiput
head, pain, headache;
head, pain, headache, on coughing;
head, pain, headache, pulsating;
head, pain, headache, pressing (see bursting, pulling);
head, pain, headache, stunning;
Humid eruption on scalp, hair matted
Hair dry.
head, skin and scalp, out-break on skin, crusts, scabs;
head, skin and scalp, out-break on skin, crusts, scabs, moist;
head, skin and scalp, out-break on skin, crusts, scabs, ulcerated;
head, skin and scalp, out-break on skin, dry;
head, skin and scalp, out-break on skin, eczema;
head, skin and scalp, out-break on skin, moist;
Chronic ophthalmia, that constantly recurs
Edges of lids red
Secretion acrid.
eye, lids, out-breaks on skin, scaly herpes;
eye, inflammation;
eye, inflammation, of catarrh from cold;
eye, inflammation, glandular swellings;
eye, inflammation, wounds, conjunctiva (external lining of eye), oozing pus (including cornea);
Raw, red, Oozing scabs around ears
Sore pain behind ears
Herpes from temples over ears to cheeks
Offensive discharge from eczema around ears
intolerable itching
Chronic otorrhoea
Most fetid pus from ears, brownish, offensive.
ear, discharges from ear;
ear, discharges from ear, bloody;
ear, discharges from ear, offensive smelling;
ear, discharges from ear, greenish pus;
ear, discharges from ear, offensive smelling, like putrid meat;
ear, discharges from ear, pus;
ear, discharges from ear, after scarlet fever;
ear, discharges from ear, following disease;
ear, noises in ear;
ear, noises in ear, ringing;
ear, skin, out-breaks on skin;
ear, skin, out-breaks on skin, containing pus;
ear, skin, out-breaks on skin, powdery flaking skin;
ear, skin, out-breaks on skin, behind ears;
ear, skin, out-breaks on skin, behind ears, eczema;
ear, skin, out-breaks on skin, behind ears, wearing away skin;
ear, skin, out-breaks on skin, behind ears, moist;
ear, skin, out-breaks on skin, behind ears, powdery flaking skin;
ear, skin, out-breaks on skin, behind ears, sore;
Swelling of upper lip
Pale, delicate
Humid eruption on face
face, pain, jaw, top end of bone;
face, skin, discoloration, dirty looking;
face, skin, out-breaks on skin;
face, skin, out-breaks on skin, acne, chronic, especially nose and cheeks;
face, skin, out-breaks on skin, acne, forehead;
face, skin, out-breaks on skin, eczema;
face, skin, out-breaks on skin, powdery flaking skin;
face, skin, out-breaks on skin, blisters;
Chronic catarrh, dropping from posterior nares
Acne rosacea.
nose, catarrh;
nose, catarrh, post nasal (see discharge);
nose, discharge from nose, blood;
nose, discharge from nose, offensive smelling;
nose, discharge from nose, offensive smelling, putrid;
nose, discharge from nose, containing pus;
Dry, coryza, with stoppage of nose
nose, running or blocked nose (coryza), annual (hay fever);
Obstinate rhagades at corners
mouth, growths, blisters, swellings, ulcers, gums;
mouth, dryness, tongue;
mouth, growths, blisters, swellings, ulcers, tongue;
Tongue, gums ulcerated, tough mucus of foul taste adheres to soft palate.
mouth, taste, putrid;
Tonsils greatly swollen, painful swallowing, with pain in ears
Profuse, offensive saliva, tough mucus in throat
Recurring quinsy
Eradicates tendency to quinsy
Hawking up of cheesy, pea-like balls of disgusting smell and taste ( Agar.)
throat, sensation of something in throat, lump;
throat, external throat, out-break on skin, herpes;
chest, heart, palpitations, from exertion;
chest, heart, palpitations, while lying down, side, left;
chest, heart, palpitations, lying down, on right side;
chest, heart, palpitations, on movement;
chest, inflammation, heart, pericardium;
chest, lungs, tuberculosis;
chest, lungs, tuberculosis, early stages;
chest, lungs, tuberculosis, full of mucus;
chest, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, heart;
chest, skin, out-breaks on skin;
chest, skin, out-breaks on skin, boils;
chest, skin, out-breaks on skin, dry;
chest, skin, out-breaks on skin, eczema;
chest, skin, out-breaks on skin, arm pit, eczema;
Asthma, with dyspnoea, worse, sitting up, better, lying down and keeping arms spread wide apart
Dry, hard cough, with great weakness in chest
Feeling of ulceration under sternum
Pain in chest, better, lying down
Cough returns every winter, from suppressed eruption
Hay-fever returning irregularly every year.
chest, pain, when breathing, breathing normally;
respiration, difficult (dyspnea), in open air;
respiration, difficult (dyspnea), lying down;
respiration, interrupted, in fresh air;
cough, on becoming cold;
cough, drinking, after drinking;
cough, drinking, cold drinks;
expectoration, greenish;
expectoration, mucous;
Dirty, dingy look
Dry, lusterless, rough hair
Intolerable itching
Herpetic eruptions, especially on scalp and bends of joints with itching, worse, from warmth of bed
Enlarged glands
Sebaceous glands secrete excessively, oily skin
Indolent ulcers, slow to heal Eczema behind ears
Crusty eruptions all over
Urticaria after every exertion
Pustules near finger-nails.
skin, discoloration, dirty;
skin, filthy skin;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, discharges, offensive, putrid;
skin, itching;
skin, itching, from despair;
skin, itching, on becoming warm;
skin, itching, on becoming warm, in bed;
skin, out-breaks on skin;
skin, out-breaks on skin, boils;
skin, out-breaks on skin, peeling in scales;
skin, out-breaks on skin, eczema;
skin, out-breaks on skin, offensive smelling;
skin, out-breaks on skin, itching, warmth, of bed;
skin, out-breaks on skin, rash (see granular), scabies;
skin, out-breaks on skin, rash (see granular), scabies, suppressed, with mercury and sulphur;
skin, out-breaks on skin, suppressed;
skin, generally unhealthy;
back, pain;
back, pain, aching, while walking;
back, pain, pressing, lumbar (lower half of back);
back, pain, pressing, lumbar (lower half of back), during movement;
back, skin, out-breaks on skin;
Very hungry always, must have something to eat in the middle of the night
Pain in abdomen after eating.
abdomen, stomach, appetite, increased (hunger in general), night;
abdomen, stomach, appetite, increased (hunger in general), with headache;
abdomen, stomach, appetite, increased (hunger in general), before headache;
Stomach, Eructations like bad eggs
Nausea, vomiting of pregnancy
abdomen, stomach, vomiting, sour;
rectum, constipation, difficult stool, natural stool;
rectum, diarrhoea, night;
rectum, diarrhoea, in children;
rectum, haemorrhage from anus;
rectum, involuntary stool, during sleep;
Mucous, Bloody, excessively fetid, dark fluid
Hard, difficult stool, with blood from rectum and burning piles
Constipation of infants, in pale, sickly scrofulous children.
stool, odour, like rotten eggs;
stool, odour, offensive;
stool, odour, putrid;
stool, watery;
genitals, male, wart-like growth, penis;
genitals, male, wart-like growth, penis, foreskin;
genitals, female, vaginal discharge, offensive smelling;
genitals, female, vaginal discharge, offensive smelling, putrid;
Female, Leucorrhoea fetid, lumpy, with much backache and Debility
Mammae swollen and painful
Pimples oozing an acrid fluid that burns and excoriates the glands.
genitals, female, menopause;
genitals, female, metrorrhagia (non-menstrual bleeding);
genitals, female, period, painful, and difficult (dysmenorrhea);
genitals, female, period, painful, at peak;
Weakness of joints, as if they would not hold together
Eruption around finger-nails
Fetid foot-sweats.
extremities, limbs, hands and feet, nails, brittle, finger nails;
extremities, limbs, pain, joints, gouty;
extremities, limbs, skin, itching, lower limbs;
extremities, limbs, skin, out-break on skin, joints;
extremities, limbs, skin, out-break on skin, upper limbs, dry;
extremities, limbs, skin, out-break on skin, elbow, bend of elbow, crusts;
extremities, limbs, skin, out-break on skin, elbow, bend of elbow, eczema;
extremities, limbs, skin, out-break on skin, hand, between the fingers, itching;
extremities, limbs, skin, out-break on skin, hand, between the fingers, blisters;
extremities, limbs, skin, out-break on skin, fingers, joints;
extremities, limbs, skin, out-break on skin, fingers, joints, dry;
extremities, limbs, skin, out-break on skin, lower limbs;
extremities, limbs, skin, ulcers, lower limbs;
extremities, limbs, skin, ulcers, lower limbs, deep;
extremities, limbs, skin, ulcers, lower limbs, offensive smelling;
extremities, limbs, skin, ulcers, leg, on shin;
extremities, limbs, weakness, joints;
Profuse, offensive perspiration, night-sweats.
chill, from environment, malarial influences;
chill, periodic, recurring, irregular;
chill, periodic, recurring, not marked;
chill, dangerously cold;
chill, shaking, shivering, rigors;
chill, in spring;
chill, in summer;
fever, intermittent, chronic;
fever, comes on suddenly, irregular;
fever, perspiration with heat;
fever, relapsing;
fever, tropical;
fever, aversion to uncovering;
Sleepless from intolerable itching
Easily started.
sleep, sleeplessness, insomnia, night, from itching;
perspiration, night, after midnight, 3 a.m.;
perspiration, in the open air;
perspiration, during slight exertion (see walking);
perspiration, hot;
perspiration, on movement;
perspiration, odour, putrid;
perspiration, odour, sour;
perspiration, profuse;
perspiration, profuse, while walking;
perspiration, from suppressed complaints;
perspiration, while walking (see exertion);
generalities, night;
generalities, dread of bathing;
generalities, change of weather;
generalities, change of weather, cold to warm;
generalities, lack of irritability;
generalities, perspiration, after perspiration;
generalities, symptoms from suppression of perspiration;
generalities, lack of reaction;
generalities, sensitive, to pain;
generalities, at approach of a storm;
generalities, temperature (felt and effects of temperature), cold feeling, lack of vital heat;
generalities, temperature (felt and effects of temperature), hot feeling, flushes of heat;
generalities, temperature (felt and effects of temperature), hot feeling, flushes of heat, like warm water, poured over;
generalities, temperature (felt and effects of temperature), cold in general;
generalities, temperature (felt and effects of temperature), cold air;
generalities, temperature (felt and effects of temperature), tendency to catch cold;
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness);
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness), mental exertion;
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness), from perspiration;
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness), walking;