| Stiff all over | Pain over hips | Rheumatism better motion | Weakness in loins | Uncertain gait | Trembling | Itching of toes and feet as if frozen | Cramp in soles of feet | Pain in shin-bone | Neuralgia in locomotor ataxia | Paralysis of lower limbs, with spasmodic condition of arms | Numbness of legs on crossing them | Paralytic pain in left arm followed by palpitation | Tearing painful contractions in the calves. | extremities, limbs, awkwardness; | extremities, limbs, awkwardness, lower limbs; | extremities, limbs, awkwardness, lower limbs, stumbling when walking; | extremities, limbs, chilliness, feet; | extremities, limbs, coldness, like ice in spots; | extremities, limbs, hands and feet, chilblains; | extremities, limbs, hands and feet, chilblains, feet; | extremities, limbs, hands and feet, chilblains, toes; | extremities, limbs, heat, hand; | extremities, limbs, movements and positions, chorea (convulsive twitching, involuntary movements of limbs); | extremities, limbs, movements and positions, convulsion, convulsive movement; | extremities, limbs, movements and positions, jerking, toes; | extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, hand; | extremities, limbs, movements and positions, twitching, buttocks; | extremities, limbs, numbness (see tingling); | extremities, limbs, pain; | extremities, limbs, pain, lower limbs; | extremities, limbs, pain, lower limbs, bones; | extremities, limbs, pain, thigh, in bone; | extremities, limbs, pain, lower leg; | extremities, limbs, pain, lower leg, night; | extremities, limbs, pain, lower leg, bones; | extremities, limbs, pain, lower leg, shin bone; | extremities, limbs, pain, lower leg, shin bone, walking; | extremities, limbs, pain, aching; | extremities, limbs, pain, burning, hand; | extremities, limbs, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, thigh; | extremities, limbs, pain, tearing; | extremities, limbs, pain, tearing, movement; | extremities, limbs, pain, tearing, while sitting; | extremities, limbs, pain, tearing, lower limbs, bones; | extremities, limbs, paralysis; | extremities, limbs, paralysis, upper limbs; | extremities, limbs, paralysis, lower limbs; | extremities, limbs, skin, discoloration, hand, red; | extremities, limbs, skin, itching; | extremities, limbs, skin, itching, like insects crawling on skin, foot; | extremities, limbs, skin, itching, hand; | extremities, limbs, skin, itching, hand, burning; | extremities, limbs, skin, itching, hand, as of chilblains; | extremities, limbs, skin, itching, hand, back of hand; | extremities, limbs, skin, itching, lower limbs; | extremities, limbs, skin, itching, leg; | extremities, limbs, skin, itching, foot, as if frozen; | extremities, limbs, skin, itching, toes, toes that had been frozen; | extremities, limbs, skin, out-break on skin, hand, back of hand, pimples; | extremities, limbs, stiffness, fingers, gouty; |