Sabal Serrulata

The following are the indications of Sabal Serrulata, as it relates to this part. Strongest indications are in bold, the next strongest are in italics, and the remaining indications are in a plain typeface.
Vertigo, with headache
Confused, full, dislikes sympathy, makes her angry
Neuralgia in feeble patients
Pain runs up from nose and centers in forehead.
Copious expectoration, with catarrh of nose
Chronic bronchitis ( Stann, Hep.)
Stomach, Belching and acidity
Desire for milk ( Rhus., Apis.)
Urinary Organs.
Constant desire to pass water at night
Enuresis, paresis of sphincter vesicae
Chronic gonorrhoea
Difficult urination
Cystitis with prostatic hypertrophy.
Wasting of testes and Loss of sexual power
Male, Prostatic troubles; enlargement, discharge of prostatic fluid
Coitus painful at the time of emission
Sexual neurotics
Organs feel cold.
Female, Ovaries tender and enlarged, Breasts shrivel ( Iod., Kali-iod.) Young female neurotics, suppressed or perverted sexual inclination.