| head, brain, brain feels loose; | head, brain, brain feels loose, on stepping; | head, brain, brain feels loose, when turning the head; | head, brain, brain feels loose, while walking; | Pain from beneath frontal eminence and temples, extending to eyes ( Onos.) Semi-lateral, involving left eye, pain violent, throbbing, worse, making a false step | head, pain, headache, from certain movements, from stooping; | head, pain, headache, in forehead; | head, pain, headache, in forehead, from stooping; | head, pain, headache, in forehead, above eyes; | head, pain, headache, in forehead, above eyes, above left; | head, pain, headache, back of head (occiput), extending to other parts, eyes; | head, pain, headache, sides, one side; | head, pain, headache, sides, left; | head, pain, headache, sides, morning; | head, pain, headache, sides, morning, in bed; | head, pain, headache, sides, jarring; | head, pain, headache, sides, on movement; | head, pain, headache, sides, on stepping; | head, pain, headache, sides, during stool; | head, pain, headache, sides, walking; | head, pain, headache, sides, walking, in open air; | head, pain, headache, burning, forehead, right; | head, pain, headache, burning, forehead, sides of forehead; | head, pain, headache, pressing (see bursting, pulling), forehead, pressing outward; | head, pain, headache, pressing (see bursting, pulling), sides; | head, pain, headache, shooting (see cutting, piercing, stabbing, shocks, stitches, etc.), forehead; | head, pain, headache, shooting (see cutting, piercing, stabbing, shocks, stitches, etc.), forehead, right; | head, pain, headache, stitching, sudden, sharp, forehead, above eyebrows; | head, pain, headache, tearing, rending; | head, pain, headache, tearing, rending, movement; | head, pain, headache, tearing, rending, noise; | head, pain, headache, tearing, rending, while standing; | head, pain, headache, tearing, rending, a false step; | head, pain, headache, tearing, rending, while walking; | head, pain, headache, tearing, rending, forehead; | head, pain, headache, tearing, rending, forehead, while sitting; | head, pain, headache, tearing, rending, forehead, while standing; | head, pain, headache, tearing, rending, forehead, above eyebrows; | head, pain, headache, tearing, rending, forehead, above eyebrows, right; | head, pain, headache, tearing, rending, forehead, above eyebrows, left, just above eyebrow; | head, pain, headache, tearing, rending, forehead, above eyebrows, left, just above eyebrow, extending to eyes; |