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Reestablished Inherited Sycosis Page 3 of 4

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Then my advice would be use Nux-V 6c olfaction, and then wait for a week after that.

If there is benefit, Sepia 6c olfaction might be done as well.
sameervermani last decade
I might have to wait a week to get Nux-V 6c. Would 30c be too strong?
BeginningHomeopath last decade
Yes, 30c would be too strong , especially in view of sensitivity of the patient.

I would go for 6c, a single olfaction dose.
sameervermani last decade
It will take about a week to get the Nux-V 6c, as the pharmacy shipped the wrong dose. In that case it's probably better to just wait. Sorry.
BeginningHomeopath last decade
Just as a test, have tried a bunch of things with mint in them, mint toothpaste, minty aftershave, etc., and such with very strong smells, but that hasn't antidoted the remedy at all.
BeginningHomeopath last decade
Did you find anything of value in the long list of eruptions and reeruptions that came up over the course of all those different remedies they were on?
BeginningHomeopath last decade
Dear Sameer,

It has been two weeks since the olfaction antidote dose of 6c, and a just a few days short of one month from when the last dose of Calc-C 200c was taken.

David Little has an excellent article on Calc-C that is a part of his web course. He delineates the later stages of Calc-C, after the major symptoms have developed. Every one of these symptoms is true for this patient and was true prior to starting Calc-C at all.

If you've wondered why I am so concerned about this case, and it is not obvious, it is because this is my case. After working with three homeopaths, including the star student of a very famous teacher, and having none of them be able to identify my remedy, I started studying homeopathy myself and found what I think is my remedy. Over three years on many wrong remedies, I've been through hell. I may have found part of my life's work as a homeopath, but I still need to heal myself first. I apologize for not being upfront about such at first. I did not expect to post my entire case here. I appreciate your comments and respect your advice.

I will repost my case here as of one month after the last dose and you can take a look.

I have been miserable and aggravated for much of the last three years due to wrong remedies and aggravations.

BeginningHomeopath last decade
Here is the full questionnaire as of one month since the last 200c dose of Calc-C (taken on Sept 14) and two weeks since the olfaction dose on Sept 27th.

Patient ID: Sex: Age:

Beginner, Male, Age 33.

Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.

1. Describe your main suffering?

Variety of emotional and psychological complaints going back to early childhood. Constant thinking and obsessing about my problems. Fear of something horrible happening. Constant repetitive thoughts. Often I feel that I have repretitive thoughts that are outside of my control. I often have songs repeat in my head, and I often feel that my thoughts are out of my control. At times I have deep fear that my life will be horrible.

I have an extremely difficult time being productive. I am smart, can organize my thoughts well, but cannot seem to get work done when it matters or when it is expected of me.

All of my symptoms have mostly been in some form since I was 5, so I feel that I've almost never been well. I feel that all of my successes have been despite my problems, not because I have ever been free of them.

I've often felt that I'm going to spend the rest of my life in a mental institution despite being smart and relatively sane.

Almost all of my symptoms I have had since I was a kid. I don't think any major symptom has been new since age 14.

2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?

Never had any significant physical ailments. Nothing ever for any long period of time.

3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?

Kent describes Calc-C as having an 'Inability to apply himself.' Most people in my family would say this about me. In my business I sometimes make good money very quickly and then do nothing for a long time. I have a hard time getting myself to be productive most of the time. Though other times I am excessively focused on my career, which is one of the most important things to me.

Kent also says about Calc-c... 'He lies awake late at night thinking. Calcarea leads to little ideas, that is, it compels the mind to littleness, to little ideas, or to dwell on little things, but his mind, as it were, is forced to dwell upon things that he cannot put aside.' This is also probably my biggest symptom over the years, I can get obsessional thoughts, usually late at night which can be highly irrational, but I don't think about how irrational they are until later. And it is impossible to get me to stop thinking such crazy thoughts.

Kent also describes the Calc-C patient as not being able to do math because they recalculate everything over differently every time. I have this problem when figuring out projects for my business. Every time I fudge the numbers a bit differently.

Kent also says 'Imagines some one is walking beside her.' When I go for my walks, sometimes many times a day, but lately not often at all. I will imagine talking with someone I know and I will imagine them walking next to me and will imagine the conversation. I will often think that I am rehersing what I will actually say, but often I know that these conversations are not likely to actually happen, so they are more of daydreams.

4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?

As a child late at night. After 11pm, when it was dark outside, I would sometimes have panics that I was going to die.

For most of my life it has been during rainy winter weather, but that seemed to have improved on the last year of remedies. It has been sunny here for months, so I am not sure.

5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?

First feelings of this emotionally was 5-6 years old. During that time I was extremely weapy, felt hopeless, and had strange obsessive thoughts of counting things.

As a child, I often felt that I would pass out at differnt times, and sometimes I would hold on to things. Usually just upon walking up stairs. I would hold the handrail and almost pull myself up the stairs. This hasn't happened since I was about 14 years old.

Major crisis at 15 and 16 after a winter of bad weather and difficult breakup with girlfriend.
During this crisis I was up all night and was suicidal and in a panic and had weird, repetitive obsessive thoughts that felt out of my control.

Major crisis at 17 after bad winter weather, just as spring began. During both of these times there was a crisis of repetitive negative and depressive thoughts. Often has one topic of concern and cannot think of other things. Keeps returning to the same subject. For some years as a child he would constantly slouch in his chair, but hasn't done that since growing up.

In 2002 made a lot of money, and took the next year off to travel and start a business which never got off of the ground. Has created his own business since in order to avoid having to go to work regularly. Works from house. As a kid parents said that he spent more time avoiding work than it would take to get the work done.

As a teenager went to bed at midnight to 2am. During adult years went to bed around midnight most of the time.

Most days since being a teenager, he has spent an hour or two per day walking and imagining conversations.

6. Which time of the day you are worst?

Nightime. My whole life nighttime has been worst. I've also always had a tendency to stay up very late at night.

7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?

Bright lightboxes alleviate. Darkness and nighttime aggravate.

8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?

For many years, since I was about 16, I have gone for long walks late at night around lakes or to the ocean. At times in the past I have craved rain, though I have not had this symptom much since being on all the different remedies. Sometimes I crave water, such as wanting it to rain or walking by sprinklers.

9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?

Summers, sunny weather have always been better.

10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.

Extreme loner. Never leaves the house except to go for long walks. Afraid of everything. Compulsive walking during which imagines conversation with people. All kinds of conversations. Has done this almost every day since a child. As a teenager, was very sad and pessimistic. I work from my apartment.

At times I am extremely friendly and outgoing, but I am also extremely reclusive and have no friends. I am very judgemental of my friends and of people in general. At times I have strong opinions and can be headstrong. I'm difficult to convince of things, unless I trust someone. In general I am very much a loner and reclusive, but during gatherings or special events, I can be very outgoing. I feel that this outgoing nature is my true self, and how I would be if I were better.

Is extremely timid for a man of my age and physical build. Has never owned a car or driven regularly because he is scared of an accident. Is always fearful of different things. As a child he was constantly bullied, though he was often bigger than the bullies.

About the age of 12, had to do physical therapy for problems with hand-eye coordination and motor skill problems. Parents report speaking at an early age. As a younger child always kept little toys with him to play or fidget with. Still is always playing with little toys of various sorts. Something to keep hands busy.

As a child never played sports, hated competitive sports, hates violence. Even in 30's won't go to see movies because is very sensitive to seeing any kind of violence or hardship in another. Personality is somewhat optimistic. Describes self as a utopian. Prays daily. I grew up going to religious day school, and I have a deep spiritual side.

- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
Sometimes a little bit depressed. Rain makes me depressed, or has for years. It hasn't rained here in months. Rain and lack of light bother me. I'm not that bothered by thunder or lightening either way.

- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
I cried constantly as a kid, even up to the age of 18. I would cry at the littlest things or just because it was raining. As child consolidation when crying made it worse. Usually consolation makes me worse, but I like being physically comforted, held or hugged. I don't like consolation, but I really like what you might call nurturing.

- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
Not particularly.

- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless weeping, talking to one self etc?
Often feels especially weepy. I imagine conversations constantly.

- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?

I live far away from my family, and I am close to them, though have never lived in proximity to them. I think this is part of my tendency to be a loner despite loving to be around people.

11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
My greatest fear is that my life will be horrible and that I won't achive my dreams.
Often a dream of being driven upside down afraid of falling.

12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
As child from 7-12 age an omlette with eggs every single day for breakfast. As an adult, only sometimes eats eggs. As a kid I went through some years of craving a lot of sugar. About 12-22 some years of really liking spiced meats, particularly spiced sandwhich meats. I became a vegetarian in 1996. Particularly as a kid, I always had an aversion to unprocessed meats. I've never liked the idea of eating steak or ribs or anything.

My whole life I have always craved cheese. I like many kinds of cheese, and can eat cheese for every meal. As I kid I would eat omlettes of scrabled eggs, spiced meats, spices, and lots of different kinds of cheese every morning for breakfast. As a kid I loved green olives and the red pimentos that come with green olives. As an adult I won't eat green olives, but I usually like black olives.

13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
Constantly sipping during the day. Water or soda.

14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
At the moment it is less than usual.

15. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand?
I can't eat mushrooms, anchovies. As a kid, I would eat processed meats, but I never could eat unprocessed meats like steak or ribs.

16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
Probably pretty normal. Not that much sweat unless it is hot outside.

17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
Fine. Pretty normal. Lately irregular.

18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
My entire life, I've slept facing one side or the other and sometimes changing sides. Lately I've started laying on my front or back but still sleep mostly on my sides.

19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
I'm single, but when in a relationship, I think so. However, my mental state often keeps me from wanting to date.

20. What peculiar or strange sensation do you have in any part of your body at times? Do you sometimes feel ‘ as if…..’ in some part of the body?


21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
As child, ritilan. As late teenager anti-depressants for a short time. Late 20's, SAM-E. All of these only for a very short time, only a few months each. I've always avoided allopathic medicine. I have used Bach flower remedies for many years.

22. What major diseases are running in your family?

Grandmothers on both sides of family died of lung cancer. Dad's father had heart attack. Mom's father had stroke. Parents are healthy. Dad has many warts on face, hands, and chest.

23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.

Blond hair, tall attractive. Very hairy body. Handsome. Even as a child has always had some fat accumulation around the sides of the hips. General constitution is Aritable/Phlematic. Most lacking in the saguine and coleric elements.

LATELY. This is how I've been since the last few remedies. Most of this started before beginning the Calc-C in any dose.

This started before beginning the Calc-C, as far back as when I was on the Rhus Tox. I've been awake all night, going to bed around 6am and sleeping to noon-4pm.

Lately I've had no appetite, eating only a few bites of food all day and drinking a few sodas and some water. I try to eat, but I'm not hungry. Either way, I still have stronger stamina than I did before starting the Calc-C or other remedies.

Of all the other remedies I tried, Lach, and Lyco were the best, and I felt better on the Lyco than any other remedy before the Calc-C. Arg-N, was horrible, and Nux-Vomica was horrible. Arsenicum and Phosphorus were also terrible.

Since taking the olfaction dose, I've cried for a few moments after not crying in years. Not with tears, but sort of sobbing or wailing without tears. As a child I had tons of watery tears that would happen very easily. I'm not sure if this is an accessory symptom or an old symptom returning. This could be due to some changes in my life lately.

As a kid, I've always listened to sad, weapy, depressing, romanitic music. After the olfaction dose, I've discovered that I no longer like that kind of music, and have stopped listening to it.

Since the olfaction, I've started keeping little toys around to fidget with during the day. I am also unsure if this is an aggravation or an old symptom returning.

Since the olfaction, I have had many of these panics and this anxiety at night. Again, I am unsure if I this is aggravation or an old symptom.

On many of the remedies that I took on 6c., I'm not sure if I so much aggravated, or if it did nothing for my actual complaint. In all cases even on 6c I took on prooving symptoms of those remedies.

Since all of these little returns of skin problems, I have felt somewhat better, but not for the symptoms that I am complaining about in this questionnaire. If I feel better, it's on the general level of physical vitality, which is good.

I have kept daily notes for the last few months and the notes from when I first started the remedy in 200c might be valuable. I can post these if you like.
BeginningHomeopath last decade
Four new sycotic warts have formed, all on the right hand, on the knuckle and below the index finger. They haven't been accompanied by any significant mental improvement.
BeginningHomeopath last decade
I've tried drinking much coffee to antidote the effects sleightly, which has had antidoted remedies in the past, but am not sure if this is having any effect.
BeginningHomeopath last decade
Current symptoms...

Awake from 2pm to 7am.
Sleeping from 7am to 2pm.
Resting, but not sleeping around 7-9pm.
No appetite for days. I've barely eaten more than a few bites per day for a week.

The following symptoms I've had before, but these are stronger than I've had in 15 years. I think this might be an aggravation more than a return of symptoms.

mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; evening; ;
mind; fantasies; of exaltation; frightful;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; despair;
BeginningHomeopath last decade

I haven't heard from you since posting this, and just wondered what your thoughts are...

I drank quite a lot of coffee, and it reduced the aggravation a bit. I'm still staying awake all night every night, and napping during the day. I've finally started eating again also.

I've had one or two pimples come and go. They are splotches of red, with a little bit of pimple that forms as they are fading. I don't remember ever having anything like this before.
BeginningHomeopath last decade

As I said, if you have plenty of accessory symptoms which are not improving after waiting, you must anti-dote through the olfaction dose of Nux-v 6c.

If you feel that the accessory symptoms are reducing on their own, it would be best to do nothing and wait.

sameervermani last decade
Getting back on this case after 1.5 months. There has been no more taken in almost three months.

Several changes...
There has been hair falling out for some time. This has never happened before. There is hair falling out in the shower, when washing hair, etc. The hair on the head doesn't look any thinner but there are hairs everywhere. I remember that Kent says that during cure hair sometimes falls out.

There seems to be a sycotic discharge returning that has been present for one month. It is a clear, thick liquid from the urethra during erection, that is many times more than ever before, and is thicker in consistency than normal.

There has been a return of the scabies eruption from age 25.

At the same time as that for one week there was a return of ear aches, from age 5!

Also, several nervous habits from ages 5-10 returned such as twirling hair and playing with little toys nervously all the time.

Never got around to antidoting with NuxV 6c because the pharmacy sent 30c by mistake. However, I still think there are some proving symptoms.

BeginningHomeopath last decade
Is this the same as a sycotic discharge that has been reestablished? Essentially there is several times more 'pre-cum' than ever before, and it is of a different consistency, clear and much thicker.

Also, for months there has been sweating between the legs, under the genitals, near the perenium. This has been a constant for many months.

Also interesting is that after this discharge of sorts began and the sweating increased, I lost all interest in pornography, and suddenly found it rather disgusting. I also felt that my entire sexual response changed to become much more healthy and balanced. I am very much craving a serious girlfriend and perhaps marriage.
BeginningHomeopath last decade
One other aspect to mention. One of the longest lasting elements of this case is that I've had emotional problems when it is raining outside and not sunny since the age of 7 or younger.

It has just started raining again outside, and this is still the case. It may have improved a little, but this symptom has not improved much.

The main miasm that I have is the inherited the sycotic miasm from both my mother and father. My father and his father both have many, many sycotic warts, and brown spots on their bodies. My mother has the reading problems that are a sign of sycosis and had them as a young girl.

Please tell me if this is the reeruption of a sycotic discharge, and if I might be better soon.
BeginningHomeopath last decade
'Also interesting is that after this discharge of sorts began and the sweating increased, I lost all interest in pornography, and suddenly found it rather disgusting. I also felt that my entire sexual response changed to become much more healthy and balanced. I am very much craving a serious girlfriend and perhaps marriage.'

^^^ This is pointing, that this is indeed a curative action.

I think you should keep on waiting.
sameervermani last decade
Can you tell me if the discharge is actually the discharge of reestablished inherited sycosis?

I've had the one sycotic wart for probably a year, and the genital sweating for months, but for the last month it has been there most of the time.

Also there used to be the sycotic fishy smell to the sweat, and since then it's lost most of the smell, and doesn't have much smell at all.

Any idea how much longer before the sycosis is cured?
BeginningHomeopath last decade
'^^^ This is pointing, that this is indeed a curative action. '

Why is an improvement of a psychological symptom a better sign than the return of an inherited miasmatic discharge?

One other thing that is relatively new is that I have bouncy knees. When I'm sitting, I'll often bounce my feet up and down like a nervous child. This has been going on for more than a month.
BeginningHomeopath last decade
Dear Sameer,

Here is my follow up.

I took an olfaction dose of Nux V as you suggested in December, and one of Sepia in January, and both brought tremendous relief.

In December some figwarts appeared on the bottom of my scrotum, and I feel that my symptoms are now only psoric, and few are of the figwart. My response to light is still terrible. If the sun is not shining I am miserable, can't work, and just walk around outside.

I have new psora on my back frequently and I do feel relief from it.

I think I am still prooving the Calc-C. Every antidote brought much relief, but not enough. I have developed some gas that I never had before. Also, I've been waking up at 2am and walking outside and then sleeping in the day until noon. I've never done that before.

Is there a way to antidote the Calc-C even more?

BeginningHomeopath last decade
Hi Beginning,

You can take a single dose of Nux-V 12c, dissolve 1 pellet in 120 ml water, and take a teaspoon from there.

Do not repeat this dose.

sameervermani last decade

I have a NuxV 6c< but it would take me some days to get a 12c shipped to me. Before I only took Nux 6c via olfaction.

Can I try taking a dose of that?

Thank you very much.

BeginningHomeopath last decade
Hmm... you can dose the 6c in the same manner as suggested above for 12c.
sameervermani last decade
Thank you. I took the teaspoon of Nux V and feel good. I am still pacing, but not as fast and am still exhausted. I think it's reduced the prooving symptoms of the Calc.

The last antidote I took was Sepia 6c olfaction in early Feb.

My inner thighs that looked like raw beef healed up nicely in Feb. Something about my sexual feelings are more balanced after this.

I am not getting much work done, and I spend all my time walking outside in the sunny weather. I walk many miles every day, and have most of my life.

Also, I've gone days without a shower when usually I take a shower several times a day and am obsessively clean. This is unusual for me. Normally I wash my clothes all the time, and lately I've been wearing the same clothes days without washing. I've become dirty, and I've never been like that before.
BeginningHomeopath last decade
Aspects of each of the miasms have decreased. If anything my case feels 90% psoric and 10% figwart. The only sycotic aspect is hypersensitivity to sun, rain, cloudy weather, excessive walking, pacing and leg motion, etc.

I don't see much TB or syph anymore. Yet the case seems extremely psoric. Psora is coming to the skin almost daily.
BeginningHomeopath last decade
After taking the Nux, I got a good night's sleep and woke up with some returned acne.
BeginningHomeopath last decade

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