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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Fed up Page 2 of 3

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Dear Kanutiak ,

The reason about asking the question about the relationship was that sometimes if the emotions are suppressed for a long time , ailments develop .

Regarding essential oils /antiperspirant , please avoid them for at least 2 weeks as these things interfere with the action of homeopathic remedies and mask its effects .
vikas_grower last decade
Dear Kanutiac,

I don't find your reply. I would appreciate it if you
reply by mentioning to ZellArazimHomeopath and the date of reply so that I can identify it.

Kind regards,

Maya Kahane
Classical Homeopath
ZellArazimHomeopat last decade
Everybody STOP! I am a 30 year old...with the exact same kind of acne you had - beautiful skin until I was about 22, then a mess - just like yours! I've gone to tons of doctors, and we're always 'working' our solutions for th nodular acne which I swear is ruining my life...AND IT's SUDDENLY STARTED WORKING.

1) go to an endochronologist!!! (not a gyno or a dermatologist - the gyno will just give you birth control, and send you on your way to wait for improvement over a 6-month period - that'll never come! The dermatologist gave me everything they had - I spent thousands - and the laser and chemical peals and micro dermabrasion and meds really didn't offer much relief...and now I'm totally sun sensitive - which is just another annoyance...etc...plus most insurance doesn't cover any of the dermatology.)

The endochronologist will get a blood workup of your hormones. If you have high testosterone, which I do and really suspect you do, they will give you Spironolactone (sp?) (which is a testosterone blocker with no real long term side effects...I've been on it for 3 months and had none so far...only good!)

The doctor said my skin would clear in two weeks...I said 'yeah right...let's give it a try...'

AND IT DID - in a week & a half! I HAVE CLEAR SKIN!!!

(Mine is Todd Brodie in Naples FL)
LaurenAnneCole last decade
Dear Vikas,

I have start the Nat Mur treatment today and will update in 7 days.

In the meantime, I am hoping it is OK to bathe as long as I do not use essential oils but rather regular soap.

Thank you!
kanutiak last decade
Dear ZellArazimHomeopat,

I wrote you on March 17 and you responded on March 17. I did not see any need to respond again as it seems we had made a decision. Best wishes to you!

thank you,
kanutiak last decade

I have had blood work done for my hormones and my testosterone levels are totally fine. Thank you very much for the idea though! I wish it would work for me. I have done EVERYTHING I could come up with over the years. I am hoping this homeopathic treatment works.

thank you,
kanutiak last decade
Gotcha...and good luck!

I'd love to find something homeopathic as well, so let me know!

Also, I wash my face with selson blue twice a week (yes, really - otherwise I use soap etc that I get from a plastic surgeon) - Selson blue has an active ingredient in it called Nizoral - which is a miracle for some people, especially when combined with a low carb/sugar diet.

Not homeopathic...but very helpful.

In short; When you're on antibiotics too long, you can develop a certain kind of yeast in your skin cells, which feeds on sugar/carbs, and causes clogging of poors and extra sebum production resulting in nodular acne.

Just google Nizoral and Selson Blue re: acne treatment...tons of studies online.

Just thought it might be something else you maybe hadn't tried.

Lots of luck!

LaurenAnneCole last decade
Dear vikas grower,

I wanted to update you. I am really quite amazed - at day 5 I am feeling quite well. My mind is much more peaceful but also feeling inspired. This feels really good to me. My skin though is still oily and breaking out. My underarm perspiration is quite potent (as it has been in the past).

The other thing is this: my husband has genital herpes which means I must have it too. I have never had an outbreak before. BUT, at this moment I think I am experiencing my first one (small cluster of small painful blisters) on my perineum. Anyway, the thing is is that I have not had intercourse for over a week (my husband is away for 2 weeks) and this came out of nowhere it seems. I wonder if it is related to my treatment at all? Anyway, I feel great otherwise. My skin is still unhappy.
kanutiak last decade
Dear Kanutiak ,

Thats good , the blisters may be due to the fact that the internal poisons are coming out through this infection ,( this may sound weird to you ) hence please wait ,do not jump to any treatment of this infection by applying any ointment or antibiotics unless u feel that things really become bad , please bear with it .

Also regarding the remedy we have to wait for full another week that is at least a total of 20 days beginning from the day u first took the medicine .

Please take care that u do not drink coffee or apply perfumes , or deodrants etc .
vikas_grower last decade
Hi Vikas Grower,
That is actually what I suspected...I heard when homeopathy works that it could show in the form of a cold or an infection. OK, I have not been drinking coffee at all, using perfumes (except I have had to shampoo!) or using deodorant or alcohol. I have been using crystal deodorant is that OK? It seems very neutral and has no smell to it.
thank you.
kanutiak last decade
Dear Kanutiak,

I would suggest that you keep with Nat Mur. that you have started for a while as it is working and there is no point of disturbing the process of the treatment.

Kind regards,

Maya Kahane
Classical Homeopath
ZellArazimHomeopat last decade
Dear Kanutiak ,

please note the remedy is not to be repeated unless told , i hope u taken only it only once (that is on 19 march as per your update on this thread) and not after that , this is very important
vikas_grower last decade
Regaarding the crystal deodrant that u mentioned , it is better if u avoid all such things for a while .
vikas_grower last decade
Yes, I only took it the 3 times on the one day (march 19) separated by 2 hour increments...followed all your instructions exactly.

OK, will try to get by without the crystal deodorant.

thank you!
kanutiak last decade
Meanwhile , Kanutiak , Ho do you feel riding in cars etc , do u feel any sort of discomfort after prolonged travel in cars .

Did your armpit sweat became smelly in the last few years or was it during your teen age also .

What about your feet , are they also very sweaty .
vikas_grower last decade
Hi Vikas,

Hmmm...I feel fine riding in cars. I may recall a sore bottom or feeling a bit stiff after sitting for 5+ hours but I think everyone feels that way? I drive 30 minutes to work each day and feel no discomfort.

I think that my armpit smell is much much worse now than it was in my teens. I don't recall really how much they smelled in my teens so I assume it was not abnormal since it did not make an impression on me.

My feet are not sweaty.

I have been getting a low grade headache each day between 3:30-5pm since the treatment. I also used to drink caffeine each morning - I have had none of course. Perhaps this explains the headache - probably withdrawal?
kanutiak last decade
Dear Maya,
Thanks for your comment. I just noticed it. It is great to hear that you also think it is working. I am hopeful!
kanutiak last decade
Dear Kanutiak,

Thank you for your reply.

Kind regards,

Maya Kahane
Classical Homeopath
ZellArazimHomeopat last decade
One more thing to add to my above answers....I am not sure if this matters but I think I lose a lot more hair now (in the shower, etc) than I used to. It seems like a lot.
kanutiak last decade
I don't mean now (as in after the treatment only), I meant in the last few years...just to be clear.
kanutiak last decade
Well Kanutiak , that may be due to your scalp problems that u have , .

I presume scalp problem also started along with the acne problem .

It is too early to say anything about the hair loss problem .

Lets wait and watch , maybe things will turn for better
vikas_grower last decade
Yes, you are right...it started with the acne problem. I will update you next week.
kanutiak last decade
Is it OK if I have a glass of wine now that 10 days have passed since taking the remedy? I am still not having coffee or using deodorant or perfume. Today I am congested a bit.
thank you,
kanutiak last decade
It should not be a problem u can take it .
vikas_grower last decade
Hello Vikas,
Tomorrow will be two weeks from the date I took the remedy. Is there anything you want me to report on or is there anything I should be doing? My skin is still oily and breaking out but perhaps it needs more time.
thank you!
kanutiak last decade
Dear Kanutiak ,

After 2 weeks , so there is no relief in acne and how do u feel otherwise , is there any feeling well being as compared to two weeks before .
vikas_grower last decade

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