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Can homeopathy help me revive: please suggest me some remedy Page 2 of 5

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Dear Mr Sameer Veermani,

There is no sign of improvement in my condition yet. Rather, some of the symptoms have aggravated.
It's been over ten days since I took the medicine.

I feel low all the time. Don't want to laugh, don't want to speak most of the time. But, yes, I talk so much with my wife when I am at home.
I still feel strong dislike for work, strong aversion to any kind of work.
I feel sleepy through out the day but can not sleep at night till 4 am even if I am tired.
Pain in my legs (below knees) have increased. I feel my both legs abnormally warm with crushing pain. This makes me feel restless when I go to bed. This is also a big problem when I am in office to attend my work. I can not stand for long. And when I sit, this pain does not allow me to remain in that position for long. I keep on stretching my legs body in an abortive attempt to get some relief.
My mental condition is also not good. I feel irritation, anxiety. I get angry even on petty issues.I feel having contracdictory thoughts in mine, confusion and unknown fear.
I do not want to go out of home. Always want to be lying in bed, brooding and sleeping.
Problem of cough is still like that. How time passes by from morning to evening, I am unable to know. Suddenly I realize that Oh its 6 pm now.
If I spoke to some one or listen someone 10 minutes ago, I am unable to recall what exactly he said. I forget the key things he spoke about. I have to make strong effort if I want to recall what what things happened through out the day.
These days I have noticed my nose starts running suddenly. And after some time, it becomes dry. In morning when I wake up, my body and mind turn heavy and remains like that through out the day.
There had occurred some erruptions in patches at some places in my back. This, however, has gone now. Skin is now clear as I could remove the dead cells of the affected parts during bath.
I feel intense itching in my body after sweating especially at the region I have hairs.
Please suggest the next step.

kumarprakash last decade
Hi Prakash,

There is some layer blocking the way, but don't worry we will figure it out. :)

Please take 3 doses of Lycopodium 30c, in the exact same manner as earlier and report in 5 days.

sameervermani last decade
Dear Prakash ,

Dont lose heart , solution is not far away .
vikas_grower last decade
OK. Thanks!
kumarprakash last decade
Dear Mr Veermani,

I am not sure that medicine is bringing any significant change in my condition.
Yes, I can say that these days I am not feeling pain in my limbs as intense it used to be.
But, I am sleeping 9 to 10 hours every day. Sometimes, it becomes 10-11 hours. Even if I get up from bed, I keep feeling intense sleepy for at least next one hour. I usually go to bed at 1 am and these days I have noticed I do not take much time in getting sleep.
Condition of my cough is almost similar. As I wake up, I find the space between my nose and throat full with sticky substance. These days, I have found myself coughing from the middle of the chest. I always find sticky material in logged in my throat. I can only cough it out in morning. Rest of the time, it comes out very less in quantity.
I have noticed that my hair is also falling. There is intense itching in my scalp only after sweating. I can't find dandruff because of sweating. But, yes, something comes out when I scratch in order to itch.
I feel intense itching in other parts of the body even on minor sweating.
Sometimes, I feel that I can not be cured because of my symptoms being too complex. It's been 9-10 years and I could never took care of myself because of the several hardships in life.

kumarprakash last decade
So, any change in your mental condition ?

Are you sleeping better than before ?
sameervermani last decade

U will be allright , give yourself and Sameerji , six months .
vikas_grower last decade
Mr, Sameer Veermani,

There is no significant change in my mental condition. But, yes, I can say there is some increase in my tolerance level. I hardly feel irritation, anxiety.
However, the element of depression is still there. I still want to live in isolation.
I can't say there is any improvement in my sleep. Yes, I sleep sooner I go to bed at night. But, I am sleeping for long hours. I am sleeping from 9 to 10 hours every day. And sometimes, it becomes 10-11 hours.
I still take much time in writing. My thought process has not yet become smooth and clear. Whenever I sit for writing, I don't know how everything becomes confusing and contradictory thoughts start affecting the entire process.
My concentration is still not good. I miss the key words. I suddenly get lost while listening when speech is a little long.
Sometimes I become hopeless and ambitionless as if I have nothing to do anymore. I want to renounce all struggles, want to surrender.
One more thin, I have noticed that I have an aversion to take bath, though I love drenching in rain. This is not something knew but a childhood tendency which sometimes goes away for long but surface again persistently.
I have every faith in this forum and especially you and Mr Grower.

Help me revive !

kumarprakash last decade
Hi Prakash,

These are good signs, reduction in irritation, anxiety and more sleep is happening.

Please update me when it has been 2 weeks from the Lycopodium doses.

sameervermani last decade
There is some confusion Sir.
I have not taken Lycopodium but Lachesis.
Do u want me to keep updating u?
Do you think Lachesis is working ???

kumarprakash last decade
Read above my post on 12th July !!

Didn't you read the following

'Re: Can homeopathy help me revive: please suggest me some remedy From sameervermani on 2009-07-12
Hi Prakash,

There is some layer blocking the way, but don't worry we will figure it out. :)

Please take 3 doses of Lycopodium 30c, in the exact same manner as earlier and report in 5 days.

sameervermani last decade
I am sorry, I read Lycopodium as Lachesis and took it.
You see these are the things happening with me.
I am a journalist. Such mistakes often lead me to embarrasments.
I beg you pardon.
I'll take Lyco and report.

kumarprakash last decade
Good that we detected this mis-understanding, otherwise we could have incorrectly concluded that Lycopodium has failed, where as it has not even been taken :)

Okay, once again, it is LYCOPODIUM 30. a total of 3 doses JUST FOR ONE DAY.

From next day, just wait and watch.
sameervermani last decade
Thanks !
I'll report you accordingly.
kumarprakash last decade
Dear Prakash ,

Please take Lycopodium as advised by Sameerji.

He will transform your life and help u collect the scattered pieces of yourself .

Your life has been full of hardships which have left deep craters on your mind and health .

However the worst is behind you now .

Slowly u shall be healed .

You have two greatest things with you , your education and your family .

The combination of the time , homeopathy and family will bring u out of all your problems .

Hence shake off your depression , all good things are waiting for you in coming months .
vikas_grower last decade
Thank u so much Mr Grower.
kumarprakash last decade
Dear Sameer Jee,

Lycopodium seems to have worked on mental sphere to some extent.
I feel a kind of strength from inside.
Problem in listening has improved a little, if not much.
However, my writing and thought process is still slow and comprehension is persistently influenced by confusion.
I forget words. I forget roads I have visited.
There seems to have some improvement in my cough problem. But, it has still not been recovered.
My nose starts running and formation of cough in chest becomes intense even on slightest change in weather (rain, cold).
There is remarkable improvement in my leg's pain. It happens only sometimes. feeling of tiredness everytime has also improved, not much but only to some extent.
I am still sleeping for more than 10 hours which is not good for me. I can not afford it. Don't know what to do. But I want to get rid of it, because it eats so much of my time. After sleeping, it is still very very difficult for me to get up in six seven hours. On holidays, I sleep for some 12 hours. Is it not bizzare ??
I have lost more hair from my scalp. And, it is continuing. There is intense itching and becomes intolerable after sweating. I am already 'partially' bald from the forehead. This (thing of hair) is increasing. Whenever I rub/scratch my head even lightly, I get fallen hairs in my hand.
I really want to get my hair back because It will add to my confidence.I believe I can get my hair back as I lost it because of some metabolic disturbances in my body.
I truly appreciate the effect of your medicine-Lycopodium. It has kept me firm so far even in a mundane situation seeming quite difficult to me.

Thanks with all regards,
kumarprakash last decade
When was the dose taken ?
sameervermani last decade
I had taken the dose on 21/7/2009.
kumarprakash last decade
Please wait for 1 more week, and report back at that time.
sameervermani last decade
ok. sure.
kumarprakash last decade
Sameerji ,

After your comment on interspersing Lycopodium with anti psorics , i am tempted to say will Phos phoric acid be good to intersperse with before going for higher potency of Lyco in case of Prakash

vikas_grower last decade
Dear Vikas,

Acid Phos has three main components to it

1) Extreme apathy and emotional numbness which is not the case here at all, since patient has said 'he gets a desire to kill on small issues'

2) Ailments start from grief, emotional shock or sexual excesses.

I don't quite think it is indicated here.

sameervermani last decade
Sameerji ,

Prakash has a long history of chilhood abuse by his step parents , extreme hardships during youth and a broken heart which perhaps rattled him to the extent so as to induce his current state .

He says so that

'1) I have lived a stressful life since I was 14-15 years old. I am an orphan and the family which had adopted me always remained very much unfair and cruel to me. The circumstances led me to live an isolated and independent life. Although, this gave an opportunity to become a self made man, at the same time it made me rebellious and violent by nature either. I never had good terms with my legal guardians and brothers. My own mother died when I was six months old and my father got married to someone whom I still don't know.
(2)In 2000, I got engaged in a serious love affair. The girl however got married with someone else in 2004. For around one year after this, I literally lived life of a mad man under severe depressing and stressful circumstances. This period of anxiety and depression contributed to a great extent in changing my entire personality. Fortunately I came across a nice lady in 2005 and got married finally to live a family life. '

Settled despair

Anyway you are the Oracle for us lesser mortals and your word is final .

vikas_grower last decade

Somehow Prakash seems to be perfect picture of Acid Phos

Mind- Weak memory ; loss of ideas and weakness of mind ; on thinking he becomes dizzy ; cannot collect his thoughts in proper order. è Brain fag.
Incapacity for thought in morning.

Quiet, indifferent, unwilling to speak, or hasty speech.
Listless, apathetic ; remarkable indifference to everything in life ; especially if there be emaciation and debility.
Cannot find the right word when talking ; answers either reluctantly and slowly or short and incorrectly.
Homesickness, with inclination to weep.
Hysteria, in women of dark complexion ; change of life.
Sadness, grief and disposition to weep.
Ailments from care, grief, sorrow, chagrin, homesickness or disappointed love ; particularly with drowsiness ; night sweats towards morning ; emaciation.

Hair - Hair turns grey early ; flaxen and very greasy ; falls off after grief and sorrow, or after fevers.
Itching on scalp

Throat-Sore throat, soreness, scraping, stinging, < swallowing food.
Hawks up tough mucus

Thirst & Hunger-Canine hunger or loss of appetite ; the little food taken comes up with acid eructations ; half an hour after eating crampy pains in stomach, with distress from acid eructations.
Excessive, unquenchable thirst ; a sensation of dryness of whole body

Cough-Cough : seems to be caused by tickling of a feather, extending from middle of chest to larynx ; dry, caused by tickling low down in chest ; from tickling in pit of stomach and throat, with expectoration only in morning ; constant, irritable ; spasmodic, tickling, as from down ; evening without, morning with expectoration of dark blood, or of tenacious whitish mucus of sourish, herby taste ; arising from tickling in chest, about ensiform cartilage, < evening after lying down ; expectoration in morning yellowish or muco-purulent and usually tasting salty ; every draft of air gives him fresh cold ; wraps chest up warmly ; cannot bear

Nerves-Is very weak and indifferent to the affairs of life.
Trembling : legs weak, stumble easily or make missteps.
Weakness : of parts of body ; disinclination for business ; prostrated ; apathetic in morning ; from loss of fluids ; from typhoid fever ; from grief ; from sorrow or unfortunate love ;
vikas_grower last decade
Hi Vikas,

Once again, I am pointing out that Acid Phos has extreme apathy whereas the person here is very ambitious, and has a lot of desires. He wants to be the best. if you ever come across a Ph-ac patient you will see that the state is of TOTAL indifference. He does not feel ANYTHING.

One has to look at the essence of the remedy, as well as the miasmatic taints in the person, and Phos acid does not make its case on both these fronts.

sameervermani last decade

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