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Hello Kadwa,

Hope all is well,

I wanted to give you an intermediate update (after 4 days of taking it):

After taking Aconite:

Things which are better--
1) Sensitive hearing has improved.
2) Dry and heavy eyes, have seem to have improved.
3) Heavy head slightly improved, still pressure on sides.
4) More easy to stay up awake late then before.
5) Body/head not as sensitive to cold weather/breeze.
6) Burning headache appear less annoying.

Things unchanged--
1) Ringing in ears.
2) Anxious and Panicky feeling (especially in unknown groups), BP almost normal in the morning, it becomes high 150/88 during the day then again better at night.
3) Upset stomach, body less energetic and bones crackle while lifting up or moving (more so in the morning while waking up).

Things appearing worst--
1) Uneasy sleeping, many things running in brain while sleeping, brain appear to be more tired while sleeping.
2) Pressure in head while standing up from lying down.
3) Pain at the base of the nose, as if someone hit it hard.

sam82 last decade
Hello Kadwa, hope all is well.

Sorry I had to come back little early, just wanted to ask, till about when the aggravation symptoms usually last..

It seems that sharp pain on the sides of the head (followed by dull/heavy pressure) above the ears towards the forehead pain has returned with much intensity. I have to take headache/migraine meds, even tonight I took one.. its 1am here now.

Also, nights are pretty scary, where I go into a deep sleep but wake up scared still not fully awake, I taped myself while sleeping, It seems my snoring gets louder to a point where I wake up with a shock completely lost and scared, I sit for few seconds till I am back to my senses at that point I go back to sleep again (this started again after I took the last remedy)..

Also, body feels heavy as usual, and there is an alternating pain between neck (back of it where it meets skull) and head which comes up at any part of the day.

Also, my hair follicle infection on beard area and scalp returned, I do not have strength to continue with my antibiotics again which I took for 20 days and could not take any further as it was making pressure in head too intense.

I still have about 5 days left when 15 days duration from last dose will complete.

sam82 last decade
Please take Calcarea Carb 200c thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours for only one day (not daily) and report back after 15 days.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
Thanks Kawda, will take it and report back.

sam82 last decade
hi dr kadwa!!

my totality gos to suplher (pfb the link)

since around 10 years i have been using homeopathy but due to wrong prescription of my dr or overdosing , my body developed few lifelong new symptoms like i dont get thirst and also i dont get a desire to pass urine, i drink water as per the time table and also i pass urine as per time table just without desire. i was always given 2-3 remedies in 200c or 1000 c daily 2 doses and with 1m too. i had used lyco 1m and gels 1m and merc viv 1m around 3 month before. no cure but always new symptoms develop.
i am a beginner of homeopathy (as a student).
pls advise me if i can now take sulpher to clear all symtoms ? if yes then what pot and if not then whct shal i take?
zafer_sm last decade
Zafer, please open another dedicated thread for your issues..
mayhelp last decade
Hello dear sir,

Took Calcarea Carb 200c today (07/16/10), by the end of the day intense burning on face and scalp seemed to had subsided to a point where its manageable.

Also just want to inform you that I have not had dry eyes since almost 15 days now.

I will report back in 15 days.

sam82 last decade
Hello Kadwa,

Just wanted to reach out to you early.

I was having constant diarrhea symptoms and consequently was feeling very tired I guess due to malabsorption.

But this morning I had to urgently wake up (tired as usual) and run to the bathroom, there was red blood in diarrhea... could you please suggest what I should do, I was even trying to eat very light soupy stuff since few days but yesterday evening was feeling extremely nauseated.

I am still taking antibiotics, can I safely leave them now, I feel those might be making my stomach worst.

Please suggest,

sam82 last decade
i can't comment on the allopathic medicines you are taking, you should take your own decision on the allopathic medicines.
kadwa last decade
I have stopped taking antibiotic as it was causing more damage, if infection comes back, I would trust the homeopathic remedy more instead of resorting to allopathy.

In order to treat stomach issues I took aloe vera (around 30ml morning and night) and it helped greatly.

Kadwa, I still feel numbness on skull (and band around the head) and tired or sleepy when I push myself even little - for example driving to even nearby place when I feel like heading back to home, how can I get my normal energy/motivation levels back?

Please continue helping me to achieve ideal health again..

sam82 last decade
As you feel better after taking aloe vera juice, it seems that the antibiotics created the problems for you. Please report back after 2 days.
kadwa last decade
Hello Kadwa,

I am taking Aloe vera juice it seem to be very good for stomach issues.

But since it is just over 15 days now, could you please suggest weather if I should take a second dose of Calc Carb, I do see small bumps on the chin coming back with a tip of white pus in them. I don't the infection to reverse back.

sam82 last decade
We will repeat calc once and see what happens...

Please take Calcarea Carb 200c thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours for only one day (not daily) and report back after 15 days.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
Hello Kadwa, I did a detox program during this time and felt really good. I feel my body was overloaded with bacteria toxins, especially Staph. Is there a remedy which can target Staph and completely eliminate it from the blood stream. I feel Staph is the one which started all my issues, of chills, body pains, confusion etc.. the other obvious symptoms were boils on scalp and chin, which were lab tested to contain staph bacteria. I took antibiotics which made me feel better, but after antibiotics it came back again slowly, I feel since its in the bloodstream (I will get it confirmed soon) it would have to be treated at that level.

Any suggestions would highly help.

sam82 last decade
Hello Kadwa, could I take Sulphur again would it help?

sam82 last decade
Sorry.. I dont think I have taken it yet. Please provide your input.
sam82 last decade
If you have taken Calc. earlier, You should take Lyc first and then Sulphur. Sulphur should not be taken after Calc. It is better to have a gap of atleast one week between two remedies. You may take a single dose of Lyc 200 and then Sulphur 200.
kadwa last decade
Thanks Kadwa!! thanks for replying back.

I will take Lyc 200 then after 1 week, will take Sulphur 200.

Best regards,
sam82 last decade
Hello Kadwa,

So I took 1 dose of Lyc and then after 1 week, today I took 1 Dose of Sulphur.

After taking Lyc I felt really good for 1-2 days, then head ache and heavy feeling which became mild by the end of one week. If somehow that good feeling of Lyc could be locked, thats how I used to feel as a kid.. :).

And today after taking 1-2 times Sulphur I felt the itching of impetigo went away, but by the 3rd time today, felt eyes and forehead heavy and eyes cold and dry (could be due to tiredness), but by the end of the day, some tiny scabs came on chin and scalp. It seems to be better though, will wait and see.

Please let me know when I should report back.

sam82 last decade
You should have stayed with Lyc instead of moving to Sulphur if Lyc did that much good to you. Anyway, now you should report after 15 days.
kadwa last decade
Oh.. Sorry. I thought Sulphur could only cure infaction of impetigo but it cannot be taken unless followed by lyc if one has taken calc.

After taking sulphur I do feel that the itching of the infection has become negligible but currently i do feel more sleepy, I had to taken an evening nap yesterday where I slept in a deep sleep but woke up fresh and consequently did some continous exercise after a long time.

Will report back in 15 days,

sam82 last decade
Hello Kadwa, I have been concerned as the infection has not improved, but along with that my tiredness, muscle & joint pains, IBS, pressure in neck and head are constantly increasing, I take lots of extra supplements which help me to go on, without those I would have no energy..

Could this all be connected to a bacteria? maybe some form of lyme disease? I have started to observe pressure in neck, head again. While I was taking detox I was feeling better, but now the feeling of well being seems to be fading away. Its 1:47am here.. :-( ..
sam82 last decade
Also im feeling very nervous today...
sam82 last decade
There are many gaps in your reporting. You mix allopathic symptoms with homeopathic symptoms and give prominence to the former while reporting. i can't make any suggestion on the basis of such reports. Similarly there is nothing on the basis of which i can understand the marginal (additional) impact of each remedy that you have taken.
kadwa last decade
Hello Kadwa, sorry for my action. I was just trying to provide as much information as possible consequently mixing both the symptoms without knowing.

Since I was in a dire situation, I am trying to see what works right away and what provides the permanent fix to it.

As you recommended, I took lyc and then Sulphur (for the infection) but after 5 days of taking Sulphur I felt a bout of anxiety at night (could be due to reversal symptoms from taking Lyc).

Since I have already taken Lyc and Sulphur, I hope to take full benefit from it. But with such a fluctuating health its hard for me to really be consistent with my reporting, consequently I downloaded this thread with as much as I could tell.

But if you could give me any specific questions to answer, I could answer them for you to be able to suggest the course of action.

regards and sorry once again.
sam82 last decade
It is better to provide the following information on headache instead of saying headache.
location of pain like occipit, above eyes, vertex etc.
description of pain like it is without from within, pulsating, boring, stinging
whether pain is continous or intermittent
time of aggravation, time of amelioration
your thermal preference for headache

Similarly instead of saying ibs you should tell..
whether stools are frequent and scanty
whether there is ineffectual desire to pass stools
whether stools are foul smelling
whether stools are loose, soft or large.
whether you suffer from abdominal gases.

Similar details should be given about your skin instead of saying skin infection.
kadwa last decade

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