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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Seeking Migraine Help

I have had migraine headaches all of my life; however, they have escalated over the past coupld of years. I have two to three a week, and I end up in the emergency room about four times a year to get narcotics injections to control the pain. I have taken Imitrex - doesn't work. I then switched to Zomig; it works, but the side effects are almost as bad as the headache. I used to think they were brought on by stress - now I'm at a loss. They begin with intense pain/pressure in one or both of my eyes. I am sensitive to light and sound. Then the pain spreads through one side of my head and continues around to encompass my entire head. I can't see or hear (that's usually when I end up in the emergency room). I have just been perscribed Topamax, a daily medication, which comes with a long list of side effects. I'm looking to homeopathy. Can anyone guide me? I'd like to have my life back.
  sparky on 2005-07-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Since how many years have you been suffering with this headache?
How frequent does it occur?
Is it on one side of the head?
Is it associated with nausea, vomiting?
Does vomiting relieve?
Preceding the headache is there any disturbance of vision?
During headache is there any irritability to noise, light etc.?
Do the episodes of headache occur due ot lack of sleep, delyaed food habits etc.?
Does sleep relieve?
Is the headache related to menses?
How is your appetite, thirst, urination, bowel movement, perspiration, sleep etc.?

Any family history of migraine?

If you can give the above details an appropriate Homeopathic medicine can be suggested.

Dr.Venugopal Gouri.
DRVenugopal last decade
If your migraines are triggered by exposure to bright light like the reflection of the sun off the windows of a moving vehicle or when you step out of a room into bright sunlight, your remedy is Glonoine 30. Dose 2 pellets taken under the tongue as soon as you first feel the migraine building up to be followed by 2 pellets every 3 hours.

Please note that this remedy is only effective if your migraine is triggered off by exposure to bright light.

Dr Gouri will advise you with the remedy if your migraines do not fall into this category.
Joe De Livera last decade
for migraine i would suggest damiana tincture 10 drops thrice daily alongwith secale cor 30 thrice daily you will see the result in 7 days i hope.thanks.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Since Dr Gouri has not prescribed any remedy to you, I would like you to use Bryonia 30c which is the remedy that I have often prescribed to those who have chronic migraine or headaches.

I have been a fellow sufferer about 45 years ago and I was able to stop my migraine with Bry 30c.

The dosage that I recommend is to take 2 pellets twice daily especially last thing at night.

If however you start a migraine during the day, you can take 4 pellets as early as possible when you first get the signs of a migraine attack. If you do not observe any relief within 2 hours you can take 2 pellets again.

It is the evening dose just before you sleep that will help you to overcome your migraines.

Please record your response to this therapy on this forum.
Joe De Livera last decade
Yes if Sparky doesnt give the details I had asked for atleast he can try Bryonia.
Dr.Venugopal Gouri.
DRVenugopal last decade
Thanks for all the input!

I have suffered from migraines forever. I am a 43 yr female and have had them for as long as I can remember. . .of course having only been diagnosed in the last 10 years since I was "imagining" them for all those years.

More details:

Headaches have been coming about three times a week - most times debilitating.

Right-sided pain to begin with, but if the medication doesn't control it, then covers the entire head. MRI shows normal, so no tumors.

LOTS of nausea - vomiting only makes it worse.

No vision disturbance preceding.

Pain in one or both eyes preceeding.

Florescent lights, especially if they are flashing, will bring them on immediately; however, any light of any kind will irritate once it's here.

Noise of any type of volume irritates if I have one.

My mother suffered from them until menopause.

Delayed food will bring them on.

Sometimes premenstrual brings them on.

Terribly thirsty and sweaty while I have one.

Bowel movement. . .good question. I guess when I have a bad migrain, I'm taking lots of narcotics, which tends to constipate me, so I can't give you good answer on that one.

Although I sleep a lot when I get them, I don't neccessarily know if that helps, since many times I will wake in the night with a migraine.

I have been taking Topamax for three weeks now and have made it six days with no headache. However, I'm starting to feel the side effects - fatigue, inability to concentrate, etc.

Seems to be a recurring theme in Bryonia, so I shall find some.

Does anyone have thoughts on Topamax?
sparky last decade
I think you can read up on SangCan too. You can take Bryonia for the acute condition, once itis over, consider Sang Can (a very good remedy for right sided migraines) & it seems to fit your symptoms too.
willway last decade
Yes, Sanguinaria can 200c three times a day for five days and chelidonium 1x, twenty drops morning and bedtime for two weeks simultaneousy would be good remedies for you to start with.
Dr.Venugopal Gouri.
DRVenugopal last decade
If its a true migraine that means you have to lay down in a darkened room then it is probably due to a hereditary genetic condition , related to TB .

Is there any TB in your family history ( may be generations ago!.)

If this is the case try ONE tablet of Tuberculinum and wait 2/3 weeks to judge results.

Only repeat if condition returns.
walkin last decade
I was on Topomax for about 5 months. Side effects got worse than I realized. I was having severe tingling in my hands and feet as if they were asleep, I was extremely forgetful and sounded like a babbling idiot, it effected my taste buds to where nothing tasted right anymore. My doctor took me off of it and it never really seemed to helped that much.
Sufferbig last decade
I will cure no. of patient of Migraine headache permanently but it will take time 6-8 month to cure permanently some time more also and after 3 month you will get the result. Only You should avoid onion, coffee, spices foods. This type of migraine is hormonal and psychosomatic associated with nausea . When anger or irritability increases the problem is also increases. We require mental symptom, expression , feeling, sensation, menstruation detail, or you can send us the detail from www.doctorhelpme.com/senddetail.htm
Dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
I cured no. of patient of Migraine headache permanently but it will take time 6-8 month to cure permanently some time more also and after 3 month you will get the result. Only You should avoid onion, coffee, spices foods. This type of migraine is hormonal and psychosomatic associated with nausea . When anger or irritability increases the problem is also increases. We require mental symptom, expression , feeling, sensation, menstruation detail, or you can send us the detail from www.doctorhelpme.com/senddetail.htm
Dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Dr. Deshlok,

I am not sure but it happened to me. I had migraine pain with nausea whenever I used to have mental stress. I ahd a tendency to throw up at that time and very tired. But after I started taking NAC supplement (N acetyl systeine , a supple to boost gluthathione level in body) with vit C/E , it gone . I never never get migraine pain again. And another thing I did, take deep breath at that time and it fades away. Now no migraine pain.
rdutt last decade

You need a deep acting constitutional remedy to take care of this chronic ailment. (Bryonia, Sanguinaria etc can help you only with the acute attacks.)

In order to suggest you this deep acting remedy, you need to provide detailed case history.

Here is a questionnaire. Try to answer as many questions as possible. Some may be irrelevant to you. Just skip those.

1. What is the main reason you need treatment?

2. Describe your complaints giving the following details:

Complaint 1 :
A. Location (Part of body affected)
B. Sensation (Type of Pain)
C. Time (When does it happen, Variations during the day/night)
D. What makes you feel better or worse.
E. Accompanying complaints.

Complaint 2 :
A. Location (Part of body affected)
B. Sensation (Type of Pain)
C. Time (When does it happen, Variations during the day/night)
D. What makes you feel better or worse.
E. Accompanying complaints.

3. Past Illness history?

4. Ailments in the family? (BP, Diabetes, TB, Cancer etc )

5. What medication are you taking currently (or taken in the past)?

6. What foods do you crave? List from the strongest craving to the weakest.

7. What foods do you have an aversion to?

8. What foods aggravate you? (including allergies)

9. Level of thirst? Normal water intake during a day?

10. Digestive functions (Appetite, bowel , acidity, bloating , gases etc.)

11. Energy level throughout the day? Rate it from 1-10 (10 being excellent).

12. Perspiration: How much do you perspire? Where? Smell/ stain of the sweat? Are the stains easily washable?

13. How is your sleep? What position do you prefer to sleep in? Is there any position you cannot sleep in? Do you walk/talk/grind your teeth when you are asleep?

14. Describe your dreams in detail? Do you had any recurring dreams or images/ pictures/ themes?

15. Gynecological History

a. Describe your menses (periods): Pain or associated complaints during menses? Colour / amount / odour ? Clots? Stains easily washable?

b. Leucorrhoea? When? Stains ? Of what colour ? Easily washable?

16. Obstetric History:
pregnancies / abortions / deliveries ( normal/ caesarian/ forceps) etc . Any complaints during pregnancy?

17. Which season do you like the most? Why? Do you need fan ? How much covering do you take? Woolen clothes? What temp of water do you prefer for taking bath?

18. Is there anything else in the environment you are sensitive to? ( car sickness etcÂ…)

19. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you? Describe in detail.

20. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with? Why is that?

21. What was your childhood like? Describe your parents and your relationship with them. Describe your relationship with your siblings and other extended family members. Did anything in your childhood have a profound effect on you? Describe your school and college life.

23. What is your occupation? What differentiates you from the other people in your place of employment? What difficulties do you have at work?

24. What is your self-confidence level ?

25. What fears do you have? Do you have any phobias?

26. What parts of yourself or your life would you change if it were at all possible?

27. What do you do to relax?

28. Describe all other aspects of your nature in detail.
magicure last decade
I am 43 yrs old male and having migrain headaches since childhood. It is ususally triggered after 2-3 days after eating nuts, almonds, chana daal or exposure to heat/light, late breakfast/lunch/dinner, improper sleep etc. It starts usuallyfrom the left side of the head and starts extending towards fore head, near eyes and top of the head. The aura or flashing light happens sometimes for 10-15 minutes which is followed by the headache and nausea. vomitting helps and the headache starts reducing and is over in about 3-4 hrs. the vision also becomes blurred during aura/headache. If i donot vomit, the headache continue for upto 2 days. the interval is about 2-3 weeks if i am careful what i eat and avoid skipping meals etc. The vomit is usually very acidic in nature and the throat burns after wards. pain killers like asprin or paracetomol do not helps at all. Can some one suggest anyting so that i am relieved of this once and for all if possible.
mathewfbd last decade
Please take three doses of Nux Vomica 200c at a gap of 4 hours for only one day (not daily) and report back after 15 days.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade

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