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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Mother tinctures

A mother-tincture is simply an herbal extracts in alcohol solution. Homeopathic medicine in its first form, before the potentiation process is begun.
Some homeopaths have a good knowledge of herbal medicine, and has experience in relation to the use of medication in their Originally form, but many are also uncertain both when it comes to the use and dosage.

Mother tinctures are likely to be able to fill a void in a homeopathic practice, with its simple and clear indications, and its efficacy as in line with traditional herbal medicine.

Here I will post a few well-known herbal extracts, and their functions.
[message edited by Parakletos on Thu, 28 Jun 2012 17:22:48 BST]
  Parakletos on 2012-06-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Adults: 5 drops, 3-5 times day. Children: 2 drops, 3-5 times.
Neuralgia in the eyes, especially left side (Spiga).
Inflammation of the eye.
Shooting pain from the right frontal / orbital to the brain and back to the occiput.
The pain brings tears.
Difficult painful urination, urination neuralgic - must have fast wetting due to pain in the urethra. As if the urine goes up the urethra and down again and give more pain.
Must have the press long before urine comes.

Achillea millefolium

Dosage: 5-30 drops, dosed as needed
Bleeding from the nose, lung, stomach, uterus.
Bleeding is clear, red, smooth and fresh, as if from a SAR. Painless bleeding without fever.
Bleeding from the lungs by suppressed menstruation. Haematuria with bright red blood.
Painful hemorrhoids during pregnancy (Collins). Injuries after a fall (with typical bleeding).
Complications after overexertion.
Good medicine for children, the elderly and women. Chronic fever.

Allium sativa

Dosage: 5-60 drops
Dyspepsia, difficult digestion.
Cold, sensitive to cold.
Pneumonae tuberculosis - helps to remove mucus (20-50 drops). Hypertension.
For high cholesterol.
Generally have pressure pains. Stitches (apis). Cramp Pain (mag.phos). Neuralgic pain.
Burning pain.
General weakness
Parakletos last decade
ANTHEMIS nobilis

Dosage: 1-5 drops.
Strengthens the immune system. Tendency to catch cold - any colds. Sensitive to cold air or a take on inspections cold things (hep.sulph, psora).
Cold feeling in the abdomen.
Sweats on every exertion.
Stomach problems, headaches.
Clear watery nasal secretions and inflamed throat.
Cough Cramp Pain in the abdomen with cold sensation in the abdomen. Itching in the anus (Petroselinum).

Aralia Quinquefolia - GINSENG

Dosage: 5-10 drops, 3 times a day. 1/2 hour before food.
Lumbago, back pain, rheumatism, sciatica, headache, hiccups, antidepressant, hypotension, generalized weakness, sexual weakness.
Tonic effect.
Pain 1/2 sided headaches Tickling the end of the urethra.
Pressing pain in the testicles.
Parakletos last decade

Dosage: 5-30 drops.
Painful urination with burning sensation.
Pyelitis, cystitis with blood in the urine, kidney stones. Pus in the urine.
Cystitis> lie on your back.
Shooting pain from hip to hip. Out of breath, nausea, vomiting.
Urticaria without pruritus (Cicuta vir. - Eczema without itching).

Aralia racemosa

Dosage: 5-30 drops, 3-5 times dg.
Bronchial asthma.
Cough / asthma fa few hours of sleep - in the early phase of sleep. Asthma Dry cough in the first part of sleep with a tickling sensation in the throat, as if a foreign object. Sweating during sleep. Sensitive to move - sneezing. Profuse, watery discharge.

Dosage: 5 drops
Low persistent fever (fever typhiod).
Sore, bruised.
Retention of urine after childbirth / injury.
Concussion, confused after head injury.
Apoplexi, myalgia in the neck, pain in intercostalmuskulatur after physical exertion.
Gout, with fear of being touch.
Warm feeling in the upper part of the body - cold in the lower part. Painful abscess, which is extreme soreness.
Antiseptic. Can be used as mouthwashes - 20 drops in 1/2 glass of water, or cover with cotton and tooth extraction.
Parakletos last decade
Avena Sativa

Dosrering: 5-30 drops
'Brain Tonic'
Soothing - for good sleep.
Nice hope to use as before the exam at the exam nerves (10-15 days before the exam). Fatigue after mental exertion.
Anemia following concerns.
Insomnia in alcoholics.
Heart Weakness with palpitations.
Use at weaning, such as tobacco, alcohol, morphine.

Bellis perennis

Dosage: 5-10 drops, 3-4 times dg.
Damage to the deep tissues.
Bruised feeling in pelvic area / lower part of the abdomen, spec. during pregnancy
Parakletos last decade

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