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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

erika-can you help me? Page 3 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
carry on with sepia if her symptoms for sepia are still there as the chronic characteristics. Sometimes acutes (coughs, colds etc. etc.) can change the remedy needed, so if sepia now seems to not suit when you give it then stop and let us reassess what may have changed from her original symptoms.
erika last decade
Ok. New problem. Aside from the obvious issues she deals with in her life, being 13, etc. She was in tears tonight because she does not want to carry on at school. The kids taunt her because of the way she looks and she's really falling behind in her work. She says she can't remember things or concentrate at all. This is eating her up inside. This coming out is unusual. Before she could always carry on in spite of anything else.

From a homeopathic point of view is this significant? Do the remedies come into play or is Sepia at all related to this turn of events? Thank you. Joy
joy50 last decade
Hi. I will be posting revised list of symptoms after sepia. I will watch and observe. Regards, Joy
joy50 last decade
this is good that she can talk to you about this and this could be an 'emotional clearing/awareness' due to the sepia. I would continue and report.
if she continues to be upset this is fine as long as it is a positive 'upset' - if it becomes too much then stop the sepia for a while and let things settle. check out ignatia in this instance and see if it may help settle the emotions down.
I would also support this with some positive action with the school, tlc and a lot of encouragement (I'm sure you do this anyways), also suppport with flower essence treatment - do you have a range of these?
erika last decade
Hi Erika, I do not have a range of these at all. The only one I've ever used was RR when the kids were small. I do know this works.

I was looking at Ignatia, but don't want to overdue right now. I stopped the Sepia and am letting things settle down.

From a homeopathy standpoint, I feel the emotions coming out is good. I talked to a couple of teachers today and she has support from many sources.

It will be interesting to see how this ties in with the physical healing. I hope to see some of this soon. I am patient.

(By the way, my husband is getting his flu shot from MD and wants us to get ours. I told him no way, we've made too much progress...).

Regards, Joy
joy50 last decade
rescue remedy is brilliant and will help calm without doubt if needed.
good that she is getting a lot of support and hopefully she has a friend who is close too?
you may find watching appropriate (helpful) dvds/videos could help. For example a favourite story dvd (even if it is bambi!!) or a more adult/teenage story with a good ending along the lines of a person being different/disabled or similar?
glad you resisted the flu jab!! Most folks I know get quite ill with the 'expected flu-like' symptoms after the jab!
erika last decade
Hi Erika. Hope all is well with you.

My daughter is doing pretty good. School is good. She is having her period and her acne is really flaring up! She mentioned a chocolate craving yesterday. Right now she is not taking any remedies.

Regards, Joy
joy50 last decade
sounds good - if the acne does not settle after her period then consider continuing treatment (sepia or other indicated at the time). go with the chocolate craving, but moderately, - I firmly believe that we should pander a bit to our cravings!
erika last decade
I agree. She's really been working on improving her diet. There's no point in complete suffering... Joy
joy50 last decade
Hello Erika. Fantastic news. My daughter has had a period 28 days after the last one! She is feeling good. Her attitude is pretty good. I noticed she is getting more "curves" instead of being only so round if you know what I mean. Her development seems to be returning more to normal, though the obesity itself does not seem changed. The acne and wart are not gone.

I am not sure about the incontinence. I think it is somewhat improved.

This is where I feel she is right now:

She gets confused in school. She feels she does not catch on quickly, though she is very smart.

She forgets...whatever and whenever. She forgets directions and the like. She forgets supplies. She forgets to do things she is told. This is bothersome to her that she forgets so much.

She's not that organized and doesn't have much confidence, probably because of the above.

It has been mentioned these could be signs of ADD.

Her hair and skin are very oily.

She is overweight. She feels clumsy.

It would be great to hear from you. Regards, Joy
joy50 last decade
hi joy - this is good news, thanks for letting me know.
these can also be symptoms of dyscalculia, dyslexia and others much MORE than ADD. these learning disorders are often missed and can bring much distress if unrecognised.
Also check out the Irlen website for info. on overlays for reading (helps concentration as cuts out reflective glare) and see if the self-check test points to Irlen syndrome - the assessment and overlays are ok pricewise, but if tinting glasses for this then this is expensive, unless you can get help after assessment by Ed. Psych. -If you can afford an assessment with a qualifed educational pschcologist this could be helpful and better than school tests which do not pick up the necessary. Assessment is less traumatic than suffering and would probably help your daughter and, if needed, help get her extra help in school so is well worth the expense.

Homeopathy - try sepia 30c twice daily for 6 days. then allow a month to pass so that you can reassess symptoms. If there is an aggravation of symptoms then stop before the 6 days.
let me know your thoughts on this, erika
ps i am away for a few days so if you post and i do not reply then 'bump' your reply up again so I can find it.
erika last decade

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