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failure to thrive baby...help please!! Page 2 of 2

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Thank you Erika for your input.

I did not think of the protein which the mother may be giving which in my opinion is quite unnecessary for a 17 month old baby as long as he is having the usual baby food you recommended.
Joe De Livera last decade
ok people...listen.... i am not here for advice on feeding my baby. I am the expert on that. I have a degree and license to practice!!! I am a registered dietitian and work with many children as well as hold educational seminars on cooking for and feeding them. My older son was born more premature and weighed less at birth than this one, and he gained weight fabulously with no problems at all. So I know it has nothing to do with diet or lack of experience in caring for a child. I have consulted many experts in many fields (both western and alternative) trying to improve the weight of my son. As of yet no one has "cured" the problem which is why i am trying homeopathy as an adjunct therapy.

The protein shake at night has done no harm to him. he actually improved slightly after i started giving it to him. He has no reflux after and sleeps right through the remainder of the night. I only give it to him if he wakes up for it. It is a custom made formula by me for him specifically. It contains a nutritional formula that no store has because I make it especially for him. HE IS VERY UNDERWEIGHT !!!! he needs the extra calories! if i could give it to him during the day i would. i would absolutely love to sleep through the night. but the simple fact is that the one bottle has almost 300 calories and he will ONLY take it AT NIGHT. if he ate more during the day then i wouldn't have to be feeding him at night!

i would very much appreciate that the advice be limited to homeopathy (unless you are trained in another area as well) as that is the area where i do not have expertise and you claim to have yours.

as for what and how to feed him...i guarantee you that you can not think of a food i haven't tried that is available in the area i live. it's an area that is very culturally diverse and there are many options available to me. he has a very limited scope of foods he enjoys. unfortunately he tends to like the lower calorie foods best. and he changes his likes/dislikes very frequently.

and joe...please do not give people advice on areas that you are not trained. it is misleading, misguiding and may end up doing harm to someone based soley on your opinions that you have arrived at with no medical training (from what you have stated in your previous posts). for a mother that is not trained in the medical field as I am, i shudder to think of the consequences she would endure with her child following some of your advice. i could definitely see the child losing weight and regressing further. i would think that you would want to chose your words of advice wisely, as you could find yourself liable and culpable for some very ill effects of someone following a laypersons advice on medical matters. clearly, unless you are a medical doctor you should not be recommending the usage or discontinuation of any medication. and i certainly wouldn't recommend that you create diet plans for children with malabsorption and gastrointestinal issues.

as far as your statement "in my opinion is quite unnecessary for a 17 month old baby as long as he is having the usual ...etc" i can't even fathom where you could come up with that statement. while it may hold true that it is highly unecessary for the average 17 month old to feed at night you most certainly CAN NOT hold that statement true for a child that is very underweight! That child must take in nutrition as often as he will accept it at what ever time he is open to receiving it. if the only time he wants it is in the night then you give it to him at night unless there is a valid reason not to. And to say otherwise is putting the health of that child at further risk.

i appreciate everyone's advice on homeopathic remedies and that is the scope in which i would like to keep these conversations. i surely could do without the judgemental statements as they don't do any good for my son and certainly will turn people off to using this forum.
nicksmom last decade
I am indeed surprised that a person who is a trained dietician could have persisted in giving a 17 month old baby Pepcid on a daily basis when it should have been obvious that there were other factors that were the cause of this problem.

It was just that I was concerned that you the mother, was using a drug which can have other side effects to a baby that prompted me to reply to your post, especially since the first line of your post read as follows:

" iam reposting this since i got no response previously."

I must inform you that I did so purely out of a sense of helping your baby who I felt could suffer in the future as a result of the Pepcid.

I note that you are a qualified dietician and if you feel that your opinion, because you have a degree in Dietetics which I do not possess, gives you the license to persist in giving your baby Pepcid, you are welcome to continue to do so.

I was glad that Erika who holds a degree in Homeopathy suggested that you avoid giving the protein drink and it was this that prompted me to suggest to you that it may be the cause of your baby's problem.

I seem to have wasted my time in trying to help your baby and also advising you on the merits of Nat Phos 6x for weight reduction on another thread and shall stop doing so on both threads, forthwith.
Joe De Livera last decade
I too note that you have plenty of experience in your field - it does not mean I have none.
Your description of a protein drink and then the claim it has 300 calories express to me that you mean an energy formula. It was the 'protein' description that bothered me for a young child, as you will well understand. Why did you not just explain your drink rather than getting so angry? what are we meant to understand from a 'protein drink' or your expertise when you haven't told us anything about this at all - we are not mindreaders!

As a homeopath it is my way to investigate anything in a persons diet or life that may be adding to or causing symptoms, as no remedy will remove symptoms that are caused by a 'maintaining cause' in a patients lifestyle. For example a decayed tooth that is not treated properly by a dentist will cause symptoms that homeopathy cannot help until the decayed tooth is treated.
This is why I question anything I note may be adding a problem to a situation and suggest ways around it. The suggestions were not criticisms, it is you who have read them as such.
I bow to your knowledge but still feel that energy or protein food is best given during waking hours as it otherwise interferes with the body's rest cycle, which in turn can cause hyperactivity during the day.
Joe's concerns about the pepcid are similar.
Although the pepcid did not cause the problems in the beginning it may be adding to them and also the night-time feeding.
It is unfair to jump down our throats when we are trying to help.
The nature of homeopathy is to enquire and it is also difficult to suggest remedies in a case when original symptoms of a problem are not there anymore because the medicines taken have changed the symptoms. We have to enquire properly whether the symptoms are coming from an original problem, from medicines or from food or lifestyle - otherwise we cannot choose an appropriate remedy.
erika last decade
just one more observation, which I think is valid.
I am concerned that you have ordered a homeopathic remedy to give your son because the symptoms you read in one book 'fit' him.
This way of using homeopathy is inadvisable. To choose a remedy you need to observe the prominent symptoms around the disturbance in a person's vital force and choose from there. Of course then your child may not 'fit' the whole picture of the remedy chosen, but the remedy chosen will then address the main disturbance and work with the vital force towards balance.
erika last decade
erika..my comments were not directed at you but more so at Joe who has on several occasions posted very judgemental and "in my opinion" rude posts. It is even more offensive that he is so judgemental knowing that they are based solely on his "opinion" as he has stated that he has no formal training in any kind of medicine including homeopathy. his persistence in harping on the fact the baby is receiving pepcid is annoying. obviously if i planned on keeping the baby on the medicine i would not be seeking alternatives.

the baby is on pepcid because at this time it is the one thing that allows him to maintain an appetite. i have cut his dosage in half and will continue to do decrease the dosage as i am assured that his appetite remains intact due to the success of other natural remedies. to suggest that you take anyone off a medication any other way is not responsible. while western medicine is surely not the answer to his problems, it has allowed a method of dealing with the situation until a cure can be found.

the reason i ordered the other remedy is because it definitely applys more to the "disturbances" which my son suffers from. and it is not just any book. it is one that my homeopath uses as well. and rest assured that i would give no remedy to him without discussing it with his practitioner first. i pay him very well for his opinion and would seek it before administering a remedy. but i have a feeling about it so i ordered it to have on hand. usually my intuition pans out well.

if you read the original post to my sons problems...everything started long before the pepcid or the protein shake. it is because of the problems that these remedies were rendered. not the other way around. he actually had some improvements once the shake was started. but i acknowledge that they are temporary bandaids and not answers to the problems.

i also agree that the night is not the ideal time to be feeding my son, but unfortunately he will not eat more than he currently eats during the day. this leaves him hungry in the evening and causes him to wake for a feeding. i don't give him anything unless he wakes up. i have tried to get him to go to sleep without food (hoping it would cause an increase in his appetite during the day) and he cries continuously until he is fed. i have tried giving him water as well, but he is 17 mos and has a strong opinion as to what he wants. i feel that as he improves he most likely will not wake for this feeding.

thanks for your time and responses.
nicksmom last decade
dear Nicksmom,

Please read a few topics that I have posted, you will find them under my profile, once your finished I would like to hear from you.
I have encountered over the past, children with similar ailments, however, no family is the same, and Im curious in your family background,and if you are willing to it with with me.
Alexthink last decade
I am very happy to work with you. I sent you an email. please let me know any other information you need. I think that his condition has something to do with the stopping of breastmilk at 7 1/2 mos. (of which I harbor much guilt). I look forward to your guidance.
nicksmom last decade
I noticed you mentioned poor growth for months and dark circles under the eyes. Also stool changes. Might I suggest you look into Celiac disease. I have a cousin who was diagnosed with this at age 4. He had been having poor growth, lots of lasting colds, dark circles and stool changes and it took over a year to get a proper diagnosis. Once he was and they got him off all wheat/gluten foods his weight/height and healthy just had dramatic changes. Celiac disease is a very misdiagnosed illness.

I am working with a homeopath for my slow to gain preemie who also has reflux and we are using calc phos, tonic cell salts and aethusa(for the reflux). So far we are getting some improvement on the reflux, but she is still not gaining. I know how anxiety producing this can be. All of the other 3 were slow to gain, but not this slow and since she started out 2lb10oz we are even more anxious she should gain better.
mamato5 last decade
we already tested for celiacs and he was negative. we recently put him on aethusa (all problems started when breast milk stopped), nat phos for reflux, and calç phos to help assimilate and absorb nutrition. I am happy to say he has been off pepcid for one month with no reflux and since I started calc phos he has put on 12 ounces! he still has some circles under his eyes but I am doing NAET fot the food allergies. thanks for your suggestions and good luck with your little one. you might try NAET as well. email me if you want more info.
nicksmom last decade
Boy, I wish I was getting such good results with our homeopathy on weight gain. So far its not helping that. It has helped with the reflux and closing the still very open fontanels. I do know about NAET, but as we are still completely breastfed since leaving the NICU and my own elimination dieting produced no response I don't think it would help at the moment. I am actually about to embark on supplementing with a homemade formula (I wouldn't mind comparing recipes)myself to see if we can get some better gain. (which is killing me since I exclusively nursed the other 3 kids just fine and in my other life teach breastfeeding and do breastfeeding advocacy work) This baby sure was sent to humble me! She has only gained four oz in two weeks and that is just such a huge and worrisome slowdown to me. At 6 months old we are still trying to break the 11 lb mark.
mamato5 last decade
it doesnt matter if your little pumpkin is breastfed. you would be surprised how much they can be "allergic" to in your milk. i also am using NAET to clear some emotional blockages with my son. he was very weak on resentment and frustration. he was not happy at all about being plucked out of the womb early. another thing to check for that I used to have to treat many of my autism patients for was their belief that they are worthy of being loved, that they are worthy of receiving nourishment, their desire to flourish and prosper etc. If your NAET practitioner has the emotions kit they can just go through the whole kit and test. I have had some astonishing results with emotional treatments. Also, do you put nat phos 6x and calc phos 6x with each feeding? or better yet a little before each feeding. you can email me at kimmymarin at yahoo dot com if you want some help with a supplemental formula.
one of my acupuncture teachers is in China right now. She is going to bring me back some pediatric herbs that for failure to thrive babies. I will let you know if they help at all. And I know how you feel about the humbling part. I am a registered dietitian, NAET practitioner, and student of acupuncture and it has taken me 9 months to get any kind of "good" results with my little peanut. Talk about feeling ignorant! LOL
nicksmom last decade
hi nicksmom! I just found this post in trying to get help with my little guy, 16-1/2 months old, who's situation sounds very similar to your sons from a few years ago. I don't know if you'll get this message but I hoped you might be able to email me with any suggestions you have on what I can try for my little guy who has had minimal weight gain in the past 4 months+, having gone through it. It is exhausting and so worrysome! Any suggestions or advice you can share I would so greatly appreciate! I can share more details of our situation with you if I hear back, to make sure you've gotten the message at all. I'd be happy to share my email address with you let me know that you received this message.

I hope to hear back from you & hope your little guy is doing great!

thanks! ~kelly
luckymama last decade

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