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Cured cases by homeo.mzp

this section will include my cases on abc forum, it is for other visitors and learners,

other practitioners advice and suggestions are welcomed,

NO PATIENT should request for case taking in this post, they can make new post with my username,

  homeo.mzp on 2014-11-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
case 1 ---

chronic migraine since 10 years treated with IrisVESICOLOR 30c,

read below link,

homeo.mzp last decade
case 2 ---

eczema on palm since 1 year treated with GRAPHITES 200c,

read below link,

homeo.mzp last decade
Not meaning to offend, but you cannot declare a case cured after a few weeks. Nor can you declare them cured without looking at the whole case. Has the internal disease been cured? The miasmatic taint removed? Cure is well defined in homoeopathy - whole person, stable, long-lasting, without need for constant treatment or management, and most importantly the correct direction must be observed (and maintained). Since cure is complex in homoeopathy, cured cases should have at least 6 months follow up and frankly most published cases show several years as proof that the simillimum was found.
Evocationer last decade
ya you are right, several follow ups are required, but every practitioner has different approach of treatment,
if the patient is fine and he is saying then what is more important,

the wellness of patient or proof of simillium,

in clinics it can be done by providing sac lac and asking patient to visit every month and to pay money each time,

i dnt work on what is written in homeopathic books bcoz i am not a doctor by qualification, i have my own way combining homeopathic and ayurveda, with the motive to cure them acc. to their own definition of cure.

warm regards !!!
its always great from learning you.

homeo.mzp last decade
case 3 ---

acute and simple case of diarrhea treated with PODOPHYLLUM 200c,

read below link,

homeo.mzp last decade
This wasn't specifically a criticism, just a warning. Approach of treatment is fine - I can see that different approaches to finding the remedy can still be effective, and in fact since homoeopathy is an Art as well as a Science I applaud the use of creativity and lateral thinking when searching for a way to help a patient. I use some methods (period table prescribing, kingdoms and natural groupings, sensation) which are highly creative, so I can appreciate the value of such methods. I have found your way of looking at cases intriguing actually.

However, I just wanted to point out, especially if you are using homoeopathic medicines, that there are specific guidelines to cure, and these are independent of your method of arriving at the remedy. In fact, the value of any method of arriving at a remedy, is judged by its ability to cure according to these guidelines. It is what makes homoeopathy different from all other therapies, this detailed structured approach in analysing reactions to medicines.

I don't believe the laws of cure actually differ from person to person - so regardless of the treatment, you would expect particular things to happen, and be looking for specific changes in a particular way ie. stable changes over longer periods of time, whole person improvement, improvement in more important locations first, no worsening at deeper levels, lack of need for constant medicating etc.

Again, I don't mean to make it appear that I am saying you cannot cure patients, or that these patients may not be on the path to cure. I just wanted to say that declaring them cured within a few weeks is premature, and that without checking the various signposts for cure it would be extremely difficult to even predict how likely that cure is to occur.

Patients are usually educated by other therapies to accept palliation or suppression as cure, and may not understand the concept of whole-person improvement and the movement of disease from the inside to the outside. Their idea of 'fine' may not be the homoeopathic idea of 'cure', not by a long stretch. I never just take the patient's word for it - I check each symptom, and look at it's place in the hierarchy to see if I have moved the disease in the right direction.

If I allowed a patient to determine what cure is - most of the time they would never be cured. They ask for all sorts of things that are not healthy, based on their own misguided perceptions of 'health'. As the practitioner, it is my job to ensure that they are really being cured, and we use our guidelines and the principle of Direction of Cure to do this as objectively as possible.
Evocationer last decade
yes, you are right i am getting your point, and i will be always grateful for your guidance, and expect these guidelines from you in future also !!!!!

Thanks a lot...
homeo.mzp last decade
Again my apologies if my tone comes across as severe. I appreciate your willingness to speak and debate the issues.

Evocationer last decade
no not at all, i always like to learn from everyone.

homeo.mzp last decade

[message deleted by ahsan_kazmi on Thu, 18 Dec 2014 20:06:55 GMT]
ahsan_kazmi last decade
case 4 ---

insomania with sleeping pills treated with COFFEA CRUDA 30c and biochemic salts,

read below link,

homeo.mzp last decade
case 5 ---


read below link,

[message edited by homeo.mzp on Fri, 26 Dec 2014 13:23:47 GMT]
homeo.mzp last decade
case 6 ---

chronic stomach ache with hiccoughs cured with MAGNESIA MURIATICA 200c,

read below link,

homeo.mzp last decade
case 7 ---

bad nail infection cured with MEZEREUM 10M,

read below link,

homeo.mzp last decade
homeo.mzp last decade
case 9 ---

night fall causing depression cured with BARYTA CARB 200c,

read below link,

homeo.mzp last decade
case 10 ---

Intermittent Headache of 7 year child cured with BELLADONNA 30c,

read below link,

homeo.mzp last decade
case 11 ---

Erectile dysfunction and low sperm count managed with PULSATILLA, BIOCHEMIC SALTS AND HERBS,

read below link,

homeo.mzp last decade
case 12 ---

Chronic fatigue treated with PHOSPHORIC ACID 1M ,

read below link,

[message edited by homeo.mzp on Fri, 20 Feb 2015 14:14:46 GMT]
homeo.mzp last decade
i request 0antivirus0 to carry on this cured cases list, as for others to see and encouraged.

homeo.mzp 9 years ago

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