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Rhus Tox: $6.59



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Rhus tox . Rheumatism wih stiffness worse Ist motion, worse during rainy season, better when continued walking.

Bryonia . Joints are red, hot, swollen. Pain worse last motion better after rest, pressure.

The above symptoms of the above are called side effects. In homeopathy we call them proving symtpoms. When Rhus tox was given, the above symptoms (side effects) were produced.

In potentised form also, if you give rhus tox 30 for long time then above symptoms will again produce.
Dr SS last decade

You can't call them side effects.They are the main effects.

A person will start proving if he takes many doses,indiscriminately,or even with a few doses,if he is really sensitive,and has the susceptibility for the medicine.

Proving in itself is not bad.Once you recognise that,you are proving a medicine,(that means the medicine is close to you),and if you stop at that stage,your health will improve.

That is why Hannemann encouraged people to prove different medicines.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Thanks to all...I now understand. No 'main effects' manifest in internal organs?
Alexander last decade
homeo medicines are capable of having effects on many internal organs also,including mind.

So.pl. be cautious and don't use them indiscriminately.For acute problems,if you don't get relief within three doses,then it is not the correct medicine.Seek professional help,till you are you are sure you can handle them on your own.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Pl. also distinguish between

acute problems
chronic problems.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Very difficult task indeed.

An acute illness is one which is self limited.It is characterised by a latent period,a period of exacerbation,and then a period of decline of symptoms,which may result either in cure or in death.

Chronic problems are those,which have a tendency of being with the patient for a long,lomg time,don't get resolved on their own,unless helped by medicine.They normally don't kill the patient,but stay with him, till his death.

These are the broad definitions.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
I took two 1M doses of Rhus Tox for a constitutional remedy. I am proving the remedy somewhat. My skin feels prickly and I have a slight outbreak behind my ears. Feel anxious and am hot and cold. I took in almost a month ago. How long will the symptoms last and could it effect my overall health overall? I tried antidoting but do not think that it made a difference.
guest user last decade
I already replied you in another post.Don't worry.Just wait it out.Your health will improve overall,once this phase is over.

So,be happy.
bandarbabu2000 last decade
I suffer from a very debilitating and painful problem that neither my GP nor a hospital specialist seems able to diagnose. I live in the UK so that may explain a lot! This is controlled sometimes with conventional medicine (an NSAID) however became quite "excited" when I discovered this forum. A concerned friend gave me a small bottle of Rhus Tox to try but I wanted to research it well before trying. Google brought me here so here I am!

My problem is difficult to describe but the symptoms are as follows: Pain using most muscles esp the ones around the shoulders and hands and a very profound weakness in same. My wrists and ankles are swollen and the swelling gets worse during a bout. From what I have read so far on this forum it certainly would seem that using Rhus Tox may be beneficial. Anyone with any input or comments? Best wishes.
jarsek last decade
You have to tell us much more to be able to prescribe for you correctly.Homeopathy is highly individualistic,and a remedy that suits for one person,may not work for others,even for the same complaint,as the mental make up and modalities will be different.

Try to answer as many questions as possible.Some may be irrelavent to you.Just skip them.

1.What is the main reason you need treatment?

2.Describe your complaints giving the following details:

a. What does it feel like?
b. When does it happen?
c. What sort of things make it worse?
d. What sort of things make it better?
e. What else was happening when it first appeared?
f. Describe the quality of the pain, being as creative as you can. How would someone else imagine the pain happening to them?
g. What does it look like?
h. Do any other symptoms occur immediately before, during or after?

3. What illnesses have you had in the past?

4. What illnessess run in the family?

5. What do people die from in the family?

6. What medication are you on?

7. What foods do you crave, whether you allow yourself to eat them or not? List from the strongest craving to the weakest.

8. What foods do you have an aversion to? (hatred or repulsion for)

9. What is your level of thirst, and what do you prefer to drink?

10. What foods aggravate you? (including allergies)

11. Do you suffer from any digestive complaints? What is your bowel habit like?

12. What is your level of energy like? Rate it from 1-10 (10 being excellent). How does your energy fluctuate throughout the day (and night)?

13. What is your level of sexual energy like?

14. How is your sleep? What position do you prefer to sleep in? Is there any position you cannot sleep in? Any unusual behaviour during sleep?

15. Have you had any reoccurring dreams or images/ pictures/ themes that repeat themselves in your dreams? Please describe.

16. Describe your menses (periods). Describe any PMS. Have you been through menopause? Any gynecological problems?

17. How does the weather affect you? Are you sensitive to the temperature in any way?

18. Is there anything else in the environment you are sensitive to, perhaps more so than the people around you?

19. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you? Describe in detail.

20. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with? Why is that?

21. What was your childhood like? Describe your parents and your relationship with them. Describe your relationship with your siblings and other extended family members. Did anything in your childhood have a profound effect on you?

22. Describe the romantic relationship you are currently in. What causes the most problems between you?

23. What is your occupation? What differentiates you from the other people in your place of employment? What difficulties do you have at work?

24. What is your self-confidence like? When is your confidence at its worst?

25. What fears do you have? Do you have any phobias? What things in life do you have trouble facing?

26. What parts of yourself or your life would you change if it were at all possible?

27. What do you do to relax?

28. What is something that you have told nobody else, or at least very few people? Why is that?

bandarbabu2000 last decade
You can have a reaction to anything! apparantly roughly 80% of people are allergic to poison ivy, so i'd always recommended a skin test.
karlystrong last decade
I am A 49 year old female, and am battleing frozen shoulder for the second time. At present I am in the 'freezing stage' I have quite a ways to go yet. Would rhus tox help me, or would it be a waste of time with my condition? It hurts. Alot.
SusanR last decade
There are many remedies for the condtion. A whole case would need to be taken, getting enough individual details to choose a specific remedy for you.

Taking homoeopathic medicines based on the name of your complaint is rarely very successful.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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