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Myrrhis Odorata

, Myr.

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Myris > general
Myristica sebifera belongs to the same order as the nutmeg-tree, Nux moschata. Our preparation of the latter is made from the powdered nut. Mure proved and introduced Myr. seb., and in the proving occurs this symptom "Pain in the finger-nails with swelling of the phalanges." This, apparently, led to its use in whitlow, in which many successes have been reported by Chancerel père and others. Spanish homoeopaths have used Myr. seb. extensively. Olivé, of Gros, has reported cures with it of Scrofulous osteitis.

Myris > general
callous ulcers-phlegmonous erysipelas. Cartier (Rev. Hom. Fran., quoted Rev. Hom. Belge, December, 1898, p. 261) gives two experiences of his own with the remedy. ($51$) A young girl had been three months with her leg in a splint for inflammation of the knee and doughy swelling of entire limb. Cartier came to the conclusion that there was pus in the joint. Myr. seb. 3, five drops three times a day, was given for three months. Five months later the swelling and inflammation were all gone.

Myris > general
walking gave no pain. but the joint was anchylosed. (2) An old man, 87, was seized with sudden arthritis of the shoulder, with intense fever. Allopaths first diagnosed it as osteomyelitis, but later a surgeon was called in, who pronounced it an arthritis purulent from the onset. After he had passed through the hands of eminent old-school authorities in Paris, who said nothing could be done, Cartier was sent for, and found the shoulder quite full of pus, and a particularly painful spot on the scapula, at a point where the bone was said by one authority to be attacked. Myr. seb. 3, five drops three times a day, was given. In ten days there was no longer suppuration, the size of the joint had become normal, and the tender spot was gone. Myr. seb. has evidently great power over the suppurative process as affecting joints. Hansen says Kippax regards it as the principal remedy in elephantiasis Arabum.

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