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Sedum Acre

, Sedum.
Available in 2X-30X, 12C-30C, 1M-10M, Q from $6.59
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HPUS indication of Sedum Acre: Hemorrhoids

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Sedum Acre in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



CLINICAL - Anal fissures. Hemorrhoids.


PHARMACY - Sed-ac. Sedum acre. Small houseleek. Historical dose: Tincture and all potencies, tincture to sixth potency. Planets: Saturn.



HISTORY - Hemorrhoid pains like those of anal fissures, constricting pains, worse few hours after stool. Fissures.


SOURCES - Boericke.

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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Sedum Acre

Plat > relationships
Compare, also: Platinum Muriaticum (this remedy has achieved beneficial results after Iodine of Potash failed to cure in syphilitic affection; violent occipital headaches, dysphagia, and syphilitic throat and bone affections; caries of bones of feet); Platinum Metallicum. Mur. nat ( polyuria and salivation); Sedum Acre (sexual irritability, relieves irritation of nerve centers and gives rest).

Semp-t > relationships
Compare: Sedum Acre - small Sempervivum Tectorum - (scorbutic conditions; ulcers, intermittent fever) ( Galium; Kali-cyanate.) Oxalis acetosella - Wood sorrel - (The inspissated juice used as a cautery to remove cancerous growths of the lips). Cotyledon. Ficus Carica - (Fig) - The milky juice of the freshly broken stalk applied to warts; causes their disappearance.

Cot > relationships
Compare Sedum acre.

Pen > relationships
Compare Sedum., Hydrangea. In scalded sensation on tongue, and in catarrh, Sang. Catarrh, Puls. Levitation, Can. i., Coccul., Phos. ac., Sticta, Sul., Thu. Jerking of limbs, Meny., Pso.