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Internal abdominal scar tissue Page 5 of 5

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Hi maheeru,

I had tried staphysagria 30c for couple of days, I felt better when I was having it. later I went to doctor she found the scar tissue, and cut it off, then my pain & uncomfortable are gone.

toriz last decade
Hi Tori

Thanks for the feedback. Nice to know that you're doing fine now. Please take calendula 200c a few doses, this might help in preventing scar tissue formation close to cut site.
maheeru last decade
I had an appendectomy 10 years ago and my superficial scar is adhered to my muscles - I can also feel the scar tissue running down towards my groin and have lower back problems on the right side because of the pulling from the scar tissue.
I had an osteopath attempt to put things back in place and a naturopath did an aggressive massage a few times, but neither had much of an effect.
Any recommendations would be much appreciated!!
Can anyone recommend anything.
nicole111 last decade
Hi Nicole

Please take Acid Fluor. 30c one pill or drop two times daily for 4 days. Leave half an hour before and after the dose without consuming any food including water. Also avoid coffee, tea, alcohol, strong smelling substances like camphor during these days. Report changes after 3 weeks.
maheeru last decade
Please help!

I am a 29-year-old female. In Dec. 2010, I had a laparascopic appendectomy. Since October 2011, I have experienced sharp, burning pains near my navel. That is where my incision was and this is like scar tissue inside. I get the pain every day. Usually 1 or 2 hours after I wake up it starts, and I have it all day. The pain is moderate - severe and burning and sharp. I feel better if I lay on my stomach or put heat on it. The area around my navel is so sensitive, I can't wear pants or even a dress that's too tight. I also have bloating and belching problems. Mostly, it's the pain I need relief from. I see an osteopath who is massaging the area (it feels tough and hard, kind of bumpy).

I am very worried and can't take the pain :(
What will help me?

Thank you.
tigerlily211 last decade

Please take ars. alb. 30c, two pills or drops, two times daily for 4 days ONLY. This will help with your pain---report changes after 10 days.
maheeru last decade
After reading through these posts, I am a bit confused about what to try so I thought I would post to be sure I am on the right track. I have had abdominal surgeries when I was 7 for ruptured appendix, then in 2002 for ruptured cyst (where there was tons of unexpected scar tissue) and then last year in 2011 for blocked tubes. I am 39 - last year, they had to do a last minute open surgery because the scar tissue was everywhere twisting my bowel and ovary and they ended up taking my left ovary and both tubes. In October I had a huge cyst on my right ovary, which has since gone down by going back on the BC pill, but I am still having lots of pain on the left side. Just had a CT scan which came out clear. This makes me think that scar tissue (which I know I produce in bucket loads) must be causing the pain. I would describe the pain as a dull ache, crampy, sometimes sharp and always present. Working out doesn't affect one way or other. I don't want any more surgery and am willing try to a homeopathic remedy to get off the pain meds. What do you think? Thanks!!!
lolamei last decade
Hello lolamei

Please take staphysagria 30c one pill two times daily for 4 days and report after 10 days. This is for pain. Further on, you may require further remedies to try prevent/reduce problem from scar tissues.
maheeru last decade
Greetings. I posted this in the general forum, and was recommended to post here instead. I would delight in and deeply appreciate good suggestions for my situation.
-car accident at 13 yrs old caused a lipoma at L3/4 which tethered my spinal cord with scar tissue
-at 17 yrs old my left leg muscles had atrophied 1' compared with the right; total numbness on left front thigh, sensory loss throughout left-side of waist down. Had a laminectomy L3/4 to give more space to lipoma, which was not removed as nerve tissue is embedded in it.
-subsequent MRI's show the 2 1/2' lipoma on the spinal cord and a cyst beside it
-any trauma involving jolts to the spine seems to increase the scar tissue, possibly tension on the cord, and results in further sensory loss.

I must maintain the scar tissue supporting the spine post-laminectomy, however, want to dissolve other scar tissue and prevent further scar tissue from forming.
Any suggestions? Thank you so much for considering my request.
Gwendolyn50 last decade

Please mention your age, how many years have passed since the accident, your gender and if there are other details that have been missed.

A few other questions for you:

Do you use physiotherapy?

Have you ever taken homeopathic remedies for this problem or before? If yes what were they and what was the response to each of them?

Do you have any disability that has resulted from this accident esp. in motor skills?
maheeru last decade
Thank you, Maheeru, for getting back to me. Apologies for not including the following:
-51 year old female.
-I find some improvement in strength with exercise, including weight training.
-a classical homeopath prescribed equistrium, with no changes
-my left leg is weaker, has foot drop, hammer toes, fallen arches (bi-lat), numb and weak left quad, sensory loss waist down
Thank you!
Gwendolyn50 last decade
Further, Maheeru, it may be helpful to know that my body holds onto fat tissue, and has all my life. I work out 1 -2 hours/day, am very careful about portions and eat only produce and chicken or fish, and have done so for 6 mths. Have not lost one pound nor one inch. I am stronger, however. As my situation is so complex, I am happy to pay you if you feel you can help. Thanks again.
Gwendolyn50 last decade
Hi, if you click on Maheeru's name
you will see his email address.
simone717 last decade
In 2005 they removed multiple calcified Fibroids' during a Myomectomy that left a lot of scar tissue.

Five weeks ago had a robotic Myomectomy that remove seven enlarged fibroids. Approximately two weeks after surgery I began feeling a lot of pulling. Doc sent me for a gall bladder test but that was fine. Now I'm having a GI Upper.

I have pulling around my right rib cage, abdomen area,, constipation sometimes, feels like a tennis ball lodged in my side and they think I have built up scar tissue in a manner of weeks. May be rapped around my intestines/colon. I don't want to have another surgery because I think it will just grow back. Was doing fine the first two weeks but now Im not.. Around my period it pulls even more. What is disappointing I thought the surgery would take care of all my issues. Can you help?

Everyonehelp last decade
I suggest you send an email to Maheeru At Rocketmail
dot com

He has treated a lot of scar tissue cases.

You have a lot of posts- All you need is one- or you
will get confused and so will everyone else.

Let people respond to this post only if they have
simone717 last decade
I just join and thought you post under what your situation may be...

Learning..can you delete the other post.
Everyonehelp last decade
Don't worry about it, they will soon go off the first page. I wrote
duplicate on them so any regular prescribers on here will
know when they see that what happened. It happens quite often
with new people. :-)
simone717 last decade

You are getting fibroids repeatedly due to a constitutional defect. Later if you can answer a questionnaire a suitable remedy can be recommended.


First try staphysagria 30c ---2 pills---- two times daily for 4 days. Post status in 10 days.
maheeru last decade
Dear Maheeru

I purchased the Staphysagria and do not understand how to take them. Place two in my hand and took with meals. Should I touch these pills? The bottle says take five 3x a day.

I am still feeling pulling and pain. Am I taking the formula correctly?

Where can I post the questionare. Do you think the robotic surgery may have created more scar tissue growth? What does Staphysagria do for internal scar tissue? Stop pain or dissolve scar tissue.
[message edited by Everyonehelp on Wed, 03 Oct 2012 03:45:31 BST]
Everyonehelp last decade
Tip the pills using the cap. It's best to avoid touching the pills.

Any surgery can cause scar tissue.

Questionnaire is as given below:

Sex: Age: Marital status: Children: Occupation: Habits(like
smoking/ alcohol/ tobacco, partying etc):

1) Family Medical History:


Grandparents(Maternal and paternal):

Brothers and sisters:

Spouse and children:

2) Patient's Medical History: (Include vaccination history and the
reactions to them if any)

Major illnesses(Chronologically):

Operations(if any chronologically):

Present medication:

Previous medication:

3) a) Present your Complaints in order of priority:(Give as much information as you can in your own words without much reference to medical and technical terms.)

b) Can you connect these complaints to any other events? What was going on in your life personally, physically, emotionally, socially, environmentally when the complaints came on?

c) What are the things, which aggravate your suffering and which are those, which make you feel better? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing, movement, climate, music, consolation, thunderstorm, exam or other important events, smell, noise,light etc. Are you worse on any particular side of the body ?

4) Physical Profile:(You can add your picture--optional-- and give details for the following topics)

Colour of hair: Colour of eyes: Skin: Complexion: Build: Posture:
Height: Weight: Nails: Other

5) Mental Profile:

a) Describe yourself in your own words:

b) Any grief, broken relationship, any anger/resentment against anybody, any fears, any phobias?

c) Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others?

6) a) If Female:(Describe in detail where ever necessary)

Age of Puberty: Cycle of periods:

Please describe the irregularities in periods, like pains, moods, flow
type, clots, sensations etc if there are any?

Pregnancy problems—before/during/after delivery: Number of pregnancies:

If Menopause—headaches/flushes/sweats/dryness/mood swings/memory?

Any problem with intercourse?

b) If Male:

Any problem with intercourse or sexual organs?

7) Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?

8) What do you crave for in food items and in general and what are your aversions in food items and in general?

9) Describe your thirst and hunger? (Examples: Average or Excessive or
thirstless or loss of appetite or any other associated details)?

10) Describe your sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
Are there any Recurring or significant dreams?

11) Describe about discharges (colour/odour/consistency)? [ Nasal, from ear or sweat (where do you sweat more? head/trunk/limbs etc), stool and urine.]

12) what is your preference—in climate, weather? (Examples: sun/shade/cold
dry/cold damp/hot humid/not extreme/well ventilated)

13) Other details you want to say or if there are any peculiar things going on in your physical or emotional plane.
maheeru last decade
Should I post the answers here? or in a private email to you?

Can a endoscopy or colonoscopy locate the scar tissue? or will a CT Scan do better in finding it?

How does the Stap.... work in the system? Should it be taken with food?
[message edited by Everyonehelp on Wed, 03 Oct 2012 17:05:14 BST]
Everyonehelp last decade
There's no reliable test for scar tissues.

You can post the answers on the forum itself. Just create a new thread and post me the link of your new thread.

Homeopathic remedy like staph. should not be taken along with anything else. These remedies work by stimulating the natural life force in the system.

For your information i will post a few guidelines:


1) Do not take anything solid or liquid for half an hour before and after the dose.

2) Try to avoid taking coffee, tea, alcohol on the day of medicine and a week following the medicine.

3) Try to avoid the exposure to mint based substances, camphor based substances and also strong smelling substances including incense and strong perfumes.

4) Do not handle the pills(if drops use a disposable exclusive dropper) with hand. Tip the pills using the cap.
maheeru last decade
So glad to find this thread!
I had a c-section almost 7 years ago and since have had horrible pain on the left side. MRI, CSCAN and surgery showed a lot of scar tissue, pelvic and abdominal wall adhesions. The 2nd surgery to 'look' made it worse. They have done trigger point injections that have not worked. The pain is horrible during and right after a menstrual cycle. I have had to take 800 mg of ibuprofen every 4 hours just to be at work and not on the couch for 2 weeks at a time every month. The pain is also neuropathic...the outside of that area on my abdominal/pelvic region often feels burned and I have to use lidocaine patches. I want to stop taking all of these meds and treat it homeopathically but I am not sure what to start with! Thanks for any advice you can offer!!
[message edited by Mom2oneBoy on Thu, 11 Oct 2012 22:27:31 BST]
Mom2oneBoy last decade

Please take two pills or drops of Lachesis 200c as a single dose. Observe the effects for next couple of weeks also especially after periods. Then report back. If needed the remedy can be repeated or another remedy can be suggested.


1) Do not take anything solid or liquid for half an hour before and after the dose.

2) Try to avoid taking coffee, tea, alcohol on the day of medicine and a week following the medicine.

3) Try to avoid the exposure to mint based substances, camphor based substances and also strong smelling substances including incense and strong perfumes.

5) Do not handle the pills(if drops use a disposable exclusive dropper) with hand. Tip the pills using the cap.
maheeru last decade
I am doing new research on treatment of the scars using micro current to change the polarity of the scar tissue resulting in flattening and color changes in the scar itself and showing decreases in pain both at the scar and in the surrounding area. Have been seeing very good results thus far. Continuing patient case studies in Michigan.
Doctor D last decade

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