The ABC Homeopathy Forum
starnet on 2007-01-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
From: Dr. Amjad N. Butt
Antidote of Tuberculinum is
Inimical of Tub. is not known to me. Thanks
Antidote of Tuberculinum is
Inimical of Tub. is not known to me. Thanks
amjad butt last decade
amjad butt last decade
Hello Dr. Amjad Butt, after doing research, I believe Tub';s antidotes are: drosera, hepar sulph and caust.
starnet last decade
JCS2006 last decade
How come every book is having a different list?
This is from Rehman.
Inimical: (nothing is mentioned)
Antidotes:, Calc(when tub produces a aggravation, also calc.phos),Nat.m(overhelming agg. after prescription of Tub),Nux.V,Phos,Sep,Sulph.
This is from Rehman.
Inimical: (nothing is mentioned)
Antidotes:, Calc(when tub produces a aggravation, also calc.phos),Nat.m(overhelming agg. after prescription of Tub),Nux.V,Phos,Sep,Sulph.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Well mine is from personal experience of both proving and antidoting the drug many times, I cannot speak for anyone else though, or say whether this was the case for those who have written these books. Judging by the fact that most of the remedies chosen by these writers bare absolutely no resemblence to the symptoms of Tuberc whatsoever, I'm guessing not.
The problem is of course that Kent did not provide a list of antidotes for a number of remedies, and in my opinion, it is only Kent's lists which should be far.
The problem is of course that Kent did not provide a list of antidotes for a number of remedies, and in my opinion, it is only Kent's lists which should be far.
JCS2006 last decade
Oh, I have not found any remedies to be inimical so far either, and to be honest this is rarely the case with nosodes anyway, Psorinum being the only exception to this I have come across so far.
JCS2006 last decade
Dear friends
I just checked the post.I was out of station thats why I could not go through.I told U last time that Nux.Vomica is Antidote remedy of Tuberculinum.It is not my own exp.Dr. Kashi Ram wrote in his 2nd Vol.(Cyclopedia of Homoeopathic drug)that he found Nux.Vomica the best remedy to antidote Tuberculinum and its effect.And I think after all he was a master of his time and U can not ignore his remarks so easily.Thanks
I just checked the post.I was out of station thats why I could not go through.I told U last time that Nux.Vomica is Antidote remedy of Tuberculinum.It is not my own exp.Dr. Kashi Ram wrote in his 2nd Vol.(Cyclopedia of Homoeopathic drug)that he found Nux.Vomica the best remedy to antidote Tuberculinum and its effect.And I think after all he was a master of his time and U can not ignore his remarks so easily.Thanks
amjad butt last decade
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