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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pilonidal Cyst ??

I'm not sure if the problem I have is Pilonidal Cyst, but based on what I have read so far on this forum I have started to think that this is the condition that I have. So anyway, I would describe the situation the you guys can correct me if wrong.

About 7/8 years ago I had to get a surgery done on my lower back, right where the butt-crack ends (but on the right side.) Little history before the surgery, I used to have a little valley like area at that surgery-spot which would swell up and then go back to normal after a few days. This happened for about 2/3 years, maybe a little less – can’t remember the duration, before the surgery. The reason I had to go for a surgery is because one day it swollen up so bad that it was painful to even walk, forget sitting down. Went to the Doctor, Doctor drained it and asked me to get a surgery done to get rid of the 'In-grown hair' problem. So I did.

Now, after the surgery I was doing ok, but after about 6 months a different problem started. This time not at the spot as the previous time but right between the butt-cheeks, towards the top. Sometimes on the right side, and sometimes on the left. It would swell up, get very painful. And I would go to the Doc to get it drained and get some relief. This continued for 3/4 years. And after that it stopped....so I was pain-free for about 2/3 years.

Now, all of a sudden this problem is back again. This time, it’s between the butt-crack, on the left side. Very painful, not that bumpy but I get the feeling that puss is accumulating inside. Walking is ok, but sitting is getting painful. I tried to sit in a bath tub filled with hot water. The pain reduces a little but no drainage. And I don't want to put a needle there or try to squeeze it with my fingers.

The situation is really embarrassing and as more time passes by I think I need to get a permanent cure to this problem. I'll really appreciate your advice in this matter.
  peednas on 2007-03-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
A few things I should have added:

I'm feeling a little weak since this thing came back, might even have a light fever.

Age: 25-30
Sex: Male
Weight: 230 pounds.

Not taking any medicines, just some vitamins.
peednas last decade
Help please ??
peednas last decade
The pain was getting unbearable so I got it drained by a surgeon. And also got myself some Silicea 30C, Silicea 200C and Hep Sulph 200C.

Would take Silicea 30C till the drainage stops and then switch to Silicea 200C & Hep SUlph 200C.

I would appreciate it if someone, possibly a Homeopathy Practitioner would advice if this is the right course of action.

Personally, I'm getting a little tired of this recurring flare-ups and need to get a permanent cure.

PS. My surgeon also advised me on getting a Laser-hair removal procedure done to prohibit the flare-ups...

Any comments, or advice would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
peednas last decade
Any help ? any one ?
peednas last decade
Could you please send photographs and present position of the affected area. Is there pus exist now?
Is that drained and dry?
indicate Exist place with Sensation?
Is there any tissue damaged?
Any other detail?

De. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
My husband was going through this a few times until a doctor found ALL the roots and cleaned them.
See when they are cleaning and draining it is hard to tell how many channels there are to clean because of the blood and all.
As soon as ALL were found my husband is ok for years now but we use to live 'between pain'...
Good Luck!
Clarewish last decade
Hello Dr. Mahfooz,

First thank you for the response, I really appreciate it.

Now to answer your questions:

1. Photographs of the area would be a little difficult. I cannot take it myself as it is at a spot where I can't see.

2. The surgeon drained it last week. This week it got better, there was no puss out yesterday, but today the surgeon looked at it and inserted some AgNO3 (Silver Nitrate) on a wooden stick into the inserted area. So I'm expecting to see a little blood, some black Silver Nitrate stuff and probably a little puss. Would report tomorrow on what exactly I see.

3. I am not sure what you meant by these questions:

'indicate Exist place with Sensation?
Is there any tissue damaged? '

If you can expand on them, I would appreciate it.

4. Regarding more details, another area between the pouch and rectum had swollen up in the last few days. So the surgeon drained that one too. A lot of blood and puss came out.

He gave me anti-biotics to take which I'm taking right now. I'm also taking some Multi-vitamins and Fish Oil capsules for Omega-3. Since the orginal spot was drained last week I'm also taking Silicea 30C, 5 little tablets 3 times a day.

One more thing I wasnt to add, though not related directly to the Pilodianl Cyst issue. I was on heavy anti-biotics a few years ago when these abscess formations were very frequent. (When I'm on anti-biotics my digestion system gets shot to hell, meaning I have to go the toilet about 3/4 times a day with loose stool.) Now, even when I wasn't on any anti-biotics till a few weeks back, my digestive system gets messed up every 2/3 days. Basically, I would go the toilet only once a day for a day or two and then for 3/4 days i would go anywhere between 2-4 times a day, and then the cycle goes on and on.

I would appreciate any advice I can get on my problems.

Thanks a lot.
peednas last decade
Dr. Mahfooz,

A few more details I should add here. I work in the IT industry so it's a high pressure job, sometimes things do get a little stressful, and my job requires me to sit in front of a computer for long hours, sometimes 10-12 hrs a day.

From the blood tests that my Doctor did, he told me my Cholesterol level is a bit high than normal levels, I can't remember the number exactly. I do not have diabetes.

My eye sight has deteriorated over the last few years a little, due to long hrs in front of a PC so I wear glasses. Nowadays in the evening my eyes get very tired. My body is not physically tired but I still feel exhausted. I'm thinking about taking Arnica Montana 1M and Ruta Graveolens 6C.

Should I wait till this Pilonidal Cyst problem is cured before I start on these two or can I take them concurrently ?

Would Nux Vomica help with the digestion problem?

I know I'm asking too many questions, but I just wanted to make sure there is nothing that I have missed.
Thanks a lot.
peednas last decade
Hi Clarewish, Thank you for the good wishes.

It's good to hear about your husband's recovery from this problem. Gives me a lot of hope.

Just curious about something, was it a very frequent problem for your hubby or was it a once in a blue moon problem?
Which exact area did your hubby had this problem?

peednas last decade
peednas last decade
Dear patient, sorry me for not responding you so quick because I was out stationed.
Now I prescibe you
1) Calceria Sulph-200 one dose after 4 days for two weeks
2) You can take Ruta-Grave-30c once a day.
No other remedy is need for the time being.
For your stomach problem I suggest you to take milk or yogurt in your diet which will be helpful to you.

Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Hello Dr. Mahfooz, Thanks a lot for the reply.

Some questions, information: There is still puss coming out of the main effected area, should I continue to take Silicea 30C or stop it and start Calc Sulph ? (I have already bought Hep Sulph 200C and Silicea 200C, would they help in anyway, or should I just forget about it and get some Calc Sulph 200C)

The second spot which the doctor also drained out has healed up almost completely, just a drop or two or blood and a little puss everyday right now.

Also, could you please confirm whether it's Calc Sulph 200C or 200X.

Thanks a lot.
peednas last decade
Yes I mean Calc.Sulph-200c.
Now I would suggest you to take Silicia-200c on dose morning and Calc.Sulph-200c at night for a four days But do not take Hepersulph and report.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Hello Dr Mahfooz,

I'm going to be getting the the Ruta Grave 30C and Calc Culph 200C remedies today. One question though: The puss is still coming out, so should I stop for it to stop and then start on the Silicea 200C and Calc Sulph 200C or should I just stop Sil-30C and start on the other two.

Thanks a lot for help.
peednas last decade

Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Weight: 210

college student in Portland Oregon, first time Pilonidal cyst. above buttocks

i had a rather painful operation this morning to drain my pilonidal cyst that was right above my buttcrack. im only 20 so of course this was my first one but after reading the forums, i have a grim feeling that i will be seeing these again. what is the permanent cure you guys are speaking of? i have more surgery first thing tomorrow morning. it's my belief that sitting awkwardly in a computer chair had triggered the infection but one things for sure, standing is comfortable, laying on stomach is comfortable and if i sit with my back arched, then it is comfortable. but nothing is more uncomfortable than trying to drive. so now i have a puss absorbing wick coming out of the drainage hole located right at the top of my buttcrack.

i never felt sick, i just went to the doctor because i felt that my tailbone had been offset. felt like my tailbone was bruised and when i felt a 'protruberence' from top fatty tissue of top of my buttcheeks, i thought it was bone that was out of place when in reality it was the swollen cyst. mine was caused by migrating hair falling into the crack and working its way in slowly. there is bacteria in the air, on my hands, on my back skin and on the hair itself. when it works in, BAM, it usually gets infected within 24 hours.

also note that the pressure builds tremendously, in the OR operating room, when they punctured the cyst, puss squirted upon the backwall of the OR, surgeon said that he had never seen that. i feel special :-)
michael.mcnabb last decade
dear michael,
It would be better for you to enter you with new thread so that your case may be attended properly.
However, I am replying you here, to save the time.
Please take single dose of Psoranium-1M on the first day of starting treatment and next day start with Silicia-6x (2grain one dose, and repeat it after 3 hours in a day) and come back after a week with full details.

Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade

Yes it is Pilonidal Cyst. After surgery it can recur.

There are many posts on this topic in the Archives here where I have given a complete process of homeopathic medication...just see. With homeopathic treatment ...the tendency is also eliminated.

Many people have gained from my advice here at ABC for this problem.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hi Doc,

Please let me know if Homoepathy can for sure cure pilonidal sinus or not ?
Also i was operated in dec 2044 and today it has re occured.
I dont want to go for surgery will it help by taking homoepathic medicines?
Jatin last decade
See all my posts in the ABC Archives on this topic then come back.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

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