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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Question about Tub 6C

Hi - I'm new here and new to homeopathy - I took my DD to a naturopath who also prescribes homeopathic remedies. She prescribed my DD - who is 3 years old - Tub 6C. DD has bad asthma and wheezes a lot and has a lot of gunk in her lungs. I'm scared to give it to her because I've read that it's from Tuberculosis. Is there anything I should know before giving it to her? I know I sound really naive, but I'm very new to homeopathy and am worried about the whole Tuberculosis thing - maybe I'm scared of the word and all it implies.

Will giving her this rememdy cause her to test positive for Tuberculosis? Totally stupid question, I know. But I'm so new to the world of homeopathy, that I honestly don't know.


  bjshad on 2007-04-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Don't worry. Go ahead and give the medicine. It is very safe and in such a highly diluted form that it can't harm your child.

The nosodes are made from diseased tissues ,no doubt,but the process of making homeopathic remedies make them absolutely safe, even for small childern.

There is no chance of testing positive for tuberculosis after giving the medicine.

gavinimurthy last decade
Nosodes should never be given in low potency.

Tuberculinum falls under nosode group.

Only high potencies are recommended.Please don't give in so low potency.
drprodip last decade
If they are never to be given in low potency, what is the point in the manufacturers making it?

Obviously there is a demand for it, and some homeopaths do use it.

Can somebody explain why nosodes can't be given in 6c?

gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Murthy:
Sorry me, if I can't explain it as long as you need.
I am agree with Dr. Prodip and I read about nosodes the same thing. In the case of tuberculinum, the low potencies are not indicated if they can produce an organic aggravation of the illness. Because of this, tuberculinum is used in France and in Spain (where I live) in potencies from 15c and higher.
In this moment I have no more information. If you need or have any question, I can try to find the book and the paragraph.
Warmest regards
andres last decade
'A lady who was given tuberculinum 6c, said 'for the last fifteen years colds always went to my chest and I had to resort to antibiotics, for the first time, this year, I have avoided all that, thank you so much'

A four week old baby, who had a serious cough that the medical profession could do nothing for, was given 2 doses of tuberculinum 6c and stopped coughing.'


You can see that there are homeopaths who use Tuberculinum 6c, for organic patholoies.

I too read many times in many books that nosodes should be given in high potencies. But, why?

Why not in low potencies? Is it because it is made from a diseased tissue? A 6c hardly contains a few molecules of the original substance and can't do harm.

We had a similar discussion on ars.alb 6c sometime back on Hpathy.

The choice of the potency, I beleive really doesn't depend on the substance from which it is made.

It is a more a function of the pathology involved and the vitality of the patient.

So,if I am covinced that the patient needs Tuberculinum, and if I am convinced after due deliberations that a 6c is needed, I won't have hesitation in giving it.

My potency choice won't get changed simply because it is a diseased tissue/poison from which it is made.

It is nothing but fearing the presence of the original material, in sufficient quantity to cause damage, which is never the case with homeopathic remedies.

gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Murthy:
I have no experience with tuberculinum in this potency, because I use to follow the advices that I read. Sure you are right, but I ever employ Tuberculinum in 15c potency and higher.
May be fear or not the reason to do that. In my own case is unknowledge and unexperience in the use of nosodes in low dilutions.
But next time I need, I'll use these low potencies and you will be the responsible ;))
Warmest regards
andres last decade
Dear Andres

First requirement is that the remedy choice has to be right.

Then, If you know when to give low potencies, and if you are sure that the patient needs a lower potency, don't hesitate simply because of the source of the medicine.

That's all what I wanted to say.

gavinimurthy last decade

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