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Dear Dr. Mahffoz,
Please advice on the Semen Data, it's analysis and future course of medicines. As of now, I am still continuing with Daminana Q and X-ray 200.
Please advice on the Semen Data, it's analysis and future course of medicines. As of now, I am still continuing with Daminana Q and X-ray 200.
oecua last decade
Dear patient,
Please stop other medicines and continue damiana-Q as usual for a month and report.
dr. mahfooz
Please stop other medicines and continue damiana-Q as usual for a month and report.
dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dear Dr. Mahfooz,
Taking Damia Q everyday with little water - 3 times - 20 drops is OK or I should not take it with water.
Taking Damia Q everyday with little water - 3 times - 20 drops is OK or I should not take it with water.
oecua last decade
When Homeo medicine as given above are working, then please don't interfere the treatment. It will take some time to establish thins.
Rajendra last decade
Dear Dr.
I am having acute Spondolytic attack. I was adviced by one doctor to take-
Casticum 200 (TDS)
Lacnoghus 1 M (once per week)
Could be spelling mistake.
Can I use these along with Damian Q
Are these medicines OK
I am having acute Spondolytic attack. I was adviced by one doctor to take-
Casticum 200 (TDS)
Lacnoghus 1 M (once per week)
Could be spelling mistake.
Can I use these along with Damian Q
Are these medicines OK
oecua last decade
dear patient,
the correct name of the second remedy is LACHNANTHES TINCTORIA.
I do not agree with this However, I suggest you single dose of Medhoranium-1 for this purpose which will also help us in the above case.
dr. mahfooz
the correct name of the second remedy is LACHNANTHES TINCTORIA.
I do not agree with this However, I suggest you single dose of Medhoranium-1 for this purpose which will also help us in the above case.
dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
dear dr.,
medhoranium-1m, should replace
lachnanthes tinctoria
both the medicines -
casticum 200 (tds) & lachnanthes tinctoria
medhoranium-1m, should replace
lachnanthes tinctoria
both the medicines -
casticum 200 (tds) & lachnanthes tinctoria
oecua last decade
Dear Dr.,
I got my semenogram done today again, report is as follows -
Semen Data-
Last Ejecuation Days- 4
Color- Milky white
Volume- 4.0 ml
Viscocity- Moderate
Liqification- 25 min
Aggulation - NIL
Particulate Mater- Present +
PH- 8.0
Sperm Concentration- Unavailable
Progressive Mortility- FFC Less than 0.5
Motile SPerm Contenet- Zero
Functional Sperm- Zero
Sperm Mortility Index- 0
All Sperm (Semen Volume)- NA
Motil Sperm - MSC x Volume- 0
Functional Sperm - FSC x volume- 0
Fructose- Positive
I have been taking medcines as adviced as follows -
1. Damiana Q(20 drops per dose thrice a day after meal)
2. medhoranium-1m (ONCE A WEEK)
Your further advice on furture course of medicine is required as still now - sperm level is NIL.
I got my semenogram done today again, report is as follows -
Semen Data-
Last Ejecuation Days- 4
Color- Milky white
Volume- 4.0 ml
Viscocity- Moderate
Liqification- 25 min
Aggulation - NIL
Particulate Mater- Present +
PH- 8.0
Sperm Concentration- Unavailable
Progressive Mortility- FFC Less than 0.5
Motile SPerm Contenet- Zero
Functional Sperm- Zero
Sperm Mortility Index- 0
All Sperm (Semen Volume)- NA
Motil Sperm - MSC x Volume- 0
Functional Sperm - FSC x volume- 0
Fructose- Positive
I have been taking medcines as adviced as follows -
1. Damiana Q(20 drops per dose thrice a day after meal)
2. medhoranium-1m (ONCE A WEEK)
Your further advice on furture course of medicine is required as still now - sperm level is NIL.
oecua last decade
There is some thing called 'prognosis'.
The 'prognosis' for this problem is not at all favourable.
It is next to impossible to get a positive result for this problem through these forums.
There are some facts of life, which we have to accept and learn to get on with it.
The 'prognosis' for this problem is not at all favourable.
It is next to impossible to get a positive result for this problem through these forums.
There are some facts of life, which we have to accept and learn to get on with it.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Dear patient oecua,
in one of the post you have mentioned about the medicine PTK-40 and you have got the same.
Can you pl. advise the correct name in the market.
Homeopathy store could not identify by this name.
Can you please extact name the same and tell us it is available from which company.
in one of the post you have mentioned about the medicine PTK-40 and you have got the same.
Can you pl. advise the correct name in the market.
Homeopathy store could not identify by this name.
Can you please extact name the same and tell us it is available from which company.
prakash12 last decade
Dear doctor dr. mahfooz,
I am looking for Sulfanilamide-3x (tablet)
Kindly advise me from where i can get this medicine in india.
I am looking for Sulfanilamide-3x (tablet)
Kindly advise me from where i can get this medicine in india.
prakash12 last decade
dr.Mehfoozurehman i have good hope in ALLAH and confidence in your experience and experti.pls reply solouton to my problem posted on this forum.
qlb.worried last decade
Hi, after searching we came across your name and wonder if you could help us. My husband has been diagnosed with Azoospermia and has had biopsy on 02/04/09, below are the results. If there is any hope for us having our own child we would be very grateful if you could help.
d.o.b 20/07/71 Fazal Subhan
SPECIMEN (A) Testicular Biopsy, site : Right
SPECIMEN (B) Testicular Biopsy, site : left
MACROSCOPY - A. 0. 5cm soft fragment. (1p1bAE)
B. 0. 6cm soft fragment (1p1bAE)
MICROSCOPY - A. This biopsy showa some epididymal-likeductal structures within loose fibrous connective tissue, and blood vessels. No seminiferous tubules are evident. if the biopsy has definitely come from the testis itself the appearances would suggest that there is complete agenesis of seminiferous tubules. (johnsen index = 0)
B. The Testicular biopsy from thre left contains a number of seminiferous tubules, most of which are completely sclerosed. Occasional tubules contain a few sertoli cells, but no germ cells are evident. There is prominence of interstitial leydig cells, but no evidence of neoplasia.(johnsen index = 1.1)
CONCLUSION- Right testicular biopsy: no seminiferous tubules are present.
left testicular biopsy: tubular sclerosis with absent spermatogenesis.
d.o.b 20/07/71 Fazal Subhan
SPECIMEN (A) Testicular Biopsy, site : Right
SPECIMEN (B) Testicular Biopsy, site : left
MACROSCOPY - A. 0. 5cm soft fragment. (1p1bAE)
B. 0. 6cm soft fragment (1p1bAE)
MICROSCOPY - A. This biopsy showa some epididymal-likeductal structures within loose fibrous connective tissue, and blood vessels. No seminiferous tubules are evident. if the biopsy has definitely come from the testis itself the appearances would suggest that there is complete agenesis of seminiferous tubules. (johnsen index = 0)
B. The Testicular biopsy from thre left contains a number of seminiferous tubules, most of which are completely sclerosed. Occasional tubules contain a few sertoli cells, but no germ cells are evident. There is prominence of interstitial leydig cells, but no evidence of neoplasia.(johnsen index = 1.1)
CONCLUSION- Right testicular biopsy: no seminiferous tubules are present.
left testicular biopsy: tubular sclerosis with absent spermatogenesis.
romfaz last decade
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