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Sulphur: Professional Constitutional Kit #1: First Aid Kit:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I gave my partner 30 C of Sulphur. Since then he is taciturn, overly-religious and sexually distant.

Is this a good sign?

Is the miasm deeper? Which miasm is deepest?

Thank you for your time
  peregrine on 2007-06-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Peregrine:
Why did you give Sulphur to your partner? What ailment or symptoms drive you to select Sulphur?
How many doses did you give him?
Best regards
andres last decade
Give him Pulsatilla 200 once a week.
Rajendra last decade

I gave him Sulphur for burning feet.

He has a history of coronary artery disease for which he had a bypass. He is very religious at times ( Buddhist) and often wants to meditate for long hours. He is very philosophical. Also, he has a history of childhood abuse.

of note, his throat is often very sore and he struggles with a slight cough at times. He loves fatty foods and stays away from salt and the sun.
peregrine last decade
I have only given him one dose of 30C.

peregrine last decade
Dear Peregrine:
Sorry the delay.
Reading your post, I can't imagine that only one dosis of SULPHUR 30 has been able to modify your partner's behavior.
In my opinion, burning feets may be only one symptom more, but if you want resolve your partner's ailment, you'll need a good case taking, valueing all the symptoms and specially mind symptoms.
Sulphur is a great policrest, but it's not the miracle remedy.
Warmest regards
andres last decade

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