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Yes.I am talking regarding usage of pain killers,only during acute diseases.
The case taking should be done,only after the effect of the pain killers have subsided,as otherwise,they will mask the symptoms.Not, because they antidote.
Before sleeping,is only because,we are not going to take the case,anyway,in the night,and by morning,the efect will wear off,so you can get a fresh picture.
When the patient is in life threatening distress,and you are not sure of your homeopathic medicine,I always suggest,don't waste time.Get whatever relief allopathy gives,and start with homeopathy again,once stabilisation takes place.
They have standard procedures and medicines,which will save the life,in most of the cases.We just can't afford to take our repertory,and start looking for a medicine.
The case taking should be done,only after the effect of the pain killers have subsided,as otherwise,they will mask the symptoms.Not, because they antidote.
Before sleeping,is only because,we are not going to take the case,anyway,in the night,and by morning,the efect will wear off,so you can get a fresh picture.
When the patient is in life threatening distress,and you are not sure of your homeopathic medicine,I always suggest,don't waste time.Get whatever relief allopathy gives,and start with homeopathy again,once stabilisation takes place.
They have standard procedures and medicines,which will save the life,in most of the cases.We just can't afford to take our repertory,and start looking for a medicine.
bandarbabu2000 last decade
Pain killers change important symptom-sometimes thew only one.
I'm so interested because of the puzzling case: a man has fallen from the tree 20+ years ago when he was a teenager playing Tarzan--on his right side, but nothing was either fractured or damaged. then from time to time (only 3 times actually) -usually when it was very damp and cold his right side hip and knee were painful. gentle movement and warmth helped.
now he has it again but says it is much stronger. it wakes him at night (at the begining-about a week ago-it was at 2-3 am, but now after midnight already- and he takes PAINKILLERS (Tylenol or Ibuprofen)-he describes the pain as not sharp and not dull (go figure!)- not localized but now here now there but always somewhere between the right hip and even the right big toe (which can even get numb)-but mostly the hip --it is still> by gentle movement, changing position,warmth--but none of these help much at night (and during the day he works and doesn't feel any pain.
the obvious, arnica (ailments after the fall) and rhus did not work.
But he takes these painkillers at night.And needs to give remedies more time (he took arnica earlier-only rhus the last week) -BUT how can you tell him that if he wants not to feel that pain?
I'm so interested because of the puzzling case: a man has fallen from the tree 20+ years ago when he was a teenager playing Tarzan--on his right side, but nothing was either fractured or damaged. then from time to time (only 3 times actually) -usually when it was very damp and cold his right side hip and knee were painful. gentle movement and warmth helped.
now he has it again but says it is much stronger. it wakes him at night (at the begining-about a week ago-it was at 2-3 am, but now after midnight already- and he takes PAINKILLERS (Tylenol or Ibuprofen)-he describes the pain as not sharp and not dull (go figure!)- not localized but now here now there but always somewhere between the right hip and even the right big toe (which can even get numb)-but mostly the hip --it is still> by gentle movement, changing position,warmth--but none of these help much at night (and during the day he works and doesn't feel any pain.
the obvious, arnica (ailments after the fall) and rhus did not work.
But he takes these painkillers at night.And needs to give remedies more time (he took arnica earlier-only rhus the last week) -BUT how can you tell him that if he wants not to feel that pain?
Astra2012 last decade
Did you do proper repertisation?
Just give me the rubrics you feel are in this case.
Rhus gets benefitted by initial movement,but gets worse again on continuous movement.This doesn't seem to be the case here.
Just give me the rubrics you feel are in this case.
Rhus gets benefitted by initial movement,but gets worse again on continuous movement.This doesn't seem to be the case here.
bandarbabu2000 last decade
Until and unless he gets relief from homeopathy,we can't blame him for taking pain killers.Can we?
bandarbabu2000 last decade
of course not- I just wrote about it because we were talking about painkillers and I keep thinkin about this case.
Will write more later. (btw he tried his const-sulphur some time in the past with no result)
Will write more later. (btw he tried his const-sulphur some time in the past with no result)
Astra2012 last decade
Murthy-you wrote:
Rhus gets benefitted by initial movement,but gets worse again on continuous movement.This doesn't seem to be the case here.
No, it isn't the case here, and no, walking AMELIORATES the pain in Rhus, not just initial movement.Continuous movoment.
Seems that we read different books.
Rhus gets benefitted by initial movement,but gets worse again on continuous movement.This doesn't seem to be the case here.
No, it isn't the case here, and no, walking AMELIORATES the pain in Rhus, not just initial movement.Continuous movoment.
Seems that we read different books.
Astra2012 last decade
I checked in Kent,Nash and Dunham.All say,Rhustox will get relief from mvement initially,but he will get exhausted soon,if he continues moving for a long time.
May I know What is your reference?
I checked in Kent,Nash and Dunham.All say,Rhustox will get relief from mvement initially,but he will get exhausted soon,if he continues moving for a long time.
May I know What is your reference?
bandarbabu2000 last decade
ALL MATERIA MEDICAS - all say that the Rhus pain is initially aggravated when he begins to move but gets ameliorated with continuous movement (true-the continuous movement may make him tired-but his pain gets ameliorated!)
I will post some quotes in a sec.
I will post some quotes in a sec.
Astra2012 last decade
Boericke about Rhus:
Modalities.--Worse, during sleep, cold, wet rainy weather and after rain; at night, during rest, drenching, when lying on back or right side. Better, warm, dry weather, motion; walking, change of position, rubbing, warm applications, from stretching out limbs.
Modalities.--Worse, during sleep, cold, wet rainy weather and after rain; at night, during rest, drenching, when lying on back or right side. Better, warm, dry weather, motion; walking, change of position, rubbing, warm applications, from stretching out limbs.
Astra2012 last decade
Guernsay about Rhus:
After resting for a time, or on getting up from sleep, when first moving about, a painful stiffness is felt which wears off from continued motion; the patient is made worse generally when beginning to move, but relief is experienced from continued motion--e.g., a nursing mother may have sore nipples, and when the child begins to nurse, the nipple hurts exceedingly, but on continued nursing it becomes much easier.
After resting for a time, or on getting up from sleep, when first moving about, a painful stiffness is felt which wears off from continued motion; the patient is made worse generally when beginning to move, but relief is experienced from continued motion--e.g., a nursing mother may have sore nipples, and when the child begins to nurse, the nipple hurts exceedingly, but on continued nursing it becomes much easier.
Astra2012 last decade
C.Herring-guiding symptoms--it is a symptom +/- what that man has
Sciatica : right side, dull aching pain, < at night, in cold or damp weather ; > by rubbing, from heat and when warmed by exercise ; numbness and formication.
Sciatica : right side, dull aching pain, < at night, in cold or damp weather ; > by rubbing, from heat and when warmed by exercise ; numbness and formication.
Astra2012 last decade
This is NASH (in testimony of the clinic):
It now turned out that she was full of Rhus tox. symptoms. Restless nights ; was compelled to change her position frequently, and always with relief ; was stiff in joints and muscles on first motion, better after moving for a while
It now turned out that she was full of Rhus tox. symptoms. Restless nights ; was compelled to change her position frequently, and always with relief ; was stiff in joints and muscles on first motion, better after moving for a while
Astra2012 last decade
Nash in "Leaders of homeopathic therapeutics" about Rhus:
Modalities: < when quietly sitting or lying and on beginning to move; wet, cold weather; lifting or straining; getting wet when perspiring. > by continued motion, by warmth, dry air or weather; lying on hard floor (backache).
Modalities: < when quietly sitting or lying and on beginning to move; wet, cold weather; lifting or straining; getting wet when perspiring. > by continued motion, by warmth, dry air or weather; lying on hard floor (backache).
Astra2012 last decade
Nash-regional leaders
MM about Rhus:
Extremities: Lameness, stiffness and pain on first moving after rest or on getting up in the morning; relieved by constant motion.
MM about Rhus:
Extremities: Lameness, stiffness and pain on first moving after rest or on getting up in the morning; relieved by constant motion.
Astra2012 last decade
J H Clarke about Rhus:
The greatest rigidity and pain is experienced on first moving the joints after rest, and on waking up in the morning. After the joints are moved for a while the pain is lessened." Contrasted with Bry., Rhus has: "The more he moves the > he is"; whereas Bry. has "The more he moves the < he is."
The greatest rigidity and pain is experienced on first moving the joints after rest, and on waking up in the morning. After the joints are moved for a while the pain is lessened." Contrasted with Bry., Rhus has: "The more he moves the > he is"; whereas Bry. has "The more he moves the < he is."
Astra2012 last decade
And Kent:
Modalities: The complaints of this remedy come on from cold damp weather, from being exposed to cold damp air when perspiring.
The patient is sensitive to cold air and all his complaints are made worse from cold and all are better from warmth. In a general way, the aching pains, the bruised feelings over the body, restlessness throughout the limbs, and amelioration from motion are features that prevail throughout all conditions of Rhus.
While he is better from motion and better from walking, if he continues to walk he becomes exhausted.
Back: In the back, we have stiffness and lameness.
This is most noticeable on beginning to move, but wears off on moving about.
It is a remedy for lumbago brought on from getting wet, from overlifting, from taking cold, and from suppressing the sweat. He is ameliorated from motion and from moving about; worse on beginning to move.
In the lower limbs, we find similar pains and similar modalities pain in the hip when lying upon it; tearing, drawing pains in the lower limbs; sciatica with tearing, drawing pains in the lower limbs, worse during rest and ameliorated from motion, brought on from becoming chilled, from cold damp weather, from exposure, and from suppressing the sweat.
Modalities: The complaints of this remedy come on from cold damp weather, from being exposed to cold damp air when perspiring.
The patient is sensitive to cold air and all his complaints are made worse from cold and all are better from warmth. In a general way, the aching pains, the bruised feelings over the body, restlessness throughout the limbs, and amelioration from motion are features that prevail throughout all conditions of Rhus.
While he is better from motion and better from walking, if he continues to walk he becomes exhausted.
Back: In the back, we have stiffness and lameness.
This is most noticeable on beginning to move, but wears off on moving about.
It is a remedy for lumbago brought on from getting wet, from overlifting, from taking cold, and from suppressing the sweat. He is ameliorated from motion and from moving about; worse on beginning to move.
In the lower limbs, we find similar pains and similar modalities pain in the hip when lying upon it; tearing, drawing pains in the lower limbs; sciatica with tearing, drawing pains in the lower limbs, worse during rest and ameliorated from motion, brought on from becoming chilled, from cold damp weather, from exposure, and from suppressing the sweat.
Astra2012 last decade
No more quotes posted here but others, like Murphy (2nd ed. but I guess in the 1st it's the same modality for Rhus) think the same: Rhus has pain worse when begining to move, better with continuous movement!
Astra2012 last decade
Are you talking about his (Rhus) pain (I am) or his general weakness?
Astra2012 last decade
so.You too read MM's seriously!!.(Haha)
You are right Astra.
The Rhus patient,though would like to move,as it gives relief from pains,can't do it for long,as he gets exausted,and his pains return.
This is what I mean.Afterall,how long anyone can keep on moving?
You are right Astra.
The Rhus patient,though would like to move,as it gives relief from pains,can't do it for long,as he gets exausted,and his pains return.
This is what I mean.Afterall,how long anyone can keep on moving?
bandarbabu2000 last decade
And going back to this poor man (who made appointment for tomorrow with a "normal" MD)his dull pains really behave like Rhus- when they wake him up at night he exercises and only then can go back to sleeep.
Worse damp and cold, at night, lying on painful side (unlike colocynthis which likes lying on painful side!)-better movement (it doesn't have to be gentle now)-
What do you think about kali-bi and lyc here?
Worse damp and cold, at night, lying on painful side (unlike colocynthis which likes lying on painful side!)-better movement (it doesn't have to be gentle now)-
What do you think about kali-bi and lyc here?
Astra2012 last decade
except that kali-bi is for left side and lyc is better after midnight (unlike he is).
I was so sure of rhus! Nothing else seems to fit so perfectly.
Sciatica after injury has two rem.: arn and hyper. Since it is quite remote I tried only arnica.But - have you ever tried hypericum NOT for acute ailments?
I was so sure of rhus! Nothing else seems to fit so perfectly.
Sciatica after injury has two rem.: arn and hyper. Since it is quite remote I tried only arnica.But - have you ever tried hypericum NOT for acute ailments?
Astra2012 last decade
Arnica Rhustox calcarea is one series.
Arnica hypericum ruta and later may be Causticim another series.
I think you can try hypericum.
It works best for coccyx injuries,but you can try in this case also.
Arnica hypericum ruta and later may be Causticim another series.
I think you can try hypericum.
It works best for coccyx injuries,but you can try in this case also.
bandarbabu2000 last decade
At this point I'm quite puzzled why neither arnica nor rhus nor sulphur worked.
I do not want to desperately try remedies one by one without solid indications for them- and causation is very important to me-that's why arn and hyper seem important--but in remote injuries I only used/heard/read about arnica and not hypericum!
He'll get some hypericum today-we'll see.
I do not want to desperately try remedies one by one without solid indications for them- and causation is very important to me-that's why arn and hyper seem important--but in remote injuries I only used/heard/read about arnica and not hypericum!
He'll get some hypericum today-we'll see.
Astra2012 last decade
Read Hypericum once again in Kent.
The series doesn't mean we will prescribe them automatically.But,there is a great possibility that the symtoms may develop that way,generally.
Arnica may remove the soreness,but you may have to move on to Rhustox to take care of the general pain,and later on to Calcarea to take care of the chronic sequele of the injury.
You are right.At any point of time,symptoms guide us,but these are pointers,and if the symtoms match the follower suggested,we can be more confident.
Read Hypericum once again in Kent.
The series doesn't mean we will prescribe them automatically.But,there is a great possibility that the symtoms may develop that way,generally.
Arnica may remove the soreness,but you may have to move on to Rhustox to take care of the general pain,and later on to Calcarea to take care of the chronic sequele of the injury.
You are right.At any point of time,symptoms guide us,but these are pointers,and if the symtoms match the follower suggested,we can be more confident.
bandarbabu2000 last decade
Patience pill is what I need!
The guy just called that he feels much better (didn't take anything last evening and slept "almost" the whole night-awake for just about 1/2 hrs but the pain is only about 20-30% what it was at the begining).
Do you know Aggarwal Book Centre in New Delhi? I'm buying most hom. books there.
The guy just called that he feels much better (didn't take anything last evening and slept "almost" the whole night-awake for just about 1/2 hrs but the pain is only about 20-30% what it was at the begining).
Do you know Aggarwal Book Centre in New Delhi? I'm buying most hom. books there.
Astra2012 last decade
he didn't get hypericum after all...
Astra2012 last decade
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